Psalm 103 Justice Prayers

Psalm 103

Justice Prayers

Featuring verse 6

Prayers and Encouragement

This page has

Three Sections


This page is designed to encourage you

that God wants to make you


from the hurtful and harmful things

that have been done to you.

Some might say:
To get back what the devil stole.


Part 1 

Psalm 103:6 CEV


"For all who are mistreated, the LORD brings justice."

Psalm 103:6 NLT


The LORD gives righteousness and justice

to all who are treated unfairly.


God wants you to receive wholeness from him.

No matter what was done to you,

God wants to make you whole.


Lots of things can be taken from us

money, time, joy, energy, feelings of security, emotional peace, etc. 

Of course, stolen fellowship with deceased loved ones is a special matter.
It is not discussed on this page.


God gives us


by giving us back what was taken

(money, time, opportunities, emotional peace, etc. )

in this life


in heaven in some wonderfully equivalent way.


The most impactful wholeness

we can receive



of our emotions and mindset.

We need healing from

wounds and scars that

we have received.


Jeremiah 30:17 a ESV


"For I will restore health to you,


your wounds I will heal,

declares the LORD."


POWER Proclamation


I proclaim by faith




make me whole

from the things

that were done unjustly to me.

I will be

open to receiving your

healing and blessings to me!


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


If you need help with forgiving, we have lots of help.
Forgiveness is often a process.


Two beginning pages to start the process.

Learning How to Forgive

A week of practical help to forgive

God can do impossible things.

God can do impossible things for you.

Let's pray and reach out for his blessings.


Loving Lord,

You are Awesome.
You are able to do life - transforming things for me.

You have seen
every hurt and every way
that others
have been unfair to me.

Thank you for

making me


in every area and every way



have done unfair and unjust things to me.

Thank you for


my emotions and my wounds.

Thank you for helping me transform my thoughts.

Thank you that you are even blessing me
You are
replacing the money, time, and opportunities
that have been
unjustly from me.

Thank you for making me whole in every area.

Thank you for

starting this process today - 

and completing it 


in this life or in the next.

In the Powerful Name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Another Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for


what has been taking from me.

The most wonderful restoration

is that

you are making me

emotionally whole.

  All the

weaknesses and wounds

caused by others

are being swallowed up

in your healing blessings.

You are healing. You are mercy. You are life-giving.

In Your Loving name I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


God repays us for our losses.

Part 2 

Justice Part 2


let's continue to explore this topic.

Justice is about the victim -

we have been discussing that.

AND secondly

Justice is about the one who Stole Something.

( money, time, opportunities, emotional peace, etc. )


We all have been treated unfairly - even by those we love.

People are flawed human beings.

Some people are

downright mean, and they do bad things to us.


God wants to

give us back what was stolen. 


of it,

he will give back in this life

and the rest he will complete in heaven.

YOUR part in this

is to forgive and pray for those who hurt you.


Some of you may be "stuck" being angry at someone.

Our emotions sometimes want God to punish those people.

God assures us that



take care of what was done.


execute perfect judgment

against those who hurt or harm us.

God will do it in his own timing.

Our part is to give that job to him and accept our job

which is

to forgive and pray for those who hurt us.


God's justice will be completed either in this life or in their eternity.

God calls us to pray


all those who hurt us, will repent and be forgiven.

God wants them to sincerely repent

so he can

give them a new heart

that loves others.


Make forgiveness a priority.

Aim at...

Work to....

Forgive others as quickly as you want God to forgive you.


Prayer for those who harmed me


concerning those who were unfair to me.

Heavenly Father,

I pray for those who have been unfair or unkind to me.

I know that hurt people -  hurt people.

Help me to see the offences clearly from your point of view.

I know that

you want me to pray blessings for them.

I pray that they will develop a right relationship with you.

I pray that you will bring them wholeness


they will

have a heart of love and compassion.

Bring them to a place of

Christian maturity

where they will not do to others

as they have done to me. 

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Second Prayer

for those who were unfair to me.

Heavenly Father,

I pray for those who have been unfair or unkind to me.

I ask you to

draw them into a strong relationship with you.

Heal them of their wounds and scars.

Guide them

to a place of

Christian maturity

where they will not do to others

what they did to me.

I ask for your healing touch to make them whole.

May they become a vessel of love to the world.

I pray

in the Life - Blessing name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Third Prayer

for those who were unfair to me.

Heavenly Father,

I come to you to pray for those who have done me wrong.

I ask that you will reveal more of your love to them.

Lead them along the paths of 

righteousness, kindness, and compassion

that they might be changed.

I pray that they will learn

more about you


about how to love.

I pray that they will desire to change.

I pray that they will change into a new person

who wouldn't do those things again. 

I pray

these things

in Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Fourth Prayer

about those who were unfair to me.

Dear God

I pray for those who have harmed me.

I pray that you will

move in their lives and reveal your love more deeply.

Call out to them to grow in

wisdom, kindness, and compassion

so that

they do not hurt others ever again

like they hurt me. 

Urge them to receive from you

a new heart of

love, tenderness, and gentleness.

As David said about you, Lord,

"Thy gentleness hath made me great." *

Refresh and transform

those who have harmed me.

In the Life - Transforming Name of Jesus,

I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

* Psalm 18:35 b



Heal me from words that have hurt me.

And help me to use my tongue for blessing.


take note


After a person has

gone totally through the process of forgiveness,

what is left


the offending person,

is a wonderful feeling of peace

and a desire

for that person to 

know God deeply and be blessed.

Please consider our Forgiveness Pages


Part 3

Justice Part 3

Quick Review

It is so comforting to know that God will give back

what was stolen from me.

Some people have stolen
my peace, my joy, my time, my money,
my secure feelings, etc.

After their actions,

I have had to

sometimes struggle

to get back to a place of

peace and joy in the Lord.

They have disturbed my steady calmness in the Lord.


One day as I was reading Psalm 103 verse 6,

I heard in my head, 

"What about the people YOU have treated unfairly?"


That startled me. 

My next reaction was....

I do not want to think about

others crying out to God

for justice 

for what I have done to them.


I realize that

even small emotional wounding

can often be remembered

by people

for decades.

People often struggle with unforgiveness

and it interferes

with their relationship with God.


Colossians 3:17 a TLB


"And whatever

you do or say,

let it be as

a representative of the Lord Jesus."

We are ambassadors of God's love to the world.


as the late evangelist

Jack Frost

used to say,

"We often misrepresent God's love to others." 


Thinking about the fact that

I have wounded others,

brought me godly conviction.

That is not a bad thing.

It is a good thing.

But it does not FEEL good. 



for those

I have been unfair to.

Heavenly Father,

I come before you to face my sinfulness.

I ask for your forgiveness.

All too often,

I have not shown the

Fruit of the Spirit.

I have often not been patient, kind, and loving to others.

I pray for all those

who I have

in any way

treated -

unjustly or unlovingly.

I pray for my family, my friends, my acquaintances, and strangers.

I pray for wholeness for those I treated unjustly.

I pray for those

who I gave a harsh word or an unkind response - 


I ignored them.

Forgive me for all the things I did that

misrepresented your love.

I ask that you would bring wholeness to those people.

I pray that you would heal

emotional wounds that I created.

I pray that if there are those

who have not forgiven me for something I did -

I pray that you would help them

to more easily forgive me.

I pray that you would fade their hurtful memories.

Lord, I want to always speak and respond properly.

Lord, I want to always act like Jesus.

I pray these things in Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of




for those

I have been unfair to.

Loving Lord,

I pray for those who I have hurt or offended.

I pray for the times

that I have done things to others

unintentionally and not realizing.


I pray for the times I did things

because I was tired, or hungry, or frustrated

or irritated.

Whatever the reason,

I pray for those who have been harmed by me.

I pray that you would bless those people

and make them whole.

I pray that you would bless them and take them

along a path to healing and wholeness.

If they need to forgive me,

I pray that you would help them and

make it easier for them.

Fade memories that cause

negative emotions and remind them of memories

that will bless them and uplift them.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

Third Prayer

for those

I have been unfair to.

Heavenly Father,

I pray for those I've harmed.

I pray for those who were having a great day

and my attitude, words, or actions

caused them to feel

discouraged or irritated.


 I pray that you would bless them. 

If there are people who need to forgive me,

I pray that you would help them and make it easier.

In the Loving Name of Jesus,

I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

Consider copying the


that seemed to be on-target for your situation.

And then pray them

during this next season of your life.

See our Psalm 103 first 5 verses

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Psalm 103 Justice Prayers 

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