Renewing your mind
taking a topic
pondering Bible verses on that topic
those verses
take you
to a place
where you now think
like God thinks about that topic.
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Renewing Your Mind is easier
when you discover
two secret words
that can transform your life.
God gives us information about
"renewing the mind."
I have posted it in two translations for fuller clarity.
Romans 12:2 NLT version says...
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world,
but let God transform you into a new person
by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know God’s will for you,
which is good and pleasing and perfect."
Romans 12:1-2
New King James Version
"I beseech you therefore, brethren,
by the mercies of God,
that you
present your bodies
a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed
to this world,
be transformed
by the
renewing of your mind,
that you may prove
what is that good and acceptable
and perfect will of God."
~ ~ ~
If you have been around the church
for very long,
have probably heard
that verse numerous times.
renewing the mind
is still
a mystery to believers.
The way to
renew our mind
is by
reading the Bible.
On this page,
I am going to teach you
a technique
that will complement your Bible reading.
This Bible devotion
is going to
teach you
two secret words
for powerfully
renewing your mind and transforming your life.
Everyone wants to become
in some area.
Everyone wants to move
in some area.
I have discovered
two words
that when put together
become a powerful tool in spiritual growth.
Renewing your mind is easier when you use these two words.
The two secret words are
I will
In my walk with God,
I take note of
what I want more of in my life.
I make “I will” statements.
When I use the words
“I will”
I add determination to what I am saying.
Here are some examples of “I will” statements.
One great example is:
I will obey God.
Other examples are:
I will become more organized.
I will become more determined to do God's will.
I will make a budget.
I will gain control of my over-spending habits.
I will volunteer my time to worthy causes.
I will spend more time with God.
As you can see,
the words
“I will”
can be very helpful
in growing us.... up....
in whatever area we need growth.
I call these “I will” statements:
This is how proclamations work
in renewing your mind:
I have found that by using the words
“I will”
I increase my motivation and my determination.
I grow my faith
that I can and will
improve in this area.
Below I will give
for each of the DISC Personality Styles.
If you have looked around this website, you may have noticed that I love to share about the 4 DISC personality styles.
The way I teach DISC, DISC doesn't label anyone. It does not pigeon-hole anyone. It does not limit anyone. In fact, it empowers everyone in everything they do. DISC is about understanding people.
DISC involves 4 main personality styles.
They are
the "D" style, the "I" style,
the "S" style and the "C" style.
Each of us
is a blend
of traits
from all four of the personality styles.
The style that contains
most of your personality traits
would be called your personality style.
I am now going to share some specific
“I will”
statements to help each of the
four personality styles
in their walk with the Lord.
Renewing your Mind for
The "D" Style
The first style is the “D” style. “Ds” have traits such as dominant, direct, determined and demanding. “Ds” are great at getting things done. They get lots of things done!
The “D” style is so strong, direct, impatient, and blunt that they frequently run over other people during the day. “Ds” often leave people bruised and wounded. “Ds” usually have difficulty being gentle enough.
If a “D” wants to grow in this area, he or she might want to consider an “I will” statement such as:
“I will make caring about the feelings of others more important to me today.”
Another statement “Ds” might choose to use is:
“I will slow down and notice the needs of others today.”
And all the other styles say to the “Ds”, “Amen.”
Renewing your Mind for
The "I" Style
The “I” style has traits such as inspiring, involved, fun-seeking, enthusiastic and energetic. They love to start things. They are great starters but they aren't always great finishers.
If that is an area that they want to grow in - they could create some “I will” statements to help motivate them to finish projects.
Some examples would be:
“I will be more determined to finish what I start.”
“I will become more motivated to finish projects.
I will feel impressive when I finish a project.”
“Is” you may want to ask a friend to encourage you and cheering you in order to help you finish what you start.
You might also want to ask a friend to send you an e-mail reminder of upcoming deadlines.
As an “I”, you may never become the best finisher of all the personality styles – but you can certainly become the best finisher of all the “Is” you know!
The “Is” really like attention
they are the style
that is
at celebrating –
so I'll celebrate the “I”
style –
“Whoo Hoo! Way to go, “Is”!
Renewing your Mind for
The "S" Style
The “S” style has traits such as supportive, stable, steady, easygoing, and kind.
They love routine and sameness.
They generally do not like change.
But sometimes God's plan for them will involve change.
In fact, spiritual growth usually involves change.
“Ss” can use “I will” statements to help them with change.
“Ss - ” it helps if you emphasize the words “I will”. Examples of statements for change would be: “I will learn to become more comfortable with necessary change. I will remind myself that this change will help me please God.”
And “Ss” how about this “I will” statement - “I will thank God when he lets me keep certain things the same!”
Renewing your Mind for
The "C" Style
The “C” style
has traits such as cautious, careful, consistent, correct, organized
and analytical.
People who have lots of “C” traits
usually have trouble with worry.
“Cs” can use the “I will” technique to help them defeat worry.
When worry tries to capture their attention and drag them down, they can say sentences such as: “I will trust you, God, to take care of me. I will see that my problems as small and my God as big. I will refuse to let worry drag me down.
Sometimes people fast food – they fast eating food – which means they don't eat food for a certain amount of time. Sometimes it helps “Cs” to make a proclamation that they will fast worry for one day (or maybe a part of the day - for example - during the evening).
Telling a “C” to stop worrying cold turkey usually doesn't work. It helps to start with small goals. So “Cs” - consider saying, “I will fast worry today."
And “Cs” when you do a good job, cheer yourself on! Encourage yourself. Don't expect perfection from yourself every day. That is too much pressure for anyone.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –
If you want to learn more about DISC personality styles, we have more written and audio information on this site and I have written two books on the subject!
Praying for your Child
In my book Praying for your Child,
I go into more depth about each of those personality issues
that I just highlighted.
I give a lot of information on how to develop
spiritual growth in each of the four personality styles.
This is not a book just about parenting.
The book gives many principles about spiritual growth that are
helpful for adults as well as children.
DISC transformed my life so beautifully
that I am eager to help others learn about DISC.
Back to the top of Renewing Your Mind.
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