Following the Good Shepherd
gives us
many advantages in life.
The Creator of this world
has created us
to love him
and fashioned us to need him.
This is Part Two of a Two Part Teaching.
For Part One click: Shepherd
An earthly shepherd insists that the sheep
stay close
enough to him
to hear his voice.
But Jesus doesn’t force us to stay close to him.
We have a choice
each day
put ourselves
in a position
to hear
the voice of
the shepherd or not.
Wisdom says:
But as for me, I get as close to him as I can!
I have chosen him
I will tell everyone
about the wonderful ways he rescues me.
Psalm 73:28 TLB
Sheep do not easily follow a shepherd.
For a sheep to follow a shepherd,
the sheep has to
to the shepherd.
This is done
spending time with the shepherd.
Until sheep
spend personal time
(and come to love him and
trust him)
they will resist following him.
So a shepherd spends individual time with each sheep.
He is affectionate
toward each one.
They each have a name
and a
special place in the shepherd’s heart.
We are like sheep in that
we do not easily follow our shepherd.
As the song below reminds us:
We are prone to wander.
do not easily follow
the Good Shepherd
his Bible teachings.
We frequently try to
rationalize or ignore
the Bible verses that we don’t like.
Until we spend quality time
reading the Bible and praying to our shepherd,
we will not choose
to follow him
in those difficult spiritual growth areas
that our shepherd
is leading us
Spiritual Food
People like sheep,
do not know how to
get food on their own –
I am talking specifically about spiritual food.
People do not know how to get spiritual food on their own.
Lots of harmful things look good to us.
we are not full of God’s Word,
we will follow many dangerous and immoral paths.
This is obvious
in the
sexual arena.
People easily fall into thinking
that they have lots of perfectly acceptable
about their sexual life.
But that is not true.
Our good shepherd calls to us
to follow him and his biblical principles
in order to have life and have it more abundantly.
We are
spiritually defenseless
the guidance and the covering of
Jesus the
Good Shepherd.
I mentioned that
sheep fall down and get over on
their back
and cannot get up by themselves.
We easily get tripped up in this life
and find ourselves down and unable
to get ourselves up again.
During those times, we are frequently tempted to turn to addictions and relationships that are bad for us - unless we have bonded to the good shepherd and are regularly following his leadership.
Sheep naturally lack wisdom
in who to follow.
If one sheep starts wandering off, others will easily follow.
We are like sheep.
We easily follow our friends and popular people.
We need to make sure we do not follow people who are wandering away from Jesus the Good shepherd.
we follow those people,
they will
bring trouble into our life
and take us to places that are not good for us.
Every person
in our life
a peer pressure pull toward us.
Some people make us feel good about serving and obeying God.
Others, who are not faithful to Jesus, will make us feel embarrassed, inferior, or unintelligent if we follow Jesus.
It is important to spend time with people who will encourage us to follow Jesus.
Like sheep, we all too often
give in to
unhealthy peer pressure.
We must bond
to our Good Shepherd
the guidance of those
who are not faithful to Jesus our Good Shepherd.
We must
love Jesus
that rejection from those who don’t follow him
will not sway us.
To quickly sum up….
We are like sheep in that until we bond to our shepherd, we are in danger.
We are like sheep in that we really don’t know right from wrong without our good shepherd teaching us.
we will think
polluted, dirty water
good drinking water.
We need to love and follow
our shepherd.
My last point is an important one.
Jesus is the good shepherd to HIS sheep. Jesus will not force us to be HIS sheep. We have to choose him as our shepherd.
We have to intentionally bond to Jesus.
When we spend lots of time with our Savior
through reading his Word,
we begin to love his voice and his leadership.
The closer we stay to our shepherd
the more
we become like him.
It is good for me to draw near to God.
Psalm 73:28
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of
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