Psalm 76
The Greatness of God
This Psalm reminds us
God fights for his people
A Psalm of Asaph
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In Judah
God is known;
His name is great in Israel.
2 In Salem also is His tabernacle,
And His dwelling place in Zion.
Salem is Jerusalem.
This psalm is reminding us that God is known
by the Jews.
They know
his Words,
his ways,
his victories on their behalf,
and his commands for obedience.
Benson Commentary says:
In Judah is God known —
God’s people do not worship an unknown God, as the Athenians did,
Acts 17:23, but one who hath made himself known,
not only by his word and ordinances,
but also by the glorious effects of his wisdom and power,
exerted on their behalf, and against their potent and malicious enemies.
His name is great in Israel —
That is, famous and renowned, and greatly to be praised and admired.
God revealed himself to
Moses and the people of Israel.
Psalm 103:7
He [God] made known His ways to Moses,
His acts to the children of Israel.
Recently I was pondering
Psalm 103:7.
I realize that...
God made known his ways and acts
because he wanted
to be known.
He desires relationship.
Think about that.
We all are aware that
God wants obedience.
God knows we NEED to be obedient in order to have a
better life now and a much better eternity.
Understanding obedience - in detail - is a vital part of
God's Words
to us.
I speak about that often on this site.
God wants
more than
And he actually
more than fellowship.
God wants a
close relationship
with each person he created.
In the time of Moses,
God chose a group of people
to begin the revealing of himself.
And because he revealed himself to Moses
and the Hebrews
and because
Moses wrote those revelations down...
we can know God.
It is not just the Hebrews / Jews
that God wants a
relationship with.
He wants a relationship with all people.
We see in
that God wants a
relationship with
all the people of the world.
He calls out to all people to know him and praise him.
God has given revelations by sharing his Words
to those
who were told to write them down.
We read those words and grow closer to God.
God also gives us insights about him
as we walk with him daily
seek to follow his Words.
If you want to know
how people
who haven't heard of God
get to heaven...
Click Psalm 19 and scroll down.
God revealed that he wasn't just interested in picking a
people at random
and then fighting for them.
His desire
was to help a people
who would respect him and his Word.
When the Jews turned their back on God,
he did not help them with their battles.
See our Psalm 137 page.
There He broke the arrows of the bow,
The shield and sword of battle.
(Selah means pause and think about it.)
God battles on behalf of his people.
In thinking about Isaiah 54:17....
We could translate Isaiah 54:17a as
"No weapon formed against
those who trust God
will prosper."
It even says in Isaiah 54:17 b
"This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord."
The NLT version of Psalm 76 verse 3 says...
"There he has broken the fiery arrows of the enemy,
the shields and swords and weapons of war.
The arrows we face today
are usually not from humans.
we read in
Ephesians 6:16
that the demonic forces shoot fiery arrows toward us.
In Ephesians 6,
God tells us to pick up the
that he gives us to stop the demonic arrows.
God is
All - Powerful!
He can stop any weapon.
He can stop any enemy.
That is bad news for God's enemies,
good news for his friends.
You are more glorious and excellent
than the mountains of prey.
Scholars differ on the definition of
Mountains of Prey.
Here are some of their thoughts.
Some say the phrase refers to -
invaders or their strongholds.
Others say the phrase refers to -
the mountains where robbers hide.
Others say the phrase refers to -
Great Victorious Nations like Assyria.
Others say that the phrase is -
highlighting the
tyranny and oppression of certain nations -
the nations that are maintained by
preying on others.
For this verse,
I will add a praise to God ..
There are many wondrous mountains in the
Holy Land.
But no mountain is as glorious and excellent
as the Lord God Almighty.
5 The stouthearted were plundered;
They have sunk into their sleep;
And none of the mighty men have found the use of their hands.
6 At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob,
Both the chariot and horse
were cast into a dead sleep.
Stouthearted = mighty
These were confident, mighty men.
God prevailed and
everything was taken from these
mighty warriors.
Ellicott's Commentary for Christian Readers says
"These mighty men were rendered powerless by a word or even a glance from God."
sleep = death
Their trained hands were empty
of the spoils of war and now useless to them.
7 You, Yourself, [God]
are to be feared;
And who may stand in Your presence
when once You are angry?
No One
8 You caused judgment to be heard from heaven;
The earth feared and was still,
9 When God arose to judgment,
To deliver all the oppressed of the earth. Selah
God delivered his people.
God brought them an Amazing Victory.
The Lord executes righteousness
And justice for all who are oppressed.
Psalm 103:6 NKJV
The other enemies of God
heard about the victories in verses 6-7
and they feared
to come against God and his people.
This psalm is speaking about past military victories.
Today we read verse 9
and realize that
one day all rebellion against God will end.
One day,
Jesus will come to earth as the Lion of Judah.
He will deliver
all the oppressed people
who love God
and then
the judgment of God will begin on the earth.
10 Surely the wrath of man shall praise You;
With the remainder of wrath You shall gird Yourself.
This is a difficult verse to translate
from the Hebrew language.
Translators differ
as to whether this is saying that
God will make the wrath of man praise God,
or if it is really saying that
God's wrath will praise God.
Concerning this verse,
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary says,
" Man's wrath praises God by its futility before His power."
A key idea
to remember is
that God's justice is right and good.
Note that
the justice of God
is a foundation of our world.
Psalm 89:14 NKJV says -
Righteousness and
are the foundation of Your throne;
Mercy and truth go before Your face.
Some people cringe
when they hear about the wrath of God.
Some people,
have to grow and experience and learn certain things
from God
they can accept and value
the wrath of God.
Make vows to the Lord your God, and pay them;
Let all who are around Him bring presents
to Him who ought to be feared.
Ecclesiastes 5:4 NIV
When you make a promise to God,
don’t delay in following through,
for God takes no pleasure in fools.
Keep all the promises you make to him.
I had a friend years ago say to me that
she had made a vow to God
join the choir.
And then
she changed her mind and didn't want to do it.
She wanted to know
if I thought she had to join the choir.
Christians often make
a hasty vow to God
and then
never fulfill the vow.
This verse plainly says,
"Do what you say you will do."
Of course,
if you realize that
what you vowed is not a
wise thing to do,
then ask the Lord
to forgive you and your vow
and attempt to be more careful with your words.
God wants us to be
about making a vow.
Many times
best advice would be
to avoid
making a vow.
As far as marriage vows -
it is important to make marriage vows.
It is important to be serious about marriage.
Picking out a godly mate and getting married
is a godly activity.
Living together without marriage is a sin.
Living together is about
following the world and its ways
instead of
following God and his ways.
A righteous person
rules over his body.
He lets
God's Word rule
over him.
Do you not know
that your body is the temple
of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
whom you have from God,
you are not your own?
20 For you were bought at a price;
therefore glorify God in your body
and in your spirit,
which are God’s.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NKJV
Romans 12:1 says
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God,
to present your bodies
a living and holy sacrifice,
acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual service of worship.
Psalm 24:1
If you are living together without marriage -
Stop immediately.
Repent to God for your sin.
Move out immediately.
Stay pure.
Evaluate wisely if you should marry this person.
Consider our pages on choosing a mate.
If you two do want to get married...
Stay pure until your wedding night.
Too many parents
ignore their adult children's sinful behavior.
They do not
pray for their adult children
to repent and draw close to God.
Prayer for your child
and gentle conversation with your child
is usually
the best idea for most situations with an adult child.
There are
some adult children
who would explode and abandon a parent
for saying such things.
That is a tough call.
But note that it is always a good decision to pray.
He shall cut off the spirit of princes;
He is awesome to the kings of the earth.
The NLT translates this verse:
For he breaks the pride of princes,
and the kings of the earth fear him.
~ ~ ~
All the leaders of the world are nothing compared to God.
And take note:
Leaders who are wise
see God as
Worthy to be Obeyed.
Praise God for His
Amazing Grace
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