The Future Jewish Temple
The Bible tells us that
the Jews will build a
Third Temple.
That process has already started.
October 2024 News story
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Here are some videos and information
to give you insights
into the preparations.
we have an August 2023 update on the
red heifers
which are needed for the temple.
A red heifer may be sacrificed in April 2024.
Scroll down the page to
Number 6
to get an introduction
to the need
for the ashes of the red heifer.
There hasn't been a temple in Jerusalem
since it was destroyed
by Rome
in 70 AD.
That was about 37 years after the death of Jesus.
The Romans stole the contents of the temple.
A "picture" of the Romans taking the temple menorah
is on the Arch of Titus
which can still be seen in Rome.
And it can be seen by cutting and pasting the link below...
Both the First Temple and the Second Temple
were destroyed
by Jewish enemies
on the 9th of Av
(a date on the Jewish calendar in the summer season)
in two different years.
The Temple Institute
in charge
of preparing for the Third Temple.
You can go to their website...
This video is called
Welcome to the Temple Institute
Note: In the Bible they used trumpets made of silver AND they used ram's horn trumpets.
There are many preparations
that have already
been done.
The pieces of the inside of the temple
are completed.
Such as the Menorah and the Table of Shewbread, etc.
You can see those at the Temple Institute website.
You can see the actual
they will use
in the next video.
The clothes for the priests are made.
An interview with master weaver
Judith Abrahams
in 2004
The Torah is the first 5 books of the Bible.
The priestly garments are not sewn, like other clothes.
Each item is woven, seamless, of one piece.
The only exception to this
is the sleeves of the robe,
which are woven separately and sewn onto the robe afterwards.
A Mystery Solved
This video involves
finding answers to address
Bible commands
for making the special blue dye.
This is an old article from 2013
talking about finding the blue dye color.
Special Blue Dye
The Bible records that many of the special garments, including the avnet-belt of the high priest, must be dyed with a special blue dye known as tchelet. This dye was produced from a rare mollusk found only in the Mediterranean Sea, a marine creature long thought to be extinct. However, in the late 1990's, Israeli divers discovered the mollusk, the hillazon snail, in the Red Sea. A thick liquid is extracted from a gland in the mollusk to produce the rich blue dye.
The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has created a supply of the blue dye, which will be used to create the garments required in Temple worship... and used to produce the tsitsit fringes worn by observant Jewish males in the temple. The unspun wool for the priestly robes is dipped in this liquid, turning the wool a bright green. When the new green wool is exposed to the light, it takes on a rich blue color. Once it dries, the wool is spun into a blue thread.
The priests are being trained
for their temple duties.
The priestly last name is also spelled Cohen.
October 2022
600 Jews rehearsing
the singing that they will do for temple services.
Below is one video about the training.
At the bottom of the page,
we have more videos
of the training.
The Jews now have
the specially prepared oil
for the
Hanukkah 2014 -
For the first time in 2,000 years,
there was properly prepared oil
for the temple menorah for a future temple.
The Jews are preparing the
transportation in Israel
for people
from around the world
to get to the temple.
From the article above...
The Jewish government is working on a railway infrastructure
that will bring international travelers directly from the airport
to the Temple Mount.
This will enable all 70 nations to come to worship God in Jerusalem’s House of prayer, a vision that the government has already hinted is their true intention.
The Director General of the Airports Authority, Hagai Topolansky, announced that in 2023, Ben Gurion International Airport will open a new mega-terminal.
The next video
Isaiah 2:1-2
which speaks of the nations
coming to Israel to the temple.
Isaiah 2:1-2 KJV says,
The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
Ha Shem = THE Name = God.
The Jews need the
ashes of a perfect red heifer for cleansing purposes.
They have been looking for decades
to find a perfect red heifer.
they found 5 potential ones.
They are too young right now.
As they grow, they must remain perfect.
Here is a long video about the red heifer.
On Thursday, September 15, 2022,
perfect, unblemished red heifers
arrived in Israel
from the USA.
A modest ceremony was held at the unloading bay of
the cargo terminal at Ben Gurion airport, where the
new arrivals were greeted and speeches were made by
the incredible people
who have put their hearts and souls
and means
into making this historic/prophetic
day become a reality.
Video of the Red Heifers
Video of the Red Heifers
and info
on the future temple
The man below is a Christian
who is interested in Jewish things.
As of April 2023...
actually well before
everything is basically ready
to rebuild
The Third Jewish Temple
except the red heifer
and the agreement of the nations for Israel to do it.
- The Ark of the Covenant -
Will the Third Temple
have the original ark of the covenant?
Many people say that
some rabbis know where the ark of the covenant is
and can get it when the temple is ready.
Many Jews think the
re-built Jewish temple will bring peace.
(It will not bring peace for long because of the anti-christ.)
Although it will be
to see Bible prophecy come alive -
we also must remember that
this happens in the end times
shortly before the end of this age.
(Shortly before the Millennium.)
And the Bible tells us that
the anti-christ will sit in the third temple
and declare himself - "god."
So the rebuilding of the temple
is a sign that the end of the world as we know it
is near.
What will the temple look like?
On October 13, 2006,
Jewish religious leaders
re-established the Sanhedrin.
It had not been in existence for about 2,000 years.
About 10 years later,
they chose a High Priest
- but -
he decided to decline the position.
I have not heard an update on that topic.
December 2014,
the altar of sacrifice was completed for the Third Temple...
More on that from an article...
The Temple Institute have announced the completion of the construction of the altar of sacrifice, which has been prepared for use in the Third Temple.
According to Matzav Haruach magazine, the altar had been under construction for several years, and was officially inaugurated for use in December of 2014. It is currently on display in the Temple Institute's visitor centre in Jerusalem, although it has been manufactured in such a way as to be portable, so it can be disassembled and relocated to the Temple Mount at short notice...
An interesting article
Temple in waiting...
The Priests and their families.
The Priests are practicing.
A Temple Menorah Lighting Rehearsal
Take Note:
We have a page on the
which will be built in
The Millennium
And we have a page on
Jump to the top of The Future Jewish Temple
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