The Truth about Evolution
A page for people who
want to strengthen their
Faith in the Bible.
Beth McLendon
( I've been interested in this topic for over 30 years.)
Exploring our World
Evolution says,
There was nothing.
E x p l o d e d !
And that
I am not recommending any speaker on this page.
I am only recommending the videos on this page.
Evolutionist asks a Christian,
"Where did God come from?"
If the Big Bang is True.....
Evolutionists say
The Rock Layers of the earth
took millions of years
to form.
Carbon 14 Dating
Do you think
makes sense?
Why do all scientists seem to be
in agreement about
Any Scientist
who does not appear to believe evolution
will be punished.
Those Scientists WILL
be discriminated against in their job
such as
denied publication of their work in science journals,
denied advancement in their career,
and - sometimes
fired from their job.
So only the very brave come out against evolution.
See a video about the discrimination
on our first page about Evolution.
What is Science?
When you define the word...
it means something that is
If a theory or idea is not
observable, measurable, testable, and repeatable,
it is not science.
Has evolution been confirmed scientifically?
Actually - no.
That is why
even evolutionists admit that it is
" The t-h-e-o-r-y of Evolution "
it is presented as FACT.
Science defined
knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method
Scientific Method defined
Scientific Method
principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses
Let's talk about
Nebraska Man
Sometimes "evidence" for evolution is
later found to be
Let's check it out!
Let's talk about
Piltdown Man
Sometimes "evidence" for evolution is
Piltdown Man
was a
that scientists believed for
40 Years!
Even when you think a "scientific fact" is proven...
it may not be true!
Excellent Video
about the lies of evolution
Scriptures that will
Increase the Faith of Christians
Youtube Comment from the video above
Funny that evolution is about progress but yet everything in creation is slowing down, degrading and dying…no more progressing, no more evolving.
Man thinks himself as god and all that God hears is baby babble.
"Do you see a man wise in his own eyes?
There is more hope for a fool than for him." Proverbs 26:12
Evolution Scientists know full well that the
Theory of Evolution
is full of holes and not logically valid -
but they DECIDE to believe it anyway.
For example,
Famous, acclaimed
Professor George Wald from
Harvard University
"There are only 2 possibilities as to how life arose.
One is
spontaneous generation arising to evolution.
The other is
a supernatural creative act of God.
There is no third possibility.
Spontaneous generation
- that life arose from non-living matter -
was scientifically
disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others.
That leaves us with
the only possible conclusion that
life arose as a supernatural creative act of God.
I will not accept that
I do not want to believe in God.
I choose to believe
in that which I know is scientifically impossible -
spontaneous generation arising to evolution."
Professor Wald said what most other evolutionists
refuse to say in public.
Quote Taken from - the following video - see 5 minutes 18 seconds
Cut and Paste into Browser
I encourage you to watch the entire video above.
For evolution to be true,
there had to be
an enormous amount
have to believe
in order to make evolution appear to be true.
Some Fairy Tales say that a frog can turn into a Prince. |
![]() |
Note that
Evolution actually says
- if given enough time -
a frog can turn into a Prince.
In fact,
evolutionists believe that
non - living rocks and dust
over millions of years
created men and women.
Yet evolutionists criticize Christians for being ridiculous.
A commenter on Youtube - wrote
They call us idiots
for saying
God created everything
and yet
they call themselves
well learned
by saying,
“Nothing made everything and afterwards life came from non life.”
To be a Christian,
God tells us that we must believe in His miracles.
Such as - a virgin gave birth to a child who was God and who died for our sins and was resurrected from the dead to rule and reign forever.
Take note that
Jesus himself
put his stamp of approval on the Old Testament including the Creation Story.
On my page - Is the Bible true? I have a section about
"Jesus affirmed the Old Testament as truth."
Yet many Christians are ashamed
to believe in the
Genesis creation miracles of the Bible.
And even more
is that
many Christians
give up
the Bible's miraculous accounts
and instead
in the "miracles" needed for
Christianity and Evolution
require you to believe in
The Question is....
Which miracles will YOU believe in?
" could have done "
the miracles
evolution claims happened.
the Bible clearly says...
He Did Not.
If you decide to believe the Bible
you will be mocked.
God told us that if you believe him - you will be persecuted.
will you believe?
Many Christians
try to make
God's 6 Days of Creation
agree with evolution.
They try to make
of God's days
into millions of years.
that does not work.
See our following 2 sections.
Day 3
God made
Fruit trees
Day 4
God made
Sun, moon, stars
Day 5
God made
Flying insects such as Bees, and Birds, and Nectar bats
Fruit trees
( Day 3 )
pollinated by bees...
were created on Day 5
How can there be
millions of years between them?
Days of Creation
24 hours or long periods of time?
In the language of Hebrew,
the word "yom" is translated to English as "day."
In Genesis chapter one - the Hebrew word "yom" could mean
a 24 hour day or a long period of time.
How do you know which one God means?
If "yom" is accompanied by
one of the two following phrases -
it means 24 hours.
(Genesis chapter one has BOTH phrases!)
To make "yom" mean 24 hours
is done by:
Numbering the days with the word "Yom."
Putting the words "evening and morning" with the word "Yom."
God is speaking to us clearly.
Hebrew scholars know this.
Those who are dedicated to the Hebrew rules
say it does mean 24 hour days.
some of these scholars
make an single exception to this rule
for Genesis one
because they WANT to add evolution to Genesis.
God is clear....
The Days of Creation are 24 hour days.
God said in Genesis...
Plants and animals will reproduce
"after their own kind."
Truth of God
destroys evolution.
There are 10 occurrences
in Genesis chapter one
of God says that
living things will reproduce
"After its own kind."
Examples in Genesis 1:24-25
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
God created plants and animals
to have the ability to change
inside its KIND
but not to become another KIND.
God made DNA
so that it limits
all living creations to only change within KIND.
Celebrating the Dog Kind
Man's Best Friend |
![]() |
The dog KIND
can be bred to have great variety.
But... a dog cannot reproduce with another kind.
Dogs only birth dogs
no matter
how many millions of years are involved.
A dog cannot mate and produce a new KIND.
Yet evolution says
natural selection and time
along with other "miracles"
can do such a thing.
As one person pointed out,
"Scientists have now spent decades manipulating fruit flies
trying to get a new creature.
Yet all they do is get more fruit flies."
Next Video
will echo this fact.
The Fossil record shows
from one kind to another.
We see no fossil of a creature who is part one KIND and part another KIND.
Check out the next video !
Professors, Scientists, and Science majors
- who believe in evolution -
being asked
to give evidence of one KIND evolving into another KIND.
One answered, "The fossil record."
But the fossil record just shows previously living things
all representing their KIND.
There is no fossil that shows half of one kind and half of another kind.
That would be a transitional fossil.
Evolutionists will say transitional forms are rare - yet they cannot point out even one.
create many fairy tales about human creation.
Today it is popular to say
Humans are stardust.
The next video
shows a man mocking God by saying,
"So forget Jesus.
The stars died so that you could be here today."
Neil Degrasse Tyson
- a famous vocal proponent of evolution -
who say:
" Humans are stardust. "
Here is a link to Neil Degrasse Tyson weaving a story to stir emotions and solidify people to evolution.
Cut and Paste -
God's Word
God loves you.
God made you.
God explained your origins.
God says,
"You are fearfully and wonderfully made."
Each cell in your body
is very complex.
Each cell has what can be considered
" little machines "
that do all kinds of tasks for the cell.
Each cell is run by machines.
The last sentence in the video above -
the man says these machines are
And. . .
Each of these
little machines
would need to be
fully created
in order to be helpful to the cell.
God created these machines to build and sustain cells.
If a cell does not have all these machines working properly,
the cell will not function.
Let's examine one of these machines.
One of these "machines" can be
better understood
by comparing it to a
Mouse Trap
Let's Enter
Fairy Tale Land
See below
As the video above said,
"You need all the parts to make the little machines work."
Take that concept
think about human reproduction.
There are thousands of parts
to a
woman's reproduction system
a man's reproduction system.
None of the parts
will be helpful
unless all parts are fully complete and functioning.
how many miracles would evolution need
to produce a
fully complete and functioning woman
who could reproduce?
And a fully functioning complete woman
does no good
for reproducing
without a fully complete and functioning man.
a man and a woman have sex,
( It is a miracle in itself that the parts fit together. )
then how does
the fertilization take place?
How could
half the DNA given by the father and half the DNA given
by the mother
"Know" how to combine into a single cell?
Add to that
It does no good to get fertilization
without a womb and without DNA instructions
on how to
grow a baby in the womb.
Consider taking a few minutes
and deeply think about
the mind-blowing
involved in sex
and the growth of a baby in the womb.
Add to that
Having a full term baby does no good
if the woman's body is not equipped
to enlarge and let the baby out!
Add to that
fully - functioning mammary glands
the baby will die.
I am totally over-simplifying the complexity of all of this.
It is absurd to think that
a fully functioning woman (or even a female ape)
appears on earth
just as
a fully functioning man (or male ape)
appears on earth
- living near each other -
the woman's body is totally ready
to conceive, grow the baby, give birth, and then feed the baby.
The probability
of this all happening
is so
that we should all -
laugh at it.
Only God
could do the miracles
needed for evolution.
And he clearly said
He did NOT!
The devil and his demons are behind
the idea of
Just as the devil tempted Eve -
he will tempt us.....
![]() |
Did God really say that Did God really give us |
The devil wants people to believe
so he can convince
God wasn't needed in the creation of this world....
and then
plants in their minds the idea that there is no God.
Multitudes of people who believe in evolution,
think there is no God.
Satan knows that...
If Christians believe in evolution,
it weakens their faith that
The Bible is literally true.
After weakening a person's faith in the Bible,
the devil can more easily bring
confusion and complacency
in key areas
of a person's spiritual walk.
you question the Creation Week,
how can you be sure
about anything else in the Bible?
you are highly skeptical about Darwinian evolution,
the devil
will attempt
to draw your attention to
one of his other
anti-God theories of our origins.
Such as...
The Alien Deception
The Hopeful Monster Theory
The topic of
is a favorite lie
of the devil.
Satan has been working on that lie for a long time.
This deception
is key to several goals he has.
I will highlight those goals after the following video.
Here is Richard Dawkins
- a famous evolutionary biologist -
" The Alien Theory
of the
Origins of Life on earth. "
The devil
wants to use
the idea of aliens
to deceive people during the end times.
In the future, the devil will
reveal aliens as real
and the aliens will tell us
that THEY were the ones
who put us on earth along with all other living things.
(See our page on " Aliens are supernatural demonic beings. " )
accomplish several goals for the devil.
people believe in aliens...
First -
It takes away the need for God.
Second -
It provides a popular alternative to people who think evolution has too many holes in it.
Third - It is part of his goal to deceive the world. He will reveal aliens in the future, and those aliens will say that THEY were the ones who put us on earth along with all living things.
Fourth - Aliens will be used to speak to all earth dwellers and convince them that they are benevolent - but - there are other aliens coming to earth who are dangerous.... So, governments must obey them to save everyone from the bad aliens. "Good aliens" will be called "our saviors."
Fifth - Aliens will inform earth-dwellers that there is no God. Aliens will be so impressive that almost everyone will easily believe them.
( "I think "aliens" are the Great Deception that God warned us about in the New Testament.")
Sixth - Aliens will be used to entice earth dwellers with new technology and miraculous health cures - all available IF you obey them.
Believing in Aliens does not actually answer the question of "how did life come about." But most people who study aliens become so fascinated with aliens that they do not give that much thought. Satan may later make up some story about some alien who was "god."
The devil
actually gotten some scientists
to believe in
what is now called
The Hopeful Monster Theory.
Instead of
Darwinian Evolution
which says that
happened slowly over millions of years.
The Hopeful Monster Theory says -
that changes happened so fast
that the fossil record couldn't record it.
The example given is ....
a dinosaur laid an egg and a bird came out of the egg.
Geneticist Richard Goldschmidt
was the first scientist to use the term "hopeful monster."
He knew that jumps from one KIND to a creation of another KIND
is a major jump.
He said that small gradual changes could not create new KINDS of living things. He admitted there were no transitions in the fossil record.
This information and more is in the following link - cut and paste to browser:
As I discussed earlier,
our DNA
is programmed by God
against such genetic changes.
The devil
doesn't care which
you believe
about the way the world began and how life came from nonlife.
The devil
will do everything he can
to keep you from
a true
Bible - Believing
does the devil
not want you
to believe in the Bible?
The Bible has the
to save your soul from hell.
See our Explaining Salvation page.
It takes dedication and courage to follow Jesus.
Matthew 16:24 says...
Then said Jesus unto his disciples,
" If anyone wants to be a follower of mine,
let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. "
Heavenly Father,
Help me to be dedicated to believe what your Bible says,
and not let
other people
influence me to doubt.
Consider our page - Becoming a Champion for Jesus Christ.
Life Quote:
Truth is what GOD says is Truth...
No matter what someone else tells you,
No matter what you believe,
No matter what you feel,
No matter what your experience.
~ ~ ~
Our other Evolution page - Here
Jump to the top of The Truth about Evolution
The Truth about Evolution was posted July 2024.
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