Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


For -  Adults and Children

Monday through Thursday Devotions

by Beth McLendon


The topic this week is:

Let's become

Christian Superheroes

If you are going to present this to your family...

Read through all of Monday to prepare to present it to your family.

There are instructions you need to read before you present the video to your child or children.


God wants to train us to be


for Jesus.

We were created to love God

and enjoy his love toward us.


We were created to

Become Strong and Mighty for God.

Champion Prayer:

Father God,

I will read the Bible and learn to be a

Superhero for Jesus.

I will THINK like a Champion!

I will ACT like a Champion!

I will SPEAK like a Champion!

No weapon formed against me

shall prosper!


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

Isaiah 54:17

Learning to be a Superhero!

The video starts with a little confusion

because it is referring to a

previous video.

Bible Reading and Prayer


As we live for Jesus,

we encounter

many adventures

(some adventures are fun and some are not)

where we can

show our Superpowers.

For example:

When someone is mean to us,

we can

show the

Superpower of Kindness.


let's show the

Superpower of Kindness!

For Young Children

Making a Superhero Cape

No sewing needed!

Today we suggest that you have

some material that you have cut

so that your young child or children

can have a cape to wear. 

For Monday

To the adult leader:

You probably will want to tell your family that the picture of Father God in the video is not how he looks. We don't know how he looks. Someone just picked out that picture for the video. 

Beth says - My picture of Father God is much different. My picture of him is someone strong but very loving and kind. (And yes, God the Father is a spirit but he can manifest in heaven with a body if he wants to.)

Later you may want to look at our Trinity page  if you want help to  explain the Trinity to your family.


Reading the Bible and Praying

are part of our


The fervent prayer of a righteous person

avails much.

James 5:16 b

Becoming Powerful

Tell the children that

Latin is a language like English and Spanish.

To understand Satan the devil - click here

For young children

Below is a coloring page that you can print out

that shows a boy praying. 

Remind your child or children that prayer is talking to God. 




The Sword of the Spirit

is the

Word of God.

God tells us to pray these words...

"Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word."

Psalm 119:18 TLB

All Scripture is breathed out by God

and profitable for teaching,

for reproof,

for correction,

and for training in righteousness,

2 Timothy 3:16

For many years, most people did not have a Bible.

The reason is that

it took so long

to copy the Bible and give it to people.

But one day a hero invented a way

to make copying the Bible easier.

For Young Children

Here is a song for the young children.

You might want

to cut out the letters and

let your child put them in the right order.


For many years, most people could not read the Bible.

It was written in a language

that they could not read.

But one day a hero worked long and hard

to translate the Bible into a language

that lots of people could read.


Almighty, ALL POWERFUL God,

Today I will follow you.

I am going to say YES to you.

I am going to say YES to your plans for me this day.

I am going to say YES to serving you this day.

I am going to say YES to being bold and courageous for you.

I am going to say YES to right living and purity.

Today - I am going to resist the devil.

I am going to say NO to the enemy forces that tempt me this day.

I am going to say NO to selfishness and all forms of ungodliness.

I was created to be POWERFUL.

I was created to be a CHAMPION for Jesus.

And today I am going to pursue my Destiny.

I pray this prayer in the AWESOME name of Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

A Bible Verse for Superheroes

Submit to God.

Resist the devil and he will flee.

James 4:7

Consider sharing the following page with your teens:

James 4:7

For Young Children

Help the children put on their capes and then sing the

Bible song they are learning this week.

Next, teach them the song

"The Wise man Built his House upon the Rock."

Remind them that we need to

build our life on Jesus and the Bible.

Next, consider

getting out crayons and drawing a picture

about the song we just sang.

You might want to put some sand in a container and

discuss how building something on sand

will not be sturdy and steady.

Jesus is like a strong rock - 

steady and strong.

Consider another page of devotions: Here

Jump to the top of Superhero


first presented

December 2021

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Miracle Testimonies

Daily Inspiration

Springtime Prayer

Guiding Teens toward Blessings

Newest Page:

Forgotten Women

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list


Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Questions of Life


Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

went out

February 18.


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Understanding the Trinity

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Questions of Life

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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

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Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

- -

Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
