Psalm 98
God wants this
to bring us
Inspirational Joy!
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we introduce this Psalm
- Hearing -
Psalm 98 NKJV
in a Scripture Song.
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I will share a simple, quick commentary
on the 98th Psalm.
Verse 1
O sing unto the Lord a new song;
for he hath done marvellous things:
his right hand, and his holy arm,
hath gotten him
the victory.
God tells us to
God likes to hear
New Songs!
So let's sing a new song once in a while!
that encourage us
New Song:
Psalm 33:3, Psalm 96:1, Psalm 98:1,
Psalm 144:9, Psalm 149:1, Isaiah 42:10
and Psalm 40:3
Why do we sing?
Because God does marvellous things!
Because God has given us the
Verse 2
2 The Lord hath made
his salvation:
his righteousness
hath he openly
in the sight of the heathen.
In verse 2,
the author of this psalm
is thinking about
- and celebrating -
all the victories
of the Jewish people.
Included in that topic
would be the great miracles at the time of Moses.
Joshua 2:9-11
several verses in Psalm 136
inform us
that the heathens
of God.
They had heard about this Jewish God
who had shown himself
and had SHOWN
that his ways were the
RIGHT ways.
we see that the peoples
- of the regions surrounding God's people -
were in awe of God
because of the defeat of the Egyptian Pharaoh,
two other great kings - Sihon and Og.
The True and Living God
gained great respect
from the nations
because of the great kings that
He defeated using Moses and the Israelites.
I have a rather simple commentary
about this on our page:
Verse 3
3 He
hath remembered
his mercy and his truth
toward the house of Israel:
all the ends of the earth
have seen the salvation of our God.
God's blessings
are available to the
- if -
they will give their heart to him.
Please consider praying our
Sometimes Christians are oblivious
to the many instances
in the Old Testament
where God expresses his desire
for ALL people to love and follow him.
is a great example.
I have a very simple Bible Study
for Psalm 117
that includes
pointing out in the psalm
God revealing his love for ALL people.
I encourage you to visit the Psalm 117 page.
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The author of Psalm 98
appears to be directed by God
to include
verses 2 and 3
in this celebratory psalm
because thinking about God's blessings
naturally uplifted him
and would have the potential to do the same
for future readers!
Make a joyful noise!
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Psalm 98:4
Verse 4
is the most famous verse
of Psalm 98.
4 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
I like the way the
New King James Version
translates this verse:
Break forth
in song, rejoice, and sing praises.
Psalm 98:4b NKJV
Break forth
BREAK FORTH - indicates
that we are
to keep our praise
all bottled up inside of us.
God urges us to open up and let it FLOW!
what a great way for God
to fashion an invitation
to stir us to give praise!
Sing WITH.......
5 Sing unto the Lord with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm.
6 With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King.
The roaring, the crashing, the splashing
of the
praises God.
7 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
The roaring of the water
gives God praise.
The Splashing of the Seas
gives God praise.
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8 Let the floods clap their hands: let the hills be joyful together
New King James Version:
Let the rivers clap their hands.
Psalm 98:8a
God enjoys clapping!
O clap your hands,
all ye people;
shout unto God with a voice of triumph.
Psalm 47:1
This psalm tells us that the floods
- the waters -
clap their hands.
God tells us that nature claps for him
For example,
Isaiah 55 tells us:
The trees of the field will clap their hands!
Below is a
Jewish Song
from Isaiah 55:12
Isaiah 55:12
For ye shall go out with joy,
and be led forth with peace:
the mountains and the hills
shall break forth
before you into singing,
and all the
trees of the field
shall clap their hands.
Psalm 98
Verse 9 b
9 For he cometh to judge the earth:
with righteousness
shall he judge the world,
and the people with equity.
The Lord will judge with equity.
Equity means:
Right now our Lord is in heaven
watching over us.
But one day,
our Lord Jesus
will come back
and he will JUDGE the world
as the
The first time Jesus came
he did not come to judge the world.
The next time he comes
he will
come to judge.
Revelation 19:11-13
We ought to live
always ready
to meet the Lord by death
or by rapture.
If you want to know more about
Salvation, click: HERE
"TODAY if ye will
hear His voice,
harden not your hearts."
Hebrews 4:7b
If you want to learn more about Salvation -
click Salvation
or the Trinity -
click Trinity
or the Premier Praise Psalm -
click Psalm 150
If you want to see our links to all our
Bible Psalm pages and Devotionals -
click Devotions
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