Learning Bible lessons
as we study
Roadrunner Bird.
A page to share with your children.
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Games for children
I grew up watching cartoons about
Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner.
it occurred to me that
those cartoons can teach us a thing or two.
Below is the
episode of the
Roadrunner Cartoon.
Wile E. Coyote
wanted to
capture the Roadrunner to eat him.
we see a real coyote and a real roadrunner.
Notice that
the coyote
never saw the roadrunner!
Facts about
Roadrunner birds
They love to run.
They can run up to 20 miles an hour.
They can fly but they prefer running.
They cannot fly high
for long periods of time.
They are omnivores.
That means they eat both plants and animals.
This next video
a real coyote trying to capture a real roadrunner.
On this page,
I want to show that
Wile E. Coyote
can be seen as being
to the devil.
The devil
does not
want to catch us and eat us.
But the devil does
want to trick us
into sinning.
~ ~ ~
He tempts us to do wrong things.
He wants to cause us problems, sadness, and pain.
The devil is mean to us
because he wants to hurt Jesus.
The devil knows that
Jesus loves us dearly
so the devil wants to
hurt Jesus
by doing mean things to us.
Jesus loves YOU!
Do not forget that
Jesus loves YOU!
The roadrunner
never lets
Wile E. Coyote
trap him.
The roadrunner is always on the alert.
We need to be on the alert!
The roadrunner ruins the plans of
Wile E. Coyote
Out running Wile E. Coyote
Out smarting him.
We cannot "out run" the devil
like the
in the cartoon does.
We cannot "outsmart" the devil on our own.
We can
the devil...
Reading the Bible!
When we read the Bible, we learn how to have victory over the devil. |
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How does the Bible help us?
is some understanding....
Before we do a sinful thing,
we think about it.
The Bible tells us
that we need to be
aware of our thoughts
and when
they are not godly thoughts,
we need to
push them out of our mind
and instead
do something good.
We conquer bad thoughts
by doing good!
For older children read Romans 12:21 and 2 Corinthians 10:5 b .
Our Father God
wants every thought to be obedient to Jesus and the Bible.
If a thought
is not obedient to
Jesus and the Bible,
then we need to push that thought out of our mind.
For example,
if a child does something mean to you,
and you are thinking of ways
to do mean things back,
then your thoughts are not obedient to Jesus.
The Bible tells us to take every thought
and then decide
if it is a good thought or a bad thought.
For older children: Philippians 4:8 (meditate = think about)
Do not let
bad thoughts
conquer you
and get you
to do bad things -
but conquer bad thoughts by doing good.
Consider this idea:
When you feel tempted to say something mean....
When you feel tempted to be selfish....
When you feel like telling a lie...
Just say,
"Beep! Beep!"
like roadrunner does
and then
refuse to do that bad idea.
Look around for something nice to do!
Consider singing a happy, praise song.
Here is a
Happy Song
Being Strong in the Lord!
God wants to help us
stay strong
so we do not do
what the devil wants us to do.
For younger children, listen to this song...
Parent / Grandparent
one or more children.
The adult needs to get into their silly mood!
You will need to...
Pick out a Bible song the child likes.
You will need to...
Put some activities on separate small pieces of paper...
such as
Give a hug to a family member.
Read a Bible verse.
(Or listen as your parent reads a Bible verse.)
Hit someone.
Say, "I love you" to a family member.
Whine about something you do not like to do.
Yell, "I am mad."
Call a grandparent to say, "Hi."
("Hi Grandma. I'm playing a game and
I just want to quickly say, 'Hi' I'll call you later and talk longer.")
Squeeze toothpaste out onto the bathroom counter.
Say something kind to someone in the room
Drop food on the floor.
Draw a flower for someone in the room.
Fold the tiny pieces of paper
- the papers that have good and bad activities on them -
and put each one in a balloon and then blow up each balloon.
If you do, you will have
lots of colorful balloons to use in this activity.
Let each child draw one piece of paper.
( Or pick a balloon and pop it.)
(Note: Young children are sometimes scared when a balloon pops.)
First child
reads the activity.
mom or dad says,
"Let's take this thought captive."
The child dramatically holds the paper to his chest.
Mom or Dad says,
" For fun, I'll capture you while you decide what to do!"
(Capture means hug the child.)
And note:
if you have two adults
you could put the child in the middle of the two of you
like the image below
and then lower your arms to "capture" the child while he or she decides.
Parent asks,
"Is this a good thought or a bad thought?
Child answers.
it is a good thought, then the child does it.
it is a bad thought, the child says, "Beep, Beep"
like the roadrunner,
and then
starts singing a Bible song
that you both have picked out for this activity.
You might want to play music with the song.
You might want to sing with the child.
Another Game Option:
For a parent/grandparent and two or more children
Make a Bingo game!
Make large, home-made Bingo cards.
Use the "good" ideas for the squares on the Bingo cards.
"Good ideas" are the ones from the previous activity
such as:
Give a hug to a family member.
Put the good ideas on Bingo cards but not the bad ideas.
Call out the bad ideas but - they won't be on the Bingo cards.
So when the parent calls out a bad idea,
the children say, "Beep Beep."
When the parent calls out a good idea,
the children look to see if it is on their Bingo card.
Make multiple unique Bingo cards.
Make sure you do not put the same exact "good" ideas on each card.
Get a small prize for the winner.
Play the game several times.
After each game, ask if a child wants to get a new Bingo card.
during your play time,
a child never wins a game,
give that child a consolation prize
and compliment that child on his or her attitude.
Helping a child
develop a good attitude
is an important part of parenting.
Stir up a fun,
lighthearted mood
when playing games with children.
Jesus tells us that
putting on his armor
is a great way
to become strong!
visit our page
children and teens!
For Teens
Please check out our page on...
James 4:7 - The Bible verse for Champions
And here is an average teen
talking about taking our thoughts captive.
More cartoons
The Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote!
Also consider other pages:
Jump the the top of Study The Roadrunner
Study the Roadrunner was posted April 2024.
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