Sports Romance Ideas






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Tell your Honey:

Together is my favorite place to be!

 Sports Romance Ideas!

Create Sports Fun

by doing things such as:

1.  Make a Sports - Themed Tasty Treat....                        

   Make some yummy sports-themed snacks.



sports snacks!


Make some fun foods and watch a game together.


Taco 'bout a great husband (or wife)...

I have the BEST!!!

2. Watch a silly sports video...


3. Throw some hoops!

Get up and Get out and have some fun!


Play a game of Horse.

If one of you is seriously less talented than the other

in this area - make allowances!

For example - 

one person throws with two hands


one person throws with one hand.

The object of the game is ........ Giggles!

Have Fun!

4. Create your own Outlandish Olympics .

5. Watch a great Christian football movie.

Snuggle up for some inspirational entertainment.

Facing the Giants

is a great choice!


6. Listen together to interviews or motivation from Christian athletes. 

Share some Christian inspiration with some famous athletes.

7. When is the last time you got out of the house and WENT to a game together?


8. Make a home-made Bingo game with sports words. Play two out of three games. Winner gets a back rub!

9. Bowling anyone?


Send a Fun Text Message:

You are Amazing - You "Bowl" me over!


9. Take a brisk walk in a beautiful location. 


10. Rent a canoe or paddle boat!

Make a SPLASH!

11. Go to a park and throw frizbees.

Bring your dog!


12. Enjoy a hike. 


Flirty attitudes...

toward my one and only

How about stirring up some 


Text your Spouse


warm wishes:

"Honey, in Baseball terms -  You are a hit!"


Baseballs - Footballs - Basketballs

no matter what sport or

what occasion in life - 

I always have a BALL with you!

9. Go to a child's t-ball game or baseball game. It would thrill your neighbor child or your Bowling anyone?

Both of you think up 7 things that you would like from your spouse. (You both must agree with the choices.) Take two hats or caps and put 7 pieces of paper 

Make up a fun outdoor time by buying some hola hoops and putting three of them in a line. Then get beanbags or golf balls or another choice to throw. Stand in front of the middle hoop. Take three steps back. Now turn around. Take a turn throwing your objects of choice in one of the hoops. The first one to get five (bean bags, balls, or whatever) inside a hoop wins. 

Winners get to choose a prize from inside a hat. The hat has pieces of paper with prizes written on them. These prizes were decided before the game began. They are prizes that the winner will like such as a back rub.

Indoor fun....Play a made up game with balloons. 

Play a balloon game of keep the balloon off the floor. 

Rent some bicycles.

Skating is fun!

Go to a sports batting cage and hit some balls.

Swim some laps at a local sports facility.

How about some mini-golf or even the real thing!

Can the game "Twister" count as a sport?

Toss water balloons.

Try an indoor skydiving place.

More Great Text Messages:


You are Amazing - You Bowl me over!




You and I make a Great Team!

Footballs are Brown,

Basketballs are Round

Let's do something together

Like jogging through town. 

Footballs are brown.

Baseballs are white,

My wife is AMAZING,

she is my delight.

Attention Women:

If you want to get inspiration for the

Football Season

Watch the move...

Love on the Sidelines

waffle - I love you a waffle lot.

I whale tell you for the rest of my life that I love you.

sports food ideas....

Taco 'bout a great wife ..... I have the BEST!!!

Taco 'bout a great husband.... I have the BEST!!!

egg-cellent - 

bacon = because  I love you bacon you are the best wife in the world.

variation on the one below with the saran wrap - use colored saran wrap which is sold at Christmas and various special times. Wrap a layer in one color saran wrap and then next layer in another saran wrap and each person gets a turn and whenever a person rolls a double, that person takes off one layer. The person who gets to take off the last layer gets the money.

Haven't watched the one below

Haven't watched the one below


Pizza is always a welcome addition to any evening of sports.

How about adding a Pizza card for your honey?

Give your honey a Pizza card during a Football game or other sports events that you are watching together.


Print out some pictures of Pizza from the internet -

and glue them on a half sheet of poster board. Around the pictures write out messages to your honey. 

Things Related to Pizza

Mushroom – You are the best  _____ and there is just not mushroom for improvement.

topping - there is no topping my amazing husband.

I never sausage a hunk of a man.

Olive - No matter how long olive, I will never forget the joy of our wedding day.

Scattered around - do a couple of "cheesy" sentences like:

It may sound cheesy but as we walk through life, I see you as Tarzan and me as Jane.

It may sound cheesy but...Life without you is like a broken pencil... pointless.

At the bottom of the card write........Pepperoni adds pep to a pizza. You add pep to my life by _________.

Cheese - 

Pray for your spouse - a romantic prayer

Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back.

Idea - Order two cute shirts that have to go together to make sense - an example is below...

The above video is inspirational. Consider doing something together to bless someone this week.

And get video of the best Christian athletes.

Find out which famous athletes live for Jesus.

Miraculous - 

Is our destiny.

4. Get up and Get out and have some fun!

Throw some hoops.

When was the last time you got out of the house and WENT to a GAME?

Both of you think up 7 things that you would like from your spouse. (You both must agree with the choices.) Take two hats or caps and put 7 pieces of paper 

Make up a fun outdoor time by buying some hola hoops and putting three of them in a line. Then get beanbags or golf balls or another choice to throw. Stand in front of the middle hoop. Take three steps back. Now turn around. Take a turn throwing your objects of choice in one of the hoops. The first one to get five (bean bags, balls, or whatever) inside a hoop wins. 

Winners get to choose a prize from inside a hat. The hat has pieces of paper with prizes written on them. These prizes were decided before the game began. They are prizes that the winner will like such as a back rub.

Indoor fun....Play a made up game with balloons. 

Play a balloon game of keep the balloon off the floor. 

make a sports story together.

First go on the internet and find the name of a person who has a somewhat silly name. 

Then together decide how old he is and what he looks like. What are his strengths and what are his weaknesses.

Ask your spouse to write down something for the following questions - 

A man's name

a type of sport

name of an awkward animal

Once there was a man named ________. His favorite sport was _______ but when he tried to do any kind of exercise he looked like a ________.

Once he tried to impress his girlfriend by 

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