Talking to the Dead is Forbidden
This is the Catholic Version of this page.
This version has added information
for Catholics to consider.
Talking to the Dead -
Forbidden by God.
This includes -
Talking to your dead relatives.
Even though
we all are tempted to do that.
This includes
praying to or asking help from -
Mary & Heavenly Saints.
This Page will Explain.
The following video
will clearly explain
what God says on this subject.
The extra Catholic material will be further down.
Doreen Virtue
used to be
a famous New Age teacher.
she is a dedicated Christian.
I would say that
she is an expert on this subject.
She knows
the ins and outs
talking to the dead is wrong.
Doreen |
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Doreen is - now - a
Faithful Follower of Jesus Christ.
Doreen is concerned that
lots of Christians
talk to the dead
and think that it is ok.
I encourage you to listen to this entire video.
I endorse this video. It is excellent.
Disclaimer: I do not always agree with Doreen Virtue and Alisa Childers in their videos. Sometimes I disagree with their positions.
A Key Verse
Deuteronomy 18:11 ESV
Deuteronomy 18:11
clearly says
Talking to the Dead
is sinful.
As part of a list of forbidden sins....
verse 11 says...
"or a charmer or a
or a necromancer
one who inquires of the dead."
In the above verse, it lists....
1. A Medium - who talks to the dead.
2. A necromancer - who talks to the dead.
3. One who inquires of the dead - who talks to the dead.
THREE Times in that verse....
God forbids
"talking to dead people."
Three times - so we don't miss it.
Some Bible Translations use the word "spiritist" instead of necromancer.
Charmer is one who casts magic spells.
Cut and Paste links in your Browser
Definition of Medium
Many people
will get convicted watching this video.
is used by God to help guide us toward right living.
I have a Christian friend who used to look forward
to talking to dead relatives in her dreams.
She liked to ask them questions.
Now she has been educated about such things.
She has asked God to forgive her for doing it,
and she has renounced this practice.
on this topic.
Less than 2 minutes
Demonic forces are aware of things
about your loved one's earthly life
and can use those things
to fool you into thinking
you are communicating with your loved one.
Have questions?
Isaiah 8:19
tells us to go straight to God to ask HIM -
go to the dead...
God will answer us
in his own time and in his own way.
Isaiah 8:19 says,
"When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and
mutter,” should a people not consult their God?
Should they consult the dead in behalf of the living?"
Going back to Doreen's video.
we have...
from under the
Doreen Virtue - Youtube video.
First Highlighted Comment
Thank you so much! I lost my first husband at 24, and for the last 11 years, I have had dreams where he felt real. I can clearly see how the enemy has tried to tempt me in these areas. It can be so confusing! Thank you for this!
Oh my, this is so convicting! The human side of us wants so much to believe we can communicate with our loved ones who have passed on. Thank you so much for addressing this important issue from a Biblical perspective!
This was a fantastic.. I used to go to my girlfriend‘s grave and talk to her all the time not knowing that I could’ve opened up a door to the devil …I am also now hooked up to the new ESV audio Bible. Thank you.
I've had a son die when he was 11 from a kidney disease. In the 12 years since then I've remembered seeing Micah in a dream several times. But I've never interpreted that as him actually coming to me, but rather as just memories of him being put into that dream. As hard as it has been to have lost him, I don't want to dishonor him or
the Lord in trying to seek out some sort of special contact with him.
He knew Jesus, and so I have a great hope to spend eternity with him. So I certainly look forward to speaking with him again in eternity. At the moment, though,
I'm content, knowing that God's in control.
Now that
we KNOW that every act of talking to the dead
is classified as sin -
If we have been doing that...
Let's repent
refocus and
set our actions on obedience!
A Quick Section on
Joni Lamb
Introduction Note:
I have never watched Joni Lamb.
Joni Lamb of Daystar television
recently said that
her dead husband gave her a message.
My response...
God tells me that the Bible is my standard of truth.
God forbids talking to the dead.
Therefore, I know that
Joni was not hearing from her dead husband.
Any Christian teacher or leader who promotes
talking to the dead in any way
is committing sin and wrongly guiding people to sin.
Please join me to pray for Joni to realize the truth.
The Rest of the Page
is for those who are
Catholic aspects
of this
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Note that... I realize are not identical in their beliefs. |
a short introduction,
I have a list of topics.
Take note:
At the bottom of the page, there is a section on
Catholics promoting
Talking to their dead relatives.
pray to
Mary and the Saints
in heaven.
Using Bible verses,
I will explain
in detail
it is
for Catholics
to pray to Mary and the Saints in heaven.
But first - I will present a short introduction video.
This video
will help us
get started
on this topic.
I endorse this video.
Disclaimer: I do not always agree with Mike Winger. Sometimes I disagree with his positions.
Note That:
I do disagree with one point in the above video.
I disagree with his comments concerning the -
Wedding of Cana.
I will share my thoughts further down.
Those thoughts are located in # 5 section
which is
right after - the Yellow arrow.
Note That:
To the best of my ability
at this time -
I am
presenting and refuting
the Catholic reasoning about these topics.
To our Catholic friends -
We are seeking to show respect as we present this page.
Here are the > Catholic < sections.
Praying to Mary
Mary & Saints as Intercessors
Catholics say they do not worship Mary -
so what they are doing is ok.
Mary & the Saints are in heaven and not really dead -
Catholics say
they do not talk to the dead.
Wedding of Cana
Mount of Transfiguration
The New Testament
doesn't say we cannot pray or talk to people in heaven...
Only the Old Testament says it is sinful.
In Revelation 5:8 prayers are carried in vials -
So Catholics say they are just
asking Mary & Saints to carry prayers to God.
Martyrs in heaven
Mary is sinless so her prayers are more powerful.
( Actually the Bible says - Mary was not sinless.)
False Catholic Beliefs about Mary
Not found in the Bible.
Catholics Promote talking to dead relatives.
No person or denomination has perfect understanding of the entire Bible.
We all need to be teachable and have a heart
sincerely read Scriptures and
want to understand what God is telling us.
I wish that Catholics and Protestants
- including all Protestant denominations and churches -
would all sincerely seek
to talk with each other on differences and go to the Bible together
and seek
God's truth on all matters.
I think all Christians would grow spiritually
in that kind of environment.
The first rule has to be - The Bible is THE Final word on everything.
So let's all honestly and sincerely LOOK at Scriptures.
Number 1.
The Bible gives 0 examples of praying to a person -
dead or alive.
I will remind you that
in Luke 11
when the disciples
asked Jesus HOW to Pray -
Jesus said,
" Pray to the Father in my Name. "
Jesus spoke on the subject of
WHO to PRAY to.
To me -
that should end the debate
about praying to anyone else
other than God.
God's Word is Simple concerning this topic.
We don't need to make it complicated.
Number 2.
For those who are not Catholic and want to see one example of what many Catholics believe -
cut and past and put this link in your browser
Note - That video is full of false statements and assumptions.
Some Catholics say,
We are just asking
Mary and the Saints to "intercede."
My Response -
Deuteronomy 18:11 forbids "asking."
That includes asking for Mary or Saints to intercede.
Deuteronomy 18:11
contains two Hebrew words that both mean "ask or inquire or consult."
God is clear - there is to be no asking or talking at all.
you want to learn more about
the 2 Hebrew words
that are used to tell us
not to
"ask - or inquire - or consult"
the dead,
then keep reading.
you can skip
the Hebrew word section
by scrolling down to this cross....
you can skip to the next section
by scrolling down to the RED ARROW.
In Deuteronomy 18:11
there are two Hebrew words
that inform us that "asking" a dead person - is sinful.
Hebrew Word is Hebrew # 7592.
To see a page on Strong's Hebrew #7592....
Cut and Paste in Browser....
On that page link, look down to the section
that has
how the NASB version has translated
this Hebrew word in various Bible Scriptures...
We see the
various ways that # 7592 is translated into English
for various Scriptures in the NASB version of the Bible.
ask (45), asked (41), asking (5), asks (5), beg (1), begged (1), begs (1), borrow (1), borrowed (1), borrows (1), consult (2), consulting (1), consults (1), dedicated (2), dedicated* (1), demand (1), demanded (1), desired (1), desires (1), earnestly asked (1), earnestly asked leave (1), greet* (5), greeted* (1), inquire (6), inquired (18), inquires (1), making (2), medium* (1), pray (1), questioned (2), questioned particularly (1), request (2), request* (1), requested (7), require (1), required (1), sought (1),
surely ask (1).
Deuteronomy 18:11
also uses the Strong's Hebrew word # 1875.
we see the
various ways that # 1875 is translated into English
for various Scriptures in the NASB version of the Bible.
Cut & Paste in your browser....
Below is that word defined....
ask (1), avenge (1), calls (1), care (1), cares (3),
comes the reckoning (1),
consult (2), consulted by them at all (1), demand (1),
inquire (33), inquired (5), inquirer (1), investigate (3), investigated (1),
looks (2), making inquiry (1), questioned (1), require (7), required (1), requires (1), resort (3), search (6), searched (1), searched carefully (1), searches (2), seek (53), seek after (1), seeking (2), seeks (3), sought (18), studied (1), study (1), surely require (1).
Both Hebrew Words
are used in Deuteronomy 18:11
to tell us
Talking to the Dead
is a
Many Catholics say,
"Mary and the Saints are part of the Church.
we ask people from our earthly church
to pray for us.
So - Since
Mary and the Saints are part of the Church.
we can ask them to pray for us
or at least intercede in some way for us."
My Response:
God has a separation between us and
who have gone to heaven before us.
God clearly says,
"No asking. No talking. Nothing."
Catholics sometimes say -
"If we can intercede for each other on earth
in such a fruitful way,
how much more the saints in heaven?"
My Response:
THAT is using human reasoning
to make an excuse
to avoid obeying clear Scripture.
God does NOT want us to use our own reasoning
to decide
what we think is ok to do.
We are to make the Bible our standard of conduct.
Number 3.
Many Catholics defend the practice of talking to the dead
by saying,
"We are not WORSHIPPING" Mary."
My Response:
Worshipping Mary
is of course
BUT that is not a defense when it comes to
talking to Mary.
Both worshipping Mary and talking to Mary
are wrong.
Number 4.
Many Catholics say...
" We aren't praying to the dead
or asking something
from the dead.
Mary and the Saints aren't dead
- they are alive in heaven -
so we can communicate with them."
My Response:
No ...
God was clear.
We are not to talk to people who are no longer on earth.
No matter what words you use
- for example "alive in heaven" -
the fact is that
God said NOT to communicate with them.
Discussing the word "dead."
Notice that
The Bible
uses the word "dead" in the New Testament
to mean anyone
who is no longer living on earth -
including godly people.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 b "And the dead in Christ will rise first."
1 Cor 7:39 - remarriage after dead spouse
Col. 1:18, 1 Cor. 15:52, 2 Cor. 1:9, James 2:26, etc.
Note - We do not say in conversation,
"My mother who is no longer on earth is alive."
We say, "She is dead and she is now living in heaven."
God did not
- with regards to talking to dead people -
people who were evil who died
people who loved God and died.
God just says,
"No talking" and expects us to obey.
Now I give an important Bible Story on this topic.
Next -
A Bible Example
Bible Example:
1 Samuel 28
King Saul went to a medium
- who was called the witch of Endor -
to help him
talk to dead Samuel.
The Bible records this as a sin.
>> The Bible also records that Saul KNEW it was a sin. < <
Samuel had died.
Samuel was a righteous, godly man.
Samuel was "alive" in paradise.
the Bible does not say that since
Samuel was "alive" in paradise,
it is ok to talk to him.
The Bible speaks of Samuel as "a dead person."
Saul, the witch, and every Jew at that time
knew what God meant
when God said,
"Do not communicate with the dead."
I do not believe
that Catholics are
trying to do something wrong.
The issue is that...
individual Catholics are relying on
the fact that
many people they respect say it is ok.
it is not hard for them to go along with
the verbal gymnastics that try to make this practice ok.
Even if people sincerely think
talking to the dead
is just fine -
God does not ask our opinion.
Important Point
Every Christian
needs to try to avoid
a certain interpretation of a
Scripture verse or verses
when their preferred interpretation
will allow
what they want to do
to be biblically ok.
Those who are in heaven
HEAR us when we pray.
Psalm 139:2
tells us that God hears our thoughts.
David writes...
" You [God] know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar. "
Psalm 139:2
When we pray out-loud
only God
(and anyone on earth physically near us)
can hear us.
When we pray silently
only God
can hear us.
I will even add...
talking to people in heaven was different,
God's previous Old Testament clear commands -
the Bible would CLEARLY give us that information.
If the Bible is clear on a subject,
we do not need
to try to
the definitions of words in order to do
what WE think appears fine to do.
We all have had times
when the Bible
has shed light
on a false belief that we have.
We all need to remind ourselves to focus on
God's clear commands
and beware of
doing verbal gymnastics
to justify
what we WANT to believe or what we WANT to do.
Number 5.
I see the wedding of Cana differently than Mike Winger
in the earlier video.
The Wedding of Cana
John chapter 2
explained logically
During that wedding celebration,
Mary told Jesus
that the wine is gone.
Jesus said, "My time has not come."
Jesus said, "NO" to doing a miracle.
he did it.
So what changed?
Jesus tells us that he ONLY obeyed Father God.
In John 5:19 ESV
Jesus said to them,
“Truly, truly, I say to you,
the Son can do nothing of his own accord,
but only what he sees the Father doing.
For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise."
So obviously
Father God had NOT told Jesus to provide wine
and the Father had NOT told Jesus
that it was time for his miracles and ministry to start.
So Jesus told Mary "no" because Father God had not told him to do it.
after Jesus said,
Father God THEN said to Jesus
that actually it WAS his time to begin miracles and his ministry.
Key Point
Important Note:
To say that
Mary influenced Jesus after he said "No"
is to say that
Mary influenced Jesus
to go against
the Father.
THAT reasoning guides us to go AGAINST Scripture.
Meaning -
Jesus said,
"No, my time has not come"
and then did it
Mary asked him to -
Jesus is not truthful
because he said he ONLY did what the Father told him to do.
Mary is not the Father.
Why did Mary ask?
For 30 years
Mary is not recorded as having asked Jesus
to do a miracle.
And if she did - he said "No"
the Bible tells us this is his first miracle.
"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him."
John 2:11 KJV
For 30 years,
there had been much more dire situations around Jesus,
and yet Jesus stood by and did no miracle.
For example - when people Mary (and Jesus) loved got sick.
Note -
Apparently Joseph had already died.
Running out of wine is not on that level.
did Mary ask Jesus for this situation?
And why did she seem so sure he would do it?
Mary's Reply
Mary said to the servants, "Do whatever he says."
She seems to believe he would do it - yet - she totally makes sure that her response
is open-ended so.... she knew she could be wrong.
I logically assume that
she must have had some kind of
supernatural stirring in her heart from
Father God
that Jesus was supposed to do this.
She must have never had that stirring before...
even through
all the problems in life that they dealt with in their family.
With the stirring in her heart
and then - Jesus saying "No,"
she would probably feel confused.
Mary chose a statement that was open-ended.
Her response did not imply that Jesus had to do anything.
Jesus could have said to the servants,
"Continue with whatever you were doing."
Mary chose her words
so that her words would
leave the door open for whatever Father God's will was.
When I read this story,
I see that Jesus was willing to say "no" to his mother.
I have considered that - perhaps...
Father God whispered to Mary's heart
before Father God told Jesus
in order to show that
Jesus was always obedient to God EVEN IF his own mother
asked him to do something.
I didn't grow up Catholic - my mind
saw that
Jesus did say "No"
Father God told him otherwise,
would be firm on continuing to say "No."
Number 6.
The Scriptures are found in
Matthew 17
Mark 9
Luke 9
Catholics sometimes say,
"Jesus and the Mount of Transfiguration incident,
show we can talk to dead people."
My Response:
Only Jesus
spoke to Elijah and Moses.
For example Mark 9:4.
What Jesus does
has nothing to do with
what WE can do.
For example,
Jesus can receive worship.
That does not mean that we can receive worship.
The Bible tells us what WE can do.
Number 7.
Catholics sometimes say,
"The New Testament doesn't explicitly say not to do it -
so we can."
My Response:
The Old Testament does explicitly say not to.
And - We often forget that
the Scriptures that the New Testament church used
2 Timothy says,
" All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
The early church saw all scripture as of course the Old Testament.
I'll add...
There are lots of sins that are not explicitly IN the Bible.
The Bible does not explicitly - word for word -
say aborting an unborn baby is wrong.
The Bible does not explicitly say that using
the internet to steal money is wrong.
The Bible does not explicitly - word for word - say that having sex
with an underage child is wrong.
you cannot go to God with the following excuse,
"God, you cannot say that my sin is wrong,
because it is not word-for-word
written about
in the New Testament."
And - In this case,
God has clearly spoken to us
in the
Old Testament.
God clearly said
NOT to TALK to people who are no longer on earth
in the Old Testament
and the
New Testament never changes that.
This has to do with a
clear warning
to speak to those who have died.
Number 8.
Catholics say,
"The book of Revelation speaks of prayers
being carried in vials which is clearly intersession being done."
My Response:
No, that is not clearly intersession.
Carrying a vial of prayers is not intercession.
God hears our prayers from our mind.
God does not need a prayer container in order to hear our prayers.
does not
have to wait for someone to bring him our prayers
in order to hear them.
Psalm 139:4 tells us that...
God knows
what we are going to say
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
Number 9.
Catholics say,
"In Revelation 6:9-11
the martyrs in heaven are aware of what is going on in earth."
Revelation 6:9-11 ESV
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne.
10 They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
11 Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.
My Response:
Whether those who are no longer on earth
know certain things about earth
or not
has nothing to do with God's clear command
NOT to TALK to people in heaven.
Number 10.
Catholics believe - that Mary never sinned.
The Bible never said she was sinless.
the Bible said she WAS a sinner.
God intentionally put
Luke 1:47
in the Bible
to let us know that Mary was a sinner.
Let's go through this logically....
If Mary never sinned,
Mary did not need a Savior.
verbally said
she needed
a Savior
in Luke 1:47.
In Addition,
Romans 3:23
"ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
Mary sinned.
It says it clearly in Romans 3:23.
Also see John 14:6.
Jesus was 100% God AND 100% Human.
Mary was just 100% Human.
She was just a person who sometimes sinned.
Let's Continue...
We cannot insert
our wishful thinking or our imagination thoughts into Scripture.
Deuteronomy 4:2 says,
" Do not add to
what I command you and do not subtract from it,
but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you."
Also see 1 Corinthians 4:6
Jesus was
the only sinless person to have ever lived.
Here is a quick addition to this section.
Concerning James 5:16.....
James 5:16
"The Prayers of a Righteous Man availeth Much."
Catholics say,
"But what about James 5:16?
It says that the prayers of a righteous man avails much.
And - All those in heaven are more righteous than us."
That verse explains
how prayer works for - people on earth.
God was
trying to
mysteriously steer us
toward thinking the people in heaven
pray more powerful prayers than we can.
As we have previously said,
" Communicating with those in heaven is forbidden! "
Number 11.
This section contains
False Catholic Beliefs about Mary
that are
Not found in the Bible.
of the
Following Catholic Beliefs
are found in the Bible...
( My Answers are in Blue )
1. Catholics say - - - Mary is our Mother
The Bible says no such thing.
Catholics use the Scripture of Jesus and John at the cross for their reason....
In John 19:26-27
Jesus told John,
"Behold your mother"
in order to tell John
to physically take care of Mary
after his death.
That has nothing to do with us.
2. Catholics say - - - Mary never sinned
I just addressed that above.
3. Catholics say - - - Mary remained a virgin all her life
No - Not True
See the Next Section for details.
4. Catholics say - - - Mary's body went to heaven in a supernatural way - like Enoch.
Some Catholics think
she was alive when she went up
some think she was dead when her body was taken to heaven.
The Bible says NOTHING about Mary's body being taken to heaven.
That is from someone's imagination.
5. Some Catholics say or imply - - - Mary is a co-redemptrix.
No - Not True
The Bible says we have ONE mediator.
1 Timothy 2:5 says,
For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus.
Consider visiting our Mary page for more discussion.
6. Catholics say - - - There is a Purgatory.
Purgatory is not found in the Bible and it is TOTALLY FALSE.
No one becomes totally perfect before they die.
And... People do not
go to purgatory to
get prefect or to get good enough for heaven.
Click here for a page - Explaining Salvation
Regarding Purgatory....
When we die -
2 Corinthians 5:8
"Absent from the body is present with the Lord [in heaven] ."
Important Point
Highlighting - Luke 23:43
The criminal - we often call him a thief
on the cross
who sincerely called upon Jesus, certainly was not perfect.
He admitted to his guilt.
If anyone should go to purgatory - that man should.
That criminal
would be the
Catholic prime example
of a
candidate for purgatory
there was such a place.
the Bible says....
The thief went straight to be with Jesus in paradise!
In Luke 23:43
Jesus said to that man,
"This day will you see me in paradise."
has a unsavory history.
I plan to do a page on purgatory.
Virgin Mary
Did Mary
Remain a Virgin All Her Life?
Many Catholics say that
Mary stayed a virgin all her life.
My Response:
The Bible disagrees.
The Bible says that Mary and Joseph
had sex
after Jesus was born.
See my Explanations below...
The Bible clearly says -
Mary and Joseph had sex.
The Bible clearly says -
Jesus had brothers and sisters.
First -
Bible Verses
about brothers and sisters...
In many verses
Matthew 13:55 and Matthew 12:46, John 2:12, John 7:5, Acts 1:14,
1 Corinthians 9:5,
and Galatians 1:19
the Bible says that
Jesus had brothers and sisters.
They would technically be the stepbrothers and stepsisters of Jesus,
because Joseph was not Jesus' biological father.
The Bible says that
Mary and Joseph had sex
after Jesus was born.
The Bible uses the term
to mean > to have sex.
Matthew 1:24-25
tells us
Mary and Joseph had sex after the birth of Jesus.
Matthew 1:24-25 NKJV
" Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep,
did as the angel of the Lord commanded him
and took to him his wife,
25 and did not know her
she had brought forth her firstborn Son.
And he called His name Jesus."
We see the term
"to know"
in other verses such as Genesis 4:1.
"And Adam knew Eve his wife;
and she conceived,
and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord."
Genesis 4:1
And even Common Sense undermines the Catholic stance.
Common Sense
that Mary stayed a virgin
1 Corinthians 7:5
is a
Key Verse to unlock this subject
The Bible let's us know that....
God wants
husband and wives to have sex regularly
without regular sexual activity,
a husband and wife are tempted of Satan.
1 Corinthians 7:5 says,
"Do not deprive one another
[of sex]
except with
consent for a time,
that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer;
and come together again
so that
Satan does not tempt you
because of your lack of self-control."
Scripture & Common Sense -
Mary and Joseph
living together as husband and wife
having sex
would have
caused them great temptation to have sex.
It would have caused
Joseph to often sin in lust.
it would also have created sinful lust in Mary.
(Sinful lust = longing to have something you can't have.)
The Bible says
that a husband and wife
should not deprive each other
except when they agree during fasting.
To call her a virgin all her life calls Mary sinful in lusting
and creates sinful lust in Joseph AND makes them
disobedient to God's will for marriages.
So the Bible is clear that
Mary was NOT a virgin all her life.
And - More Common Sense
Respectfully - it appears to me that...
If the Men
in the leadership of the Catholic Church
throughout the generations
truly believed and thoughtfully analyzed their belief
instead of following their emotions,
they would not only be just honoring Mary
they would be HONORING Joseph
for his difficult sacrifice
of being tempted but not having sex all his life.
Think how tempted Joseph would be!
Think how sad Joseph would be.
If a person knew nothing
Jesus, Mary, or anything about the Bible,
and just picked up
the New Testament and read through it
THAT person
would not end up with
a preoccupation with Mary.
This preoccupation
comes from
hearing things from people -
reading things in the Bible.
By the way,
many Catholics believe that
Mary was born sinless.
Which is another made - up idea from someone's imagination.
They say
Mary needed to be born
to have a sinless baby.
Jesus can't be born sinless without a sinless mother
then how
was Mary born sinless with a sinful Mother and Father?
To be clear:
The Protestant view
all Christians - dead or alive - are Saints.
Dead Saints - Matthew 27:52
Alive Saints - Ephesians 4:12, Rev. 13:7
Protestants see Mary as just a Christian sister.
And we are
totally stunned
at the attention and devotion
- particularly prayer to her -
Mary gets.
Until somewhat recently,
I had no idea
how preoccupied Catholics were with
Mary's position in the Catholic Church is not correct.
I respectfully say...
so far away
from what the Bible tells us
about Mary
they end up producing videos
such as
In the video
takes the place
of Jesus
in many aspects of the Christian life.
I have never heard any
apology or embarrassment
from Catholics
on videos such as the one above.
My comments on the above video...
This Mary video is so wrong on so many levels.
No, we do not NEED to get to know Mary
in order to
develop a relationship with Jesus.
The last words of the video are
"We cannot understand Jesus without his mother."
That is not true.
The video tries
to prove
that we all MUST have Mary to help us.
The video seems to say...
God the Father is too tough on us without Mary's assistance.
Consider our other page about
with MORE Scriptures and Explanation.
Catholics talking to Dead Relatives
Number 12.
Many Catholics
promote talking to dead relatives.
God says that activity is sin.
This Catholic Priest
talking to your dead relatives.
Thought for Catholics to Consider
What if
you think someone
is in heaven or in purgatory
and they are in hell.
even Catholics would agree that you are talking to the dead.
There are so many holes
in these unbiblical Catholic practices.
For More About
Catholics promoting
talking to dead relatives
and other forbidd activities...
see the link below.
The article below has MANY False statements and teachings.
Cut and Paste in your Browser
Jump to the top of Talking to the Dead is Forbidden
This page was posted October 2024.
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