Remind me, Lord

If we want to live


Productive, Peaceful, Happy life -


we need to keep certain things in mind

as we move through our day.

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The following

Morning POWER Prayer

is a great prayer

to get us ready to start our day!

This Prayer

is based on the Full Armor of God


in Ephesians chapter six.

When we put on the Armor


we become





Amazingly Unstoppable

against evil

in our daily walk.

Remind me, Lord

In this prayer,

I slow down and allow God

to remind me of important things.

~ ~ ~

I invite you to join me in this prayer.

Dear Lord,

You are the King of Creation and the Lord of my Life.

I come in prayer today to put on the Full Armor of God.

Helmet of Salvation

I put on the Helmet of Salvation.

I praise you, Lord, for reminding me of my eternal salvation, and that it was paid for at the Cross of Calvary.

I am saved, headed to heaven, and willing to serve you, Lord, every day.

Belt of Truth

I put on the Belt of Truth.

I praise you, Lord, for reminding me to love your truth and to live according to your truth.

Breastplate of Righteousness

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

I praise you, Lord, for reminding me to choose righteousness this day.

I want to live right and be pure.

Shoes of Peace 

I put on the Shoes of Peace.

I praise you, Lord, for reminding me that you want me to live in peace with you and with your Word.

When I lie down tonight, I will be at peace that I have followed you to the best of my ability this day.

Shield of Faith

I pick up the Shield of Faith.

I praise you, Lord, for reminding me to walk in faith.

You are reminding me that it is your will that the just shall live by faith.

I will speak out faith words, stir up faith, walk in faith, and choose faith in you for each decision I make today.

Sword of the Spirit

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

I praise you, Lord, for reminding me that the Bible is the Living Word of the Living God.

When I read and follow the Bible, it produces power and peace in me.

This day, I will read your Bible, speak out your Bible words, and I will stand on your Bible principles.


I am dressed and ready

to be

restful when I need to be restful –

productive when I need to be productive –

strong and bold when I need to be strong and bold –

courageous when I need to be courageous – 

helpful when I need to be helpful 

compassionate when I need to be compassionate

humble and teachable
when I need to be humble and teachable 

and in all things

dedicated to God and his Word.


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

The Just Shall Live by Faith

Hebrews 10:38

The best way to renew our mind


think like God

is to read God's Word regularly.

Strong Christians



Against Sin


We need to put on our armor and

become a mighty force

for God

in this world.

Put your armor on
so you will be strong in the Lord.

God gives us the

Helmet of Salvation

Belt of Truth,

Breastplate of Righteousness,

Shoes of Peace Part 1
Shoes of Peace Part 2

Shield of Faith,


Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God


For those who are going through a

distressing time


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Psalm 46 Prayer

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Remind me, God

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