Here is my story
When I was fifteen in high school I was sent to the office there on the bench was another student he looked really mad so I asked what's wrong he looked at me and said f...u b....and gave me the dirtiest look I ever seen I didn't say another word, then about a week later a fake friend of mine asked me to come with her to boyfriends house she didn't want to be alone so I went with her, when we got there I waited in the other room while she talked to the boy then to my surprise the jersey from the bench at school walked in the room I immediately yelled to the friend I'm leaving to hurry up I no longer wanted to be there he walked out of the room I walked out of the room to wait on the stairs I yelled at her again I'm leaving he came back up the stairs with beer in his hand two bottles he looked at me and said you're the girl from the bench at school I'm sorry for that day I was so mad he explained his self and asked me if I wanted a beer and passed the bottle being young just a teenager not knowing he was a pyschotic crazy rapist took the beer and said I understand too make the long story shorter a couple weeks later he pulled a short barreled shot gun out on me and pulled the trigger the bullet missed me I kept on walking towards him he said hurry up get up stairs he locked the door put a sheet on the door and put the on fire he hit me and choked me trying to kill me right as my memory's flashed before my eyes something stronger moved me away to escape so till this day I can say God was there or an angel saved me from the hands of a killer.
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