The Millennium

The Millennium

is the 1,000 years

where Jesus will physically

rule and reign

visibly from


This is after Jesus returns to earth.

* * *

Also consider our page -  The Millennium Temple.

* * *


I am doing an


and then

I will present

a video.

When Jesus comes back to earth

at the end of the tribulation

he destroys the evil ones.

Evil ones are banished from the earth.

~ ~ ~

At the beginning of the Millennium,

Satan is bound and put in the bottomless pit.

Rev. 20:1-3

And he will be released at the end of the millennium.

Rev. 20:3 and Rev. 20:7-10

Jesus Christ will sit on a throne in Jerusalem


he will rule the world FROM Jerusalem.

More about

The Millennium

After the 7 tribulation years

all faithful believers

who are still alive

on earth

will walk into the millennium. 

They will live on the earth in a natural body,

and they will birth children.


The life span of people will be dramatically increased.

People will live for hundreds of years. 


The amount of sin will be reduced in the


When Jesus comes back to set up the

millennial kingdom on earth, sin will not proper.

In the millennium,

Jesus will reign for 1,000 years

on the throne of David in Jerusalem. 

At that time, he will not allow evil to run amuck.


Those of us who have died or been raptured to heaven,

will have glorified bodies

during this time.

We (the glorified people) will not be like the regular humans.

We will serve God in special capacities on earth and

perhaps sometimes in heavenly places.


This page highlights

Dr. David Jeremiah's

video on this time period.

- - - 

I agree with almost all of what he says.

There are a few times where 

I think his Scripture references are not for

the millennium

but instead

for the time after the millennium.


He begins the video with a topic that most people 

will want to skip:

The three views on the timing of the Millennium.

I have put those in just a few words under the video.


So I encourage you to skip to

12 minutes.

Here he begins to discuss

the main topic.


I have put some Scriptures and notes after the video.


Quick Section

Three views on the Millennium - 

PremillenniumDr. David Jeremiah's view.....  Jesus will physically return and defeat his enemies in a battle at the end of
the 7 year tribulation. Jesus will then set up his kingdom on the earth in Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

Post Millennium - The world will be conquered for Christ by believers and after the thousand years THEN Jesus will come back to reign.

But I say...
The Bible says things will get worse and worse 
until Jesus comes back as a lion and conquers evil.
not get better and better.

Amillenniumalism - There is no millennium. The verses about this time are all symbolic. 


Notes from the video and from Beth


Purposes of the Millennium listed below:

1. To reward the people of God

Isaiah 40:10 

Matthew 25:34

Colossians 3:24

Revelation 22:12


 To Rule and Reign with Christ on earth

1 Thessalonians 3:13

1 Corinthians 6:2

Revelation 20:4 

Matthew 25:23 

Note: Serving is a reward.


2. There are prophetic predictions
that need to come true

For example,
King Jesus reigning in Jerusalem.

Psalm 72:11

Isaiah 9:7   (upon the throne of David)

Isaiah 60:21 

Zechariah 9:10

Luke 1:32-33    (King Jesus upon the throne of David)

Time -

21:08 on the video


3. To Receive the Answer to the Disciples' Prayer

(The Lord's Prayer)

Jesus taught us to pray.

Matthew 6:9-10


4. To re-emphasize man's depravity

and the necessity of Christ's Death


Even though only godly people

will walk into the millennium,

they will birth children in the millennium.

Those children

will not necessarily accept Jesus in their heart.

Near the end of the millennium,

Satan is released to deceive the people

and form a rebellion.

There will be war.


Here are some

Blessings in the Millennium


one thousand years...

Peace - No war (until the very, very end)


Psalm 72:7 

Micah 4:2-3


Isaiah 11:6-9    Animals will be tame with people and with each other - The lion will eat straw like an ox.

Below I have two videos

The first one shows

a cat acting as she would in the millennium. 

The second one shows

a lion being loving to a person

as he would in the millennium.

A Cat

A Preview of the Millennium

A Lion

A Preview of the Millennium

Great Prosperity

Ezekiel 34:26-27    Showers of Blessing

Ezekiel 36:29-30 and 34-35   Multiplication of Crops 

 Amos 9:13

The plowman shall overtake the reaper....

Food will grow FAST.

Zachariah 8:12   Crop Multiplication

Isaiah 35:1           Desert shall blossom.

Isaiah 35:7           No parched ground

Time -

30 minutes on video

Purity -

Sin will be kept in check and dealt with

Isaiah 11:9

Isaiah 25:9

Isaiah 66:23

Zechariah 13:2


Prolonged life


there will be death

in the Millennium

Isaiah 65:20      When you are 100 and if you die,

people will call you a child.



Isaiah 9:3

Isaiah 12:3

Isaiah 14:7

Isaiah 25:8-9     Beth says, "I believe these verses are 
                                 fulfilled after the millennium."    

Isaiah 30:29

Isaiah 42:10-12

Time -


Jesus came the first time to be our Savior.

He is coming the second time to be our King.

Beth adds...

Zechariah 14:16-17...

If countries disobey and do not come to Jerusalem

at the appointed time,

they shall have no rain.

Beth adds...

The Millennium is the

Prophesied and Promised

Kingdom age for Israel.

One of the lessons of the Millennium 

is that there is

simply no set of


that can happen

so that everyone in a time period

will be following the Lord.


After the Millennium,

for those who love the Lord,

they will experience

Absolute Perfection.


for all eternity, they will never be near

sin or rebellion

against God.

Jump to the top of The Millennium

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