Here are our topics:
* Is God's Will Always Done?
I'll show you
from the Bible
that "No" it isn't.
* God's Perfect Will
God's Permissive Will
Some people think that God's will is always done.
I say, "Yes and No."
I'll start with explaining my "No" answer.
No - God's will is not always done.
I will give Biblical proof - on this page -
that God's will isn't always done.
But first -
I want to start with a helpful story.
Some people
God is in Control
Nothing you do matters.
I encourage you to keep that thought in mind
review it
after reading the following story
written in green within quote marks:
I heard someone say recently
during a Bible teaching:
"In our company we were
a lot of accidents.
we wrote and posted
safety rules.
Since then, the accident rate has gone down.
Some people
say that
God is in control and nothing we do matters.
But I say
that it is interesting that
after we
the safety rules,
God's will was
that less people get hurt."
After reading that story -
we realize that it was
God's will
that people got hurt.
consciously and unconsciously
make choices
that cause them hurt and pain.
The Bible urges us to seek God's wisdom
so that we can make
better decisions.
In the Bible, the book of Proverbs
begins by telling us that
God wants us to gain
so that
we can make better choices.
we will avoid painful mistakes,
and we will experience
a better life.
The Book of Proverbs begins with:
These are the proverbs of King Solomon of Israel, David’s son:
He wrote them to teach his people how to live—how to act in every circumstance,
for he wanted them to be understanding, just, and fair in everything they did.
“I want to make the simpleminded wise!” he said. “I want to warn young men about some problems they will face.
I want those already wise to become wiser and become leaders by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth.”
The Bible teaches that
God's will
(God's Perfect Will)
is not always done.
In the Old Testament story of
King Saul,
we read that it was
God's will
that the people have a king.
But they were so insistent
- and their hearts were so hardened -
that God allowed them a king.
~ ~ ~
So God's Perfect Will
was rejected by the people
~ ~ ~
God's Permissive Will
was for them
to be ruled by an earthly king.
If you want to read the
"King Saul" Bible story,
check out the Blue writing below.
God appointed
Samuel the prophet
to rule over his people.
That was his will for them.
But at one point,
the people came to Samuel and said,
"Now appoint us a king to judge us
[and rule over us]
like all the other nations.”
1 Samuel 8:5b AMP
After the people came to Samuel,
Samuel prayed to God about the matter.
God told Samuel that
the people had rejected him [God]
not him [Samuel].
And God told Samuel to give them
what they want
- but -
warn them about what will happen
with an earthly King ruling over them.
(1 Samuel 8:7 and the rest of the verses of that chapter.)
The area marked
represents the perfect will of God for you.
We are wise if we seek to stay in God's Perfect
will in every area of our life.
The area marked
the permissive will of God for you.
That means that God will allow you to choose
options inside the "B" area.
The area marked
represents the choices that
God will not allow you to make.
The "C" section contain choices that God refuses to allow you.
If you try
to make a choice
in area "C",
God will firmly keep you from that choice.
For example
Let's say you live in Arizona.
Let's say that it is God's perfect will
that you
move to Texas. (section A)
Let's say that it is God's permissive will
that you
continue to
live in Arizona. (section B)
So in this story,
God is nudging
to move to Texas,
he will allow you
to stay in Arizona.
if you try to look at job opportunities in
New Mexico,
you will encounter
from God.
God will
allow you to
live in New Mexico.
So New Mexico is in the "C" area.
Of course that is a made up example to help you see what I am trying to convey.
God is - sovereign.
God is - in control.
He can stop anything.
He can do anything.
God allows us
can take us
of his Perfect will.
So God wants us to live in A - his Perfect will.
But we can choose B - his Permissive will.
I will continue to explain
more about God's will
after the following prayer.
I invite you to join me in
Inside your perfect will is your best blessings.
Inside your perfect will is healing for my soul.
Inside your perfect will is peace for my soul.
Inside your perfect will is wholeness.
I will seek to be inside your perfect will.
In love and devotion I pray,
Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of
In the Bible,
God tells us that
his will is
for everyone to be saved -
That means that God's perfect will
is that everyone would
repent of their sins,
confess Jesus as
Savior and Lord of their life
and be devoted
to following Jesus
- and therefore -
would go to heaven when they die.
We read this in several places including
1 Timothy 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9
that :
God wants everyone to be saved
and go to heaven.
- - -
Yet, not everyone chooses
to give their heart to Jesus and
be saved from hell -
So.... not everyone is going to heaven.
In fact,
in Matthew 7:13-14
Jesus tells us that more people
will go to hell
than heaven.
13 “Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate!
The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is
wide enough
for all the multitudes
who choose
its easy way.
14 But the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow,
and only a few ever find it.
Proverbs 1:29-31 TLB
“For you closed your eyes to the facts
and did not choose to
reverence and trust the Lord,
and you turned your back on me (wisdom),
spurning my advice.
That is why
you must eat
the bitter fruit of having your own way,
and experience the full terrors of the pathway
you have chosen.”
We have MORE on this page.
you finish this page:
See our page: Explaining Salvation
I encourage you to pray for your loved ones.
Consider our page:
Prayers for loved ones who are not right with God
It is God's perfect will
that a man and a woman
get married
before having sex.
God allows people to sin by having sex before marriage.
It is terribly unwise and will bring consequences.
You may say,
"Most people don't wait."
That is probably true.
But there were only
8 people
who were wise enough to enter the ark -
Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives.
All the other thousands of people
what was
popular and easy.
God's Permissive will
can sometimes
really bad
We can choose to live
God's Perfect will
His Permissive will.
Are you in God's Perfect will
for you
in every area of your life
in some cases,
are you in
His Permissive will?
God wants us
to stir up
to live in
His Perfect will.
It is not too late
to repent
and rededicate
yourself to God.
God will give you a fresh start.
There are many Bible examples
of people who rejected
God's perfect will.
wants to teach
about their bad decisions.
The video above has some good points.
Note that
I do not know anything about the presenter.
When you come to a big decision,
do you ever wonder -
What if ?
What would happen IF I choose such and such?
What would my future hold
I choose....
fill in the blank.
David did.
David wondered what would happen if....
1 Samuel 23:7-13
Will Saul come down?
Will the men of Keilah deliver me into his hands?
1 Samuel 23:13-14
God does know
what would happen
you chose
A or B or C in your life -
concerning big things and little things.
In the Lord's Prayer,
teaches us to pray that
God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Jesus wants us to pray those words
God's will is not always done on earth.
God's will
is not always done
on earth.
God's will
is always done
in heaven.
In a sense,
God's will is always done.
So - Yes - God's will is always done.
God's will is that
have lots of choices in his life.
So for God's will to be done -
there must be real options
for God's will
not to be done.
God cannot make a square circle.
God cannot make
a person
who is
free to choose
without allowing that person
to choose
a wrong path.
God called Abraham to obedience.
But Abraham had a choice.
It is the same with each of us.
God cannot give us freedom to choose
and then
always make us choose his will.
God often convicts us
of sin
we turn our back
His Perfect will.
When we have a particular sin issue
- a difficult to give up sin issue -
that God is convicting us about -
we first go
to a Gethsemane experience.
At Gethsemane,
we decide if it will be
Which one will have more weight in our heart?
We choose
which one
will have more weight in our heart.
If we choose
His Perfect will,
then we take our sin to the cross,
and there we struggle against the sin issue
and we suffer.
As we linger
at Gethsemane and
at the foot of the cross
that sin issue begins to die.
The flesh demands what it is used to.
We must resist our flesh
if we want the sin issue to die.
Sadly, many people don't linger at Gethsemane
and fight the good fight.
1 Timothy 6:12
tells us to
fight the good fight of faith.
That means that we decide
to daily
stand with God and
firmly anchored
in the Word of God
in the
Power of God,
reckoning ourselves dead to our feelings and
our human reasoning,
not letting
rule in our body
by obeying its lusts.
See our page on
Victory from all types of lust
Put on the
fighting on our knees.
James 4:7 is the
Bible Verse for
Here is God's POWER Verse:
Submit yourself to the Lord
resist the devil
he will flee from you.
James 4:7
Consider visiting our Power pages:
And our Champion Series
Jump up to the top of The Will of God
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