Sheri Peterson

by One who has seen a Miracle

Presenting an Outstanding Miracle Testimony!

My daughter was dead at birth.

She drowned in my blood during a freak accident during labor.

They told me that they could not explain how she came back to life, because when a child is born with a Zero Apgar Score, without medical intervention, the heart cannot restart itself.

They went on to say that if she lived through the day, it would be a miracle.

They said if she survived her birth that she would be terribly handicapped.

My family prayed, calling upon the Lord.

When I told the nurses to leave her to me they flatly stated I was in denial. My mother turned to them and wisely said, "We prefer to call it faith".

My daughter recovered, was able to attend school, dance, play sports, and graduated high school with honors. Praised be the Lord!

Comments for Sheri Peterson

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May 15, 2015
by: Mary Ng Shwu Ling

Praise God! Nothing is impossible with God!

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