Talking to the Dead

Talking to the Dead


Forbidden by God.

This includes -

Talking to your dead relatives. 

Even though

we all are tempted to do that.

This Page will Explain.


Most Christians

do not know this information.



It is also forbidden to contact 

   Mary & Heavenly Saints.

 For the    Catholic version   of this page

click  - Here 


The following video 

will clearly explain

what God says on this subject. 

Doreen Virtue

used to be

a famous New Age teacher.


she is a dedicated Christian.

I would say that

she is an expert on this subject. 

She knows

the ins and outs



talking to the dead is wrong.

used to
help people
dead relatives.


Doreen is  - now  - a

Faithful Follower of  Jesus Christ.

Doreen is concerned that

lots of Christians

talk to the dead


and think that it is ok.

I encourage you to listen to this entire video.

I endorse this video. It is excellent. 

Disclaimer: I do not always agree with Doreen Virtue and Alisa Childers in their videos. Sometimes I disagree with their positions.


A Key Verse

Deuteronomy 18:11 ESV

Deuteronomy 18:11

clearly says

Talking to the Dead

is sinful.

As part of a list of forbidden sins....

verse 11 says...

"or a charmer or a


or a necromancer


one who inquires of the dead."

In the above verse, it lists....

1. A Medium - who talks to the dead.

2. A necromancer - who talks to the dead.

3. One who inquires of the dead - who talks to the dead.

THREE Times in that verse....

God forbids

"talking to dead people."

Three times - so we don't miss it.


Some Bible Translations use the word "spiritist" instead of necromancer.

Charmer is one who casts magic spells.

Cut and Paste links in Browser

Definition of Medium


Many people

will get convicted watching this video.


is used by God to help guide us toward right living.

I have a Christian friend who used to look forward

to talking to dead relatives in her dreams.

She liked to ask them questions.

Now she has been educated about such things.

She has asked God to forgive her for doing it,

and she has renounced this practice. 




on this topic.


Demonic forces are aware of things

about your loved one's earthly life

and can use those things

to fool you into thinking

you are communicating with your loved one.


Have questions?

Isaiah 8:19

tells us to go straight to God to ask HIM -

not go to the dead...

God will answer us

in his own time and in his own way.

Isaiah 8:19 says,

"When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and

mutter,” should a people not consult their God?
Should they consult the dead in behalf of the living?"


Doreen's Video

Going back to Doreen's video.


we have...


from under the

Doreen Virtue  - Youtube video.

First Highlighted Comment

Thank you so much! I lost my first husband at 24, and for the last 11 years, I have had dreams where he felt real. I can clearly see how the enemy has tried to tempt me in these areas. It can be so confusing! Thank you for this!


Oh my, this is so convicting! The human side of us wants so much to believe we can communicate with our loved ones who have passed on. Thank you so much for addressing this important issue from a Biblical perspective!


This was a fantastic.. I used to go to my girlfriend‘s grave and talk to her all the time not knowing that I could’ve opened up a door to the devil …I am also now hooked up to the new ESV audio Bible. Thank you.


I've had a son die when he was 11 from a kidney disease. In the 12 years since then I've remembered seeing Micah in a dream several times. But I've never interpreted that as him actually coming to me, but rather as just memories of him being put into that dream. As hard as it has been to have lost him, I don't want to dishonor him or
the Lord in trying to seek out some sort of special contact with him. 
He knew Jesus, and so I have a great hope to spend eternity with him. So I certainly look forward to speaking with him again in eternity. At the moment, though, 
I'm content, knowing that God's in control.


Now that

we KNOW that every act of talking to the dead

is classified as sin - 

If we have been doing that...

Let's repent


refocus and

set our actions on obedience!


A Quick Section on 

Joni Lamb

Joni Lamb

Introduction Note:

I have never watched Joni Lamb.

Joni Lamb of Daystar television


recently said that

her dead husband gave her a message.

My response...

God tells me that the Bible is my standard of truth.

God forbids talking to the dead.

Therefore, I know that 

 Joni was not hearing from her dead husband.


Any Christian teacher or leader who promotes 

talking to the dead in any way

is committing sin and wrongly guiding people to sin.


Please join me to pray for

Joni to realize the truth.

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