Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah
is the Jewish feast that starts the new Jewish year.
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Rosh Hashanah
begins the evening of
October 22.
It begins the Jewish month of Tishri.
It is a 2 - day Jewish feast.
On that day, we are leaving the Jewish year 5785
entering the year 5786.
This page will help you understand
Rosh Hashanah.
October 2024 News story
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the Jerusalem western wall, cut and paste on of these link:
After Rosh Hashanah are the
Days of Awe, then Yom Kippur, then Feast of Tabernacles.
We have
of information on this page.
Jesus was Jewish and
he celebrated this feast each year.
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Rosh Hashanah means
Head of the Year
Beginning of the Year
Rosh Hashanah
is a feast where the Jews
focus on and celebrate
that God is King.
Jews remind themselves that we are not to be on the throne of our life.
Only God can be on the throne of our life.
This feast lifts up the sovereignty of God.
This feast also helps the Jewish people
"on fire"
for the God of all Creation.
See our "on fire" page
Rosh Hashanah
is a time of
It also has an underlying concept
being serious about your relationship to God.
Jews rejoice in the New Year.
Jews are serious about getting right with God and with people.
This is a time of taking note of our
past, present, and future choices.
In the Bible, God tells us that he sets before us life and good and death and evil. Then he tells us to choose.
Jews are reminded that every day they make choices for or against God and his ways.
This is a time of year where Jews focus on solidifying their determination to follow God more closely.
Rosh Hashanah has several names
The Feast of Trumpets.
The blowing of trumpets is an important part of the feast.
The month before Rosh Hashanah
is a month called
Drawing close to God
are important themes
of the month
The month of Elul is a time of
preparation of the heart
for the New Year
and for Yom Kippur.
It is a time of
reviewing the past year and taking stock
of our spiritual condition and
making the necessary changes.
It is a time of repentance.
The Jewish people blow the trumpet each day in Elul to
awaken themselves spiritually.
During the month of Elul,
the Jewish people read Psalm 27 often - sometimes daily.
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer
to God for Israel
is that they might be saved.
Romans 10:1 KJV
Dear Loving Lord,
As the new Jewish year begins, I pray that each Jewish person would get a new understanding of who Jesus is.
I pray that each one's eyes are opened to the truth of Jesus as the true Messiah.
May this year be a year of extraordinary decisions for Jesus Christ.
May the truth of Jesus' identity and his love transform Jewish lives and bring new joy to the world.
Lord, may this new year be the greatest year for Jewish salvations that the world has ever known.
There will be a Jewish temple built one day in Jerusalem.
Basically all of the items needed
in a Jewish temple are ready to go.
Below is a video showing a
Jewish ceremony of lighting the menorah.
"Ha Shem" means "THE Name" which means "God."
Many Christians think the rapture will happen on
Rosh Hashanah.
2020 News
The Sanhedrin wants to blow the shofar for Rosh Hashanah on the
temple mount,
Between Rosh Hashana
Yom Kippur
are the
Note that after Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
the next feast is
If you want more information
about Rosh Hashanah,
The internet has many articles that will give more insights.
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