Springtime Prayer

Inspirational Springtime


Inspirational, Motivational, and Transformational





Dear Lord,

You have what it takes to make this spring my best ever.

You can make this spring Amazing, Astounding, and Astronomically Awesome.

You can bring bountiful blessings to me.

You can help me create a continually contagious caring and compassionate attitude in my heart.

You can design and deploy desirable dynamic dreams about my destiny that will capture my imagination and ignite my determination. 

You can open seemingly endless streams of encouragement and edification to me.

And you can flow your living water into my heart and inspire me to be a freshly, faithfully - focused follower of Jesus Christ.

My prayer request to you, Lord, is  - don't hold back!

Let all the wisdom, insights, healing mercies, financial provision, relationship blessings, and dynamic energy that you have ready to give me - start flowing to me without hindrance.

And Lord, I will seek to put myself in a position to cooperate with you, yield to you, and receive from you!

With excitement and love I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Please consider praying

the following springtime prayer with me

from your heart


by faith.

Dear Lord,

This spring

it is -  not -  just

the flowers and the trees

that are getting my attention,

igniting my zeal, and 

exploding my thankfulness to you

for the birth of a new growing season.

I perceive that my spiritual life

is getting ready to burst out and blossom with new

spiritual growth and beauty.

I give you praise!


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

More Springtime Prayer

Energizing Prayer

Dear God of Love and Excitement,

Thank you for everything that is blossoming and becoming new this spring.

I sense new fresh inspiration and new power approaching me this spring day -  in order to overtake me and bless me.

I sense new strength and new zeal coming from you, Lord.

I feel a new spring in my step.

I feel the stirring of the birth of a new song in my heart.

I am energized with anticipation of new insights, new joys, new victories, and new boldness in my Christian walk.

Wow, God!

You are awesome!


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


Thank you for giving me springtime smiles!


I feel my relationship with you,
opening and deepening
like the opening of a beautiful red rose.

Jesus called us to be

Salt and Light.

Matthew 5:13-14

If you would be open to my taking

an old pop culture song and

in a lighthearted and silly way

changing the words in order to sing about

spreading God's love

to the world


Click Here!

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