The Shroud of Turin

Is the Shroud of Turin


the burial cloth of Jesus Christ?

There is no way to be sure,

but many do believe

it is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

I am one of those who believe.

My belief is not from trusting that the television shows I have seen always present truth.

(I do not think they always do.)

I do not believe that -  just because a television show says
something  - then that makes it true. Many shows that say they
are giving us "facts" about Christian history are not. Many shows rely on "experts" that I do not agree are "experts."

But in this case,
I have had the blessing to meet and have as my professor

 a man

who is considered by

the Christian world

to be a Christian expert on

The Resurrection of Jesus.

Dr. Gary Habermas

He believes that the Shroud of Turin is real.
He has convinced me.

He was the personal friend

of a scientist

who actually did testing on the shroud

several years ago when testing was done.

Note that:

No technology that we know of

could have put that image on the cloth.


Note that the wounds on the shroud are the same wounds that Jesus had.

This page has three videos

for you to watch.

Using the latest technology,

scientists can now

give us a picture

of what the man

shown on the Shroud of Turin

looked like in real life.

If this really is the burial cloth of Jesus,

then viewers can see

what Jesus probably looked like

by watching this video.

Great information from Barrie Schwortz.

Dr. Gary Habermas


a well-known expert on the resurrection

- and -

a former professor of mine.


He starts speaking at the 42 second mark.

You also might like to look at other Youtube videos done by
Barrie Schwortz.

He was a photographer on the team that investigated the shroud over 30 years ago.

His website is:

We at Inspirational-Prayers have no knowledge of this man other than viewing some videos on Youtube.

Also  consider visiting our other Bible pages: click here

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