Inspirational Purity Comments

This page gives some

Inspirational purity comments

from people

who watched a YOUTUBE video

These comments encourage purity.


Adults and teens


to the video

and then made comments on their thoughts

about purity.

I posted them on this page.


Most comments

are from women

but some

great comments came from men.

I did put them in a different order.

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for purity,

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First Comment...

Going to be married in 3 months and saving myself. :)

Don't regret it

at all.

It has made me feel

so unbelievably loved

and vice versa.

This is exactly how I feel.
Even though
I'm marrying the man I lost my virginity to
I wish I had waited.
He lost his
way younger than I did
and I wish
he would've waited too
of the pain in knowing
I'm bonded to him in a way
he could never be bonded to me.
you haven't had sex yet
please wait.
You will never regret waiting
there is a huge chance you will regret having sex.

Thank you, being a senior in high school,
I sometimes question my own choices to wait.
It's things like this (video)
that keep me strong
remind me
that I can wait and I will.
You're such an inspiration Emily! 

I honestly get a lot of crap from guys
when they hear i'm saving myself.
Doesn't change my mind
because if they're going to pressure me
then they don't belong in my life.
love this video.

My husband and I waited and he waited 34 years
and i
completely agree
it wasn't awkward,
maybe funny because we were getting to know each other in a new way,
but it's something I can look back on and laugh.
it was
absolutely beautiful and guilt free.
I know if I hadn't waited
I would have felt guilty and wouldn't have enjoyed it.
Our wedding night
is something
I will always have great memories of.
I wish
young girls could know
exactly how wonderful it is
to wait and that it is worth it.

'm a teenager and I've already seen so many
of my friends hurting
they had sex with their boyfriends
and became extremely attached
toxic relationships.
I don't think
people realise
how much vulnerability and commitment
goes into sex
thank you
this video
it served as a reminder to myself also.

I wanted to save myself for marriage
the very first
I've heard about that
as a 8 or 9-year-old girl
because I found the idea beautiful.
I'm 20 now and still haven't changed my mind. :)

My soon to be husband waited...

I had not.

It has brought me a lot of feelings of regret,


I feel a since of shame.

Many feelings about this topic.

The craziest part to my story

is that

I was in many physical relationships

between 18-20

and I met

my soon to be husband at 21.

If I had



four more years...

and I love that you said it's not to late to change!

Please if you are young

and are watching this

and feel

so empty

trust me you can do it.

Just wait.


I prayed and asked for forgiveness

of all these sins

and not long after

I met the most wonderful man.

I just want to say thank you for this.

When I gave my virginity away

I felt so empty,

just as you said,

and I cried for days

because I felt like

I had given up

all respect for my body.

Thank you for telling me

it's not too late to change my life.

I needed to know that

to reassure me

that I'm not any less of a person.

You are a lovely person.

Didn't save myself for marriage, but

I have so much respect for girls and guys who do.

It's extremely difficult

to not give into that,

especially with what society says

teens should be doing.

I'm not going to say that I regret my decision

but saving yourself for marriage

is a wonderful and beautiful thing to do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What do Men say?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Guy said ….

I'v started dating a virgin recently and
she was embarrassed to tell me,
she had been made to feel
it was a negative thing
and was very self conscious about it.
I found that really mind boggling
but it made me so happy and grateful
to know she's still a virgin!
I hope I can keep her!

Another Guy

As a father of a young daughter.
Thank you
for posting this video.
My daughter is almost 13 and this will be an issue she will need to deal with. My wife and I have already talked with her but I think this video will really help it hit home coming from another person outside of the family.

Another Guy

this is video is amazing.

thanks for sharing.

as a man whom has taking the vow

to save himself for marriage

I also have being mocked

and being the punch line

of many many jokes

because I am a virgin.

I want to able to say to my future wife

yes you are the only woman

I have been with.

I also had relationships breakdown

because I would not sleep with her.

but after this video

I know that I will find

the one whom loves me

and will understand.

thank you so much.

Another Guy

As a guy,

I find it refreshing to

see a thing like this;

the media

makes it seem like

everyone doesn't wait for marriage

but I appreciate you

for making this video

and letting your viewers

see that

morality is still around.

God bless you and your family!

And Another Guy says...

"With all of you men out there

who think that

having a thousand different ladies

is pretty cool,

I have learned in my life -

I've found out

that having one woman

a thousand different times

is much more satisfying."

-- Wilt Chamberlain


Wilt did not put this comment

under the highlighted video.

That is
the only comment not taken from below the video.

More comments below.

More comments from Women

Thank you, I really needed to hear this.

I'M 18 and waiting and everyone on my dorm floor

has had sex.

but I know I'm making the right decision.

I am a 20 year old college sorority girl and I am still waiting till marriage!
I mention that I am in a sorority
because so many times
sorority girls have a bad reputation.
But I have waited and plan to wait
until I am married.
My friends who have not waited
are always telling me
that they think
it is so awesome
that I have been able to do that
so it is really awesome to have a good support group.
I love this video and
I am so glad
there are people out there
who still believe in waiting till marriage :)


I am almost 36 and I am still a virgin :)


I'm a 28yr old Christian
that has heard such hurtful things as well
about me waiting till marriage.
BUT IM SO happy that I am still waiting
and will continue
to wait
until I meet the one
that God has prepared for me. :)


Amazing courage and absolute truth!

As a 55-year old woman,

you wouldn't think I could pick up something new

from someone so much younger,

however the part

where you shared about

women not being able

to leave someone was really on point.

Sex creates a bonding.

Certainly there are those in society

who treat it casually,

but you cannot escape that fact.

Once you have been with someone sexually,

you have given

a portion of your innermost self

that never returns.


'm 23 and a virgin until the day I walk down the aisle.
The Lord
has blessed me greatly
because every person
I've told
has only "praised" me for waiting.
I haven't
received criticism
I take pride in the fact that I'm waiting.
I want to encourage others
(as I read through some of the comments)
NEVER be ashamed
about waiting.
I try to be as open and honest with anyone
who asks me,
and the people I tell
have been nothing shy of respectful
for my decision.
My body is a temple of God,
and my faith is my own.
No one can control me and my decisions.
I'm so thankful for this video
and your perspective on this Emily.
Thank you.

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