Song of Solomon
What is this book about?
Is this book
the Lord
and his people
is it about
Romantic Love?
This page will explore the book through -
Romantic Love.
Being in Love
Your Heart
This book can be seen both ways.
The Old Testament Jews usually saw it as and allegory of
God's Love for his people.
Many Christians see it as the love of Jesus and his Church.
we will look at it as
God's Book of
Beautiful Romantic Love
This is a simple study of
The Song of Solomon.
the love story of
Solomon and the Shulamite woman.
Some scholars believe that
the simple shepherd is another name for Solomon.
We agree with that opinion.
In our Bibles there are
"speaker identifications."
These identifications
are not in the original Hebrew.
In some instances in the book,
scholars have differences of opinion about who is speaking.
But most scholars agree most of the time.
If you want to skip the video's introduction,
go to 17 minutes.
At that point, we are in verse 2.
Video Below...
Song of Solomon is a Powerful Picture of
Romantic Love
I have some Great Marriage Tips below the video.
And a
Great Video on Sexual Desire called - Climbing the Palm Tree.
I have some
GREAT Tips for Marriage.
But first
I want to emphasize...
Song of Solomon 2:15
" Catch us the foxes,
The little foxes
that spoil the vines,
For our vines have tender grapes. "
Be alert to the little foxes
(the little things)
will hurt or spoil your marriage.
Be vigilant
to protect your marriage.
Ask the Lord to nudge you and guide you
you notice things
in your marriage that need attention.
Listen to your spouse to gain understanding -
not just to make a quick response.
Hi, I am Beth McLendon.
In this section,
I echo and enlarge
the video speaker's thoughts.
is meant to be full of love and passion
to have that -
it takes attention and it takes work.
It takes
to please your mate
paying attention
to what pleases your mate.
God wants marriages to have passionate sex.
That is one of the "jobs" of marriage.
And a happy job it is!
Sex is important
to a marriage.
Pray and ask God to help you be a passionate lover.
Fall in love with sex in marriage....
A wise woman will make it a priority
to be
rested enough to truly enjoy sex.
And a wise man will learn what his wife likes and adjust.
Learn how to PLAY with your Spouse
Sex doesn't just start in the bedroom.
Giving love and attention to your spouse
at other times
lays the groundwork for a happy sex life.
In the video below,
Mark Gungor
explains that
Song of Solomon can teach us how to have Great Sex.
Song of Solomon 7:6-9
How fair and how pleasant you are,
O love, with your delights!
7 This stature of yours is like a palm tree,
And your breasts like its clusters.
8 I said, “I will go up to the palm tree,
I will take hold of its branches.”
Let now your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
The fragrance of your breath like apples,
9 And the roof of your mouth like the best wine.
Listen, Laugh, and Learn
Here is our Mark Gungor page
Mark Gungor has lots of great videos on Youtube.
Also see all our Romance pages.
Start with our page - Introduction to Romance.
Communicate your love to your Spouse.
Hearing that you are loved
(and telling your spouse you love him / her)
feeling loved
(and making your spouse feel loved)
is important
you want a
Wonderland of Pleasure in the bedroom.
are important.
Kind Actions
are important
Small Gifts
are important.
women need
the words and actions and gifts
more than men
they both need them.
Men and Women
Keep Score Differently!
Visit our Keeping Score Page
Lots of laughter!
Check out our page
A Woman needs to
Save and Secure
Men like to hear...
"Honey, I Desire You!"
want to be desired sexually.
A husband
wants his wife to
"desire sex with him."
A wife
wants this too.
Men and women need to communicate that to each other.
How you Communicate
draws you together or pulls you apart.
Ever have arguments about
when to have sex?
Here's a Great Idea to stop conflict
and increase
The Best Kind of
Compliments and Encouragement.
must feel beautiful
to their husband
in order to be the best wife they can be.
Men - visit the page: Romance ideas for Men
must believe
their wife respects them
in order to be
the best husband they can be.
Husbands need to believe that
their wife sees them
as a hero.
Wives - Be wise, and develop these areas.
I have lots of Romance pages which will help you.
See our Important Introduction page - Romance Ideas
And for all our Romance pages: Romance Pages
Women need to feel loved.
If a wife
does not feel loved
by her husband for weeks or months -
it will begin to destroy her.
One of the jobs of a husband
is to make sure
that his wife feels loved.
Visit our funny and fabulous page on
Men and Women keep Score Differently
Most Christian women
would never
even think about
divorcing a man who makes them feel loved and cherished.
Sometimes there is a divorce
the woman
and has lost hope of ever feeling loved again.
she may be completely wrong.
The husband may love her -
he just does not let her know
in a way she can understand.
Women -
Do NOT expect your husband to read your mind.
That is a recipe for disaster.
If you want something, nicely tell him.
Do not let your pride or ungodly emotions
tell you that "He should know."
Do NOT say,
"If I have to tell him, then I don't want it."
That is
immature, unfair, and ungodly.
Open your mouth and nicely tell him!
And take note:
Having a fun-loving light-hearted attitude is helpful.
Mark Gungor
how to get your husband to do what you want.
Listen, Laugh, and Learn...
Hilarious Help For Happier Women
A woman wants to be
more than
anything in her husband's life.
The Shulamite woman said
in Song of Solomon 8:6...
"Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal
upon your arm;
for love
as strong as death,
jealousy as cruel as the grave;
its flames are flames of fire,
a most vehement flame."
Men do not understand that
a woman needs to
that she is first place in her husband's heart.
often do not realize
need some good, healthy outlets
in order to be a good husband.
(It may be sports, or a hobby, or tinkering with cars, etc.)
I urge you to
develop an understanding with your husband.
Tell him that you want him
to have good, healthy outlets
and you will support him in that.
And tell him that
you just need to hear that you are THE most important
and believe that it is true.
Song of Solomon gives a beautiful picture of love.
if you are married,
you will use this book
to stir up love and passion -
even if the embers have died down.
one more quick topic.
Chapter 8 verses 8-10
These verses
have some
great advice for families.
They are directly aimed at protecting girls and single women -
but it is also important
that we do what we can
to protect our boys and single men.
A wall is for defense and a door can be for entry.
The verses speak of single female as a
If she is a wall...
If your teenaged daughter or young adult daughter
is a wall
(strong about staying pure )
then we (her family) will build on that and
help and encourage her.
The verses speak of single female as a
If she is a door -
If your teenaged daughter or single adult daughter
is a door
(A door is weaker than a wall. It can be opened for entry.)
then we (her family)
enclose her with boards of cedar.
(Cedar boards across a door make a door stronger and prevent entry.)
Meaning -
We will provide special protections.
We will say things and do things to protect her and promote purity.
I urge you to take those
thoughts to heart.
Consider our PURITY pages below For YOUR Family.
Please view our pages on
Prayers for Purity for our single loved ones
And... the next pages are to share
teens and single family members.
Purity while dating videos - encouragement from lots of people
Positive Purity Comments of average men and women
Jump to the top of Song of Solomon
Song of Solomon was presented in May 2024.
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Men and women keep score differently
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