The Event


This page has important information

for us


for our loved ones.

I am writing about terrible deception in the church.

So you can




Almost all the people who call themselves 


 in the church today

talk of their 

numerous experiences with

angels and Jesus and going to heaven!!!


They try to tempt you by making you think...

"I am missing out on something wonderful!"


On this page


Beth McLendon

share an experience

that felt like

a small earthquake in my life.

It was an experience

that caused me to start

a multi-month quest

to learn

what in the world is going on

inside the church and Christianity.

D e c e p t i o n

Before I start -

I want to say that I can be deceived -

you can be deceived -

anyone can be deceived.

We must not rely on anything other than

the Bible

to determine truth.

No matter what.


Give us your strength

as we learn more about what is going on today.




July 2022

I was at a social event and began chit chatting with a Christian man in his sixties.

To make a long story short - He shared with me about his recent encounters with Jesus.

He shocked me

with his admission

that he goes to heaven

to talk to Jesus

multiple times a week.

He also goes to heaven

to fight battles in the courtrooms of heaven.

He was very open about it and excited

about all his encounters with angels and with Jesus. 


Red flags 

signifying danger

were flying in my mind.

I asked him some questions and found out that

he follows such people as

Bill Johnson of Bethel Church


Graham Cooke,

and multitudes of others

in the popular prophetic movement

and the popular signs and wonders movement.

See our Prophets page.

(All these pages were written after meeting the man.)

The man also shared that he previously

had been on staff at a very large

Christian church in our area

and had preached in the pulpit.


I tried to tell him that every supernatural experience

wasn't from God,

but he flatly refused

to agree with me or even consider it.


The man told me that Christians cannot be deceived.

But Jesus said we can.
See the bottom of the page for Scriptures.



the man said that every dream he has is prophetic.

No, it is not.

Dreams can come from
our thoughts, or
what we ate that day, or
God, or
the demonic forces.

Not all dreams come from God.

See Jeremiah 23:32


Since I met this man,
I have gotten more knowledgeable
and more organized.

Now I could do a better job of sharing
the dangers of the things he was talking about.


Through my journey since I met him,
I have found out that
many, many Christians
are listening to people
who are leading them away from
what the Bible teaches.


Since I met the man,

I have spent over

a hundred hours

seeking to find out

what in the world had gotten into this man

and others.

Mostly I listened to people
who have left these type of movements
and now
share the deceit and the dangers.


Even before I met the man,

I knew that God would not allow anyone

to have such access to

angels, heaven, and even Jesus himself.

After I met the man,

I began a mission to figure out

how this man got into so much error.


Let me be clear....

Some people are imagining things.

BUT if they really see things,

(and the man I talked to really saw things)


This man and countless others are speaking to a demonic fallen angel who is masquerading as a heavenly angel or as Jesus Christ.

Satan and his fallen angels can appear to people as an angel of light. 

2 Corinthians 11:14

And it is no wonder,

for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Usually fallen angels don't appear to people unless the person is dabbling in forbidden practices or if someone in their family  has or is dabbling in such things.

One of the many ways to clearly tell

that this man was seeing a different Jesus -

is that "his" Jesus contradicted the Bible...

I asked him a couple of things and found out that "his" Jesus did not agree with the Bible. But he did not care.

 C A U T I O N:

A side-effect

of this movement,

is that people no longer

use the Bible as their authority.

They become addicted to experiences

and lose their grip

on the idea of following Scriptures.


It reminds me of what Paul said in

Galatians 3:1 a

"O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?"


Please read this important verse.

Paul also said in

Galatians 1:8-9,

"But even if we,

or an angel from heaven,

preach any other gospel to you

than what we have preached to you,

let him be accursed.

As we have said before, so now I say again,

if anyone preaches any other gospel to you

than what you have received,

let him be accursed."



who are

being fooled by these demonic entities

are not interested

in what the Bible says anymore.

They are taking the words

of the supernatural beings they are seeing

or the teachers they are listening to.

That is Dangerous.


The information that I uncovered left me speechless.

Much of the church body has gotten entangled with people who are sharing that they are having regular encounters with angels and with Jesus himself.

They say they are going to heaven often. 

They falsely think they are going to heaven!

The demons are taking them somewhere

but it is not heaven!

Demonic forces are taking them somewhere that they are told is heaven.

If you think Hollywood is good at making something seem real, think about how good the devil can deceive people. 


Some people are actually seeing & hearing things and some are just imagining their conversations and their trips to heaven.
The people sharing the imaginations ( that they label as real experiences ) can be dangerous as well.

Please see my page Imagination.




of these deceived leaders

are preaching behind pulpits and / or on Christian television shows and telling people
that they will teach THEM how to do it too.

(Their techniques are new age techniques and yes, if you follow their instructions closely and pursue this stuff, you WILL encounter supernatural beings - but they won't be from God.)

These deceived teachers

promote each other and have built up a movement that

protects themselves.

They have

redefined WORDS 

including the definition of "prophet."


These people make up their own rules.

Bible commands

are not important to them.

They all basically say that

the one hard and fast rule for prophets


that they never say negative things

to people


they do not speak about sin.

So they are dedicated to 

ignoring sin

and only saying uplifting things.

AND this includes

that they will not allow anyone

to criticize

one of the prophets in a meeting or service

or in private.

Many of these people are bringing messages from
"Jesus or angels"

that include new additions to the Bible.

One such deceived person is the author of The Passion translation.


The author of the Passion translation

says he got help in heaven from the library of heaven.

He openly says that he got brand-new revelations from going to heaven and looking in books and hearing from Jesus himself - so that he can translate the Bible better than anyone else.

Click to read my page on The Passion translation

I have a full page on warnings about The Passion translation. I even have information from prestigious Bible translators and their views on his translation.

I also have shocking quotes from people saying that this man is not a Bible translator. The quotes come from the training school and organization that this man gives as a recommendation of his translating abilities. (He obviously didn't think anyone would check out his references.)


One thing I did after the event in July - was go to the church website where the July man used to attend and was part of the leadership.

I saw on their site that they advertise a course on becoming prophetic. They use Graham Cooke's materials. So I went to the internet and searched out "Graham Cooke exposed" on Youtube.

It is easy to see from just one short 10 minute video that Graham Cooke is not a real prophet. Yet he is famous for his books on how to become a prophet.

See my page Graham Cooke.


After finding out that multitudes of "Christian"

speakers are drawing people away from the Bible and

into supernatural experiences that are not godly,

began to write pages about these topics. 


I did not listen to these prophets after
I heard them say things that were against what the Bible says.

As the Bible says in Proverbs 19:27 TLB

"Stop listening to teaching

that contradicts

what you know is right."

Another thing I did was look up Bill Johnson.

I went to Youtube and looked up
"Bill Johnson exposed."

I found out that in 2012, Bill Johnson started saying that Christians should look to the New Age Movement and explore it and find techniques that can enhance our spiritual life.

(Bill literally used the words "New Age movement.")

BUT - The Bible says...

New Age Techniques are EVIL and WICKED.

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament

condemn such practices.


Also, here is an example of 

Bill Johnson 

of Bethel church

teaching people how to be a prophet.

It is shocking.


Click here for my prophets page which also gives information about Bill Johnson.

Note that Bill Johnson is associated with a huge number of famous Christians including Graham Cooke.

A person at Bill Johnson's Bethel church who is one of the leaders of the children's ministries is shown in a video on Youtube bragging that in their Sunday school time, Bethel is taking children to heaven. (She is serious.)



God can still do signs and wonders through us.


God can still give prophetic messages.

And no,

the New Age Movement

has nothing helpful to share with us.

We must know the Bible well

in order to

detect a counterfeit.

I have found that people such as Warren B. Smith and

Steven Bancarz are helpful to warn us away from

New Age techniques.

New Age page 1

New Age page 2.

Both Smith and Bancarz walked away from the New Age movement years ago and became Christians.
I encourage you to look them up on Youtube and also listen to the videos that I have on my pages.




God still does miracles


the Bible says that

the devil

can produce miracles too.

God does not allow people to go back and forth to heaven showing them libraries in heaven.

God does not allow Christians to command angels or to have conversations with angels to get new,
secret knowledge.

God does not allow us to have conversations with dead people. He forbids that.

God never sends dead people to deliver a message to us.

The Bible calls talking to dead people - Necromancy.

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

So any Bible teacher you are following

who shares that


or someone he spiritually admires

has gotten messages

from God via a dead person -

he is terribly deceived.

In fact,

one of the main problems

comes from people who are

so hungry

for an experience or so hungry for new knowledge

that they will run after

supernatural teaching or experiences

instead of spending their time

reading their Bible and serving God.

Jesus warned us about deception

in the end days.

He warned us of people

who will tickle our ears

with things that we want to hear.

We see this in Matthew 24:4-5 and 2 Timothy 4:3 which says in the end times that people won't listen to sound Bible teaching.

Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear.

The Bible compliments the actions of the Bereans in Acts 17:11.

After listening to Paul preach,

the Bereans

searched the Scriptures (Old Testament)

BEFORE they believed Paul.


Prophetic Words and Dreams


if what they say comes


Deuteronomy 13:5

talks about prophets and dreamer of dreams

who tell of prophecy or dreams and what he said comes true.  

Even if it comes true -  beware if the person ends up using the dreams or prophetic words to pull people away from God and his Scriptures. 

Those who say

"Thus saith the Lord"

must revere Scripture above any Word they "hear."

The Bible says...

Do NOT be deceived.

Here are

BIBLE Verses

“‘Take heed that no one deceive you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.'” (Matthew 24:4-5 – NKJV)

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived . . .” (I Corinthians 6:9 – NKJV)

“Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.'” (I Corinthians 15:33 – NKJV)

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” (Galatians 6:7 – NKJV)

“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.” (Ephesians 5:6 – NKJV) 

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.” (James 1:16 – NKJV)

“Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.” (I John 3:7 – NKJV)

And I want to emphasize,

that it is a good thing

to pray for these people

who are deceiving themselves and others.

We can pray that they wake up and repent.

My purpose on this page,
is to make you aware
in order to protect you and your loved ones
from going down dangerous paths of deception.

God bless you!

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