Talking about Yoga
Gaining information
and seeing things from God's perspective
so that we can
live a life that pleases God
and we can be
from unseen harms.
This page has four great videos.
A wise man is hungry for truth.
Proverbs 15:14 TLB
New video for this page...
Listen to the truth about Yoga.
Our page on meditation.
Our second video
gives a
short, helpful
overview of
information about
issues of concern with
The source of yoga is Hinduism.
The people who created yoga,
say that
the goal
of a person doing yoga
is to
create union with
and be yoked with
and be united to
a universal energy.
Informed Christians know that
"the universal energy"
is actually
another name for a demon.
Did you notice that -
the goal is not to get physically fit?
You might say,
"But I have no intentions to unite with a demon.
I just want to stretch."
The devil doesn't care about your intentions.
If you wander into his territory,
you can end up with consequences."
Think about this...
I've known teens who had sex and got pregnant.
They had no intention of getting pregnant.
They just wanted to have sex.
- - -
Your intentions don't protect you
from all the consequences of practicing yoga.
Ephesians 5:17 TLB
Don't act thoughtlessly,
try to find out and do
whatever the Lord wants you to.
* * *
Ephesians 5:10 TLB
Learn as you go along what pleases the Lord.
Take no part in
the worthless pleasures of evil and darkness
but instead rebuke and expose them.
We can always " prove " we are right. But is the Lord convinced? Proverbs 16:1 TLB |
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Judges 17:6 - They did what was right in their own eyes.
Talking about Yoga
Our third video
begins with a dramatic testimony.
Then the speaker
teaches us
important facts about
Below the video
I have written some highlights of
the video.
You may want to read the highlights
you watch the video.
The speakers says,
"There is no yoga that is purely physical."
She goes on to say,
"There is no Hinduism without yoga
no yoga without Hinduism."
"So as Christians,
do we really want to be involved in yoga?"
About 37 minutes to 42 minutes
she shares the following
( I have written what she says in blue. )
She starts talking about Kundalini.
Kundalini - - - It is defined as the serpent force.
Shortly after saying that, she squotes her former guru.
Her former guru said the following - written in blue below,
Kundalini is the plug point.
Once you are plugged in,
you can make the light happen.
You are plugged into an endless source of power.
That is Kundalini.
Yoga is just the science of getting the plug properly in.
If you look at it on one level,
Kundalini is just another name for
the source of creation.
This is the Hindu sentiment.
( That is the end of quoting from her former guru.)
Then shortly
she says the following words that I have written in blue ...
They call it a science
to get people
to lower their guard.
The lie is
that yoga is just
stretching and just exercise.
Kundalini is a serpent force that helps us
yoke with
Hindu gods and thereby
disobeying the one true God
through the practice of yoga.
Then 42 minutes - 45 minutes - She talks about -
Many people say that
they aren't doing the chants
or anything.
They say...
I just like the exercise part.
I don't see that it is a big deal......
Then the speaker gives some examples of the flaws
in that logic...
If you like red and see a red shirt
satanic symbols all over it -
but you like it because it is red....
Would you wear it?
Would you still wear it even though
it has sinful symbols?
Then she gives another example
that I hope you will listen to.
Those examples are good to hear and think about.
At 49 min 30 seconds -
she informs us of what Hindu leaders say
in their own magazine about
converting people to Hinduism,
"Yoga teachers are the front ( line ) missionaries."
Search the Scriptures...
This is a disclaimer from underneath the Youtube video above....
Disclaimer from
In this video I suggest pilates as an alternative to yoga. I have learned since this talk that too many modern pilates classes are mixing yoga into the routines and it can be difficult to decipher for many. I do regret so liberally recommending pilates. I would recommend free style stretching , dancing, and general muscle toning as well as cardio exercises without hesitation. Sorry for any confusion or hindrance I may have caused!
She gives scriptures during 44 - 47 minutes of the video.
Here are some of them...
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NKJV
Or do you not know
that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you have from God,
and you are not your own?
For you were bought at a price;
therefore glorify God in your body
and in your spirit, which are God’s.
* * * * *
Romans 12:1-2 NKJV
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you
present your bodies
a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service.
And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove
what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Many Yoga instructors
who later became Christians
"Practicing yoga is like
opening a door."
Hopefully you will consider the question,
"Opening a door to what?"
The video below
gives some of the
potential side-effects of
The words "Christian" and "Yoga" don't go together.
The foundational principles
Christianity and Yoga
are opposite each other.
- Intentions -
- I do not intend to do anything wrong -
Author and religion professor
at Indiana University,
Candy Gunther Brown
warns of this tendency
specifically within the context of yoga
and other spiritually rooted practices.
She says,
“There’s also evidence that
practicing something connected with religion
can actually change people’s beliefs.
Christians, in particular,
to think a person's
determines whether something is religious.
They don’t realize that
active participation
can actually
change someone’s intent.
Over time,
people who start off attracted to an
alternative practice
because there’s a perceived health benefit
start to embrace the religious ideas
these practices”
(Christianity Today, November 2013).
A wise man is hungry for truth.
Proverbs 15:14 TLB
I read this concept
as I was working on this page:
No matter what a Christian thinks of yoga,
the mentoring you are doing if you participate.
Perhaps a child that you know
will associate you
with yoga or your church with yoga.
Later in life,
he or she may pursue yoga
thinking that
it leads to God.
And that future adult may get into the depths of
spiritual yoga
because you or your church are
associated with
yoga in the mind of this person
that used to admire you
when he or she was young.
Consider that
The devil tries to fool you.
He comes as an angel of light.
The Bible says,
"Be not deceived"
multiple times because we CAN be deceived.
1 Corinthians 10:14
" Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. "
I forgot where I found the following words.
There is certainly nothing wrong with stretching and toning
our bodies! It’s actually a really good thing to move our
bodies (especially as we get older). Movement helps us to stay
fit, maintain health, and helps to prevent injuries.
The problem, of course, is that
when these movements are done
within the context of a yoga class
it activates
the dark spiritual realm
whether we intend it to or not.
Regardless of how yoga makes you feel,
it is setting you on a path
that will take you
further from the Lord.
This is documented by yoga gurus,
as well as by scientific evidence.
As one Christian who escaped Yoga put it...
"Turns out, the entire act of yoga is occultic to its core.
There is no way around it.
Every pose is in worship to false deities
or to
invoke foreign spirits,
even in the most Westernised forms of yoga stretching.
Also consider
Starts Yoga at 30 minutes - at 33 minutes talks about the dangers of yoga.
Certified Yoga teachers MUST study under true Yoga Hindu (New Age) teachers and read Yoga religious materials. Any person who does this is compromising his faith and committing spiritual adultery.
Also another video -
Take note - The fourth video features a man on our page about
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