- Thoughts on Joseph Prince -
Joseph Prince
appears on the surface - without examination
to be a good Bible teacher.
on closer observation and investigation, we find that
his teaching is filled
half truths and twisted truths
and the result is
he puts himself
in clear opposition to God's truth.
His smooth delivery, his confidence, his charisma
and his emphasis on God's love
draw many people to him.
I (Beth) have personally known several people
who went off the rails spiritually
watching him regularly.
Because of that,
I have personally done my homework on this man.
In my opinion, he is clearly
The Most Dangerous Preacher
I am aware of.
My Wisdom Rule is...
When someone is wrong about
key foundational doctrines of Christianity -
I do not trust that person to teach me anything about the Bible.
This page will explain
the most dangerous teachings of Joseph Prince.
If you have
a casual interest
in this topic,
you might
just want to
scroll down and watch the FOUR videos.
Particularly the
Joseph Prince
has an unbiblical view of each of these topics...
Part 1
Joseph Prince has a false interpretation of repentance.
Conviction of Sin
Joseph Prince opposes godly conviction of sin
and falsely says -
The Holy Spirit does not convict believers of sin.
10 Commandments
Joseph Prince falsely says -
Viewing the 10 commandments will make you more likely to sin.
He teaches people to avoid
looking at or reading the 10 commandments.
Sin - consciousness
Joseph Prince promotes a false "sin - consciousness" doctrine.
He teaches people to avoid Scriptures about obedience to God.
He teaches people to avoid being aware of their sins.
Part 5
Miscellaneous topics
I will share a
very helpful video for this topic.
To begin
Joseph Prince twists the meaning of
and significance of
Repent and Repentance.
The Bible is clear that
coming to Christ for Salvation
involves Repenting.
Luke 13:3, Acts 3:19, etc.
Joseph Prince does not agree
that repenting is necessary.
The First video will specifically address that.
In Addition
Joseph Prince
gets the
simple meaning of repent
All through the Bible,
it was clear to all
that repentance was important
that repent had to do with
being sorry for your sins and asking God to forgive you,
and turning away from your sins.
the wicked people of Nineveh understood
what repent meant.
Please read Jonah 3:8-10.
They cried out to God
mightily in sorrow for their sins
turned from their evil ways.
Matthew 4:17
tells us that
Jesus preached to all a message of,
"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
certainly understood what repent meant.
(Luke 19)
even told Christians in the Book of Revelation
chapters 2 and 3
to REPENT of their sins.
Joseph Prince
* twists the biblical definition of repenting
His twisting of the truth
* downplaying the need for sorrowfully asking God for forgiveness,
* ignoring the need to change your behavior,
*and discouraging people from thinking about the topic of sinning.
Joseph Prince says that
talking about sin or reading the 10 commandments
- or other Scriptures about sin -
makes people
more likely to sin.
God disagrees with him.
In the following video,
Joseph Prince puts unbiblical words
the mouth of the apostle Paul.
I remind you that
Paul writes in
2 Corinthians 7:10
godly sorrow > leads to repentance > that leads to salvation.
(Worldly sorrow is just sorrow at getting caught.)
As you watch the video -
2 Corinthians 7:10
in mind
Note for clarity:
You do not need to know
Hyper Grace
to understand this video.
Further down the page, I will explain what it is.
Disclaimer: I do not know anything about the man who made this video. I am only putting my approval on THIS video.
Scriptures given in the above video
Mark 1;14-15 Luke 13:3 Luke 24:45-47 Luke 15:3-7 John 16:8-11 Galatians 3:24
Acts 17:30 Acts 8:22 Acts 26:19-20 Acts 2:36-38 Acts 3:19 Revelation 2:4-5
Revelation 3:19
Joseph Prince
teaches that
the only thing you have to do to be saved is
And by
" Only Believe, "
Prince means...
we should
take out the biblical view of the need for
* godly sorrow,
* asking God to forgive your sins (by repenting)
* changing your mind and actions toward sin.
Joseph Prince twists the meaning of "Believe."
Even the devil believes that
Jesus died on the cross for the sins of people.
Believing that Jesus died for your sins does not make you saved from hell.
Believe is more than that.
the Bible word "believe" means...
We are to believe IN Jesus
- IN what he said and taught -
and believe so solidly that we
become a disciple who follows Jesus.
It means we have a heart to
Obey Jesus.
Obedience includes
godly sorrow and repenting and turning from sin.
The Greek grammar and the word translated -
"Believes" in John 3:16 -
does not mean
"believe" one time
but it means to "continue to believe."
See 1 John 2:3-6.
The Bible is clear on the need for people to repent to God.
Repent means...
I prayerfully and sincerely ask God to forgive me of my sin
and then
in my heart,
I decide to give effort to try to turn from that sin
and instead follow the commands of Jesus and the Bible.
Part of
true repenting
Turning from that sin.
When you Repent.....
You change your mind
what is acceptable behavior in your life.
The following section shows what
Taught and Believed.
On the above video,
Joseph Prince was taking a
short portion of a "sermon" by Paul
and molded it
into a
false Joseph Prince doctrine.
Joseph Prince
is ignoring the Full Gospel Message that Paul taught.
I remind you that
Paul taught that salvation involves godly sorrow and repentance.
2 Corinthians 7:10.
Let's Continue to Look at
what Paul was clearly teaching about salvation
in Acts 26.
Please look with me
at -
Acts 26:20
Paul says....
I declared first
to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem,
and throughout all the region of Judea,
and then to the Gentiles,
that they should repent,
turn to God,
do works befitting repentance.
21 For these reasons
the Jews seized me in the temple and tried to kill me.
For more clarity -
Let's look at that verse
in the AMP version
Acts 26:20
Paul says....
I openly proclaimed first to those at Damascus, then at Jerusalem and throughout the region of Judea, and even to the Gentiles, that they should repent
[change their inner self—their old way of thinking]
and turn to God,
doing deeds and living lives
which are consistent with repentance.
21 Because of this some Jews seized me in the temple and tried to kill me.
Also see Acts 20:21
Take Note:
In that same "sermon" Prince highlighted, if you look at Acts:13:24 in the NLT translation, it clearly brings out the truth that Prince doesn't understand as he reads some of the other versions.
In Acts 17:11,
we read that
the Berean people were complimented
because they took the words of Paul and checked them out
with Scripture
(with Old Testament Scripture)
to see if what he was saying was true.
The Bereans
checked Paul out!
How much more
should we check out
the words of Joseph Prince
to see if they agree with the Bible!
Joseph Prince's book
"Destined to Reign"
Chapter 18,
pages 231-232
Joseph falsely says...
“…many of us have the impression that
is something that involves mourning and sorrow.
However, that is not what the Word of God says.
> Repentance just means changing your mind.”
2 Corinthians 10:9
Paul says,
"Now I rejoice,
not that you were made sorry,
but that your sorrow led to repentance."
As we have previously pointed out,
2 Corinthians 7:10
DOES say that sorrow is involved in repentance.
The Greek word translated repentance does mean "change your mind."
But it is more than that - as the link below reveals.
Greek word "repent" https://biblehub.com/greek/3340.htm
I remind you that
Joseph Prince said.....
Repentance JUST means
Change your mind.
My question to Prince is -
your mind
about what?
His answer SHOULD be -
Change your mind about continuing to do that sin!
But that would not be his answer. He always downplays sin.
For those interested - - the video link below shows Prince's teaching
about "changing your mind" -
There is no turning from sin
in Prince's teaching.
Cut and paste in browser.
Comment from under the video linked above...
"This man simply scratched itching ears.
He spoke nothing of substance
and condemned preaching against sin. Unbelievable."
When you Repent -
You change your mind
what is acceptable behavior in your life.
John 14:23
Jesus said,
"If you love me, you will obey me."
Below are
people practicing their musical instrument.
That picture relates to us.
1 John
explains to us that
we either
righteousness (obedience to God)
lawlessness (disobedience to God).
" Practice "
has the idea of
practicing a musical instrument
in order to get better at it.
1 John 2:29 NKJV
If you know that He is righteous,
you know that
everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.
1 John 3:10 NKJV
In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest:
Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God,
nor is he who does not love his brother.
Years ago,
I read through Joseph Prince's book, "Destined to Reign,"
and collected the quotes I'm using on this page.
In the book,
he has a "Prayer of Salvation"
but it has no biblical repenting in it.
Joseph Prince
intentionally picked out
the name "Joseph Prince."
His birth name is
Xenonamandar Jegahusiee Singh.
Youtube comment
posted below the next video.
"Joseph Prince is very popular
because people tend to
end up
feeling comfortable in their sins
after listening to him or reading his books."
Disclaimer: I do not know anything about the man who made this video. I am only putting my approval on THIS video.
Joseph Prince teaches
Hyper Grace
I call it, "The False Grace Message."
The video below
highlights how
sermons of Joseph Prince
a false teacher.
Here is a 6 minute video
to get a
quick overview of the
false hyper grace message.
Disclaimer: I do not know anything about the man who made this video. I am only putting my approval on THIS video.
Part 2
Joseph Prince falsely says,
"The Holy Spirit does not convict people of sin."
I suppose that he highlights the exact words
"The Holy Spirit" in with "conviction"
only one verse has both those EXACT words in it.
YET - even then -
he twists the verse to mean just the opposite!!
Beth's First Point
God is convicting people (believers and unbelievers)
of sin
all through the Bible.
Yet Prince disagrees with the Bible.
We see his false statement below....
Joseph Prince "Destined to Reign" Chapter 10, page 121.
" ‘But Pastor Prince, how can I differentiate between the Holy Spirit convicting me of sin and the accuser hurling condemnation at me?’…The bottom line is that the Holy Spirit never convicts you [a believer] of your sins…I challenge you to find a scripture in the Bible that tells you that the Holy Spirit has come to convict you of your sins. You won’t find any!"
I will deal with that
one "Holy Spirit" verse
in just a minute.
It is found after the green arrow.
let's see what Jesus himself said.
of sin
Revelation chapters 2-3.
For example:
Revelation 3:19 ISV
Jesus said,
"I correct and discipline
those whom I love,
so be serious and repent!"
Jesus was raised from the dead,
believers of sin.
We see that
when he speaks to the believers
in the churches in the book of Revelation.
Cut and Paste:
And the book of
was not the only time
Jesus convicted people of sin!
The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity.
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
are all one.
They are in agreement.
They are NEVER at odds with each other.
The Bible clearly tells us that "God " convicts us of sin
in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Let's jump to that ONE verse!
As Jesus is telling the disciples about
the work of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said,
And when he [ Holy Spirit ] comes,
he will convict the world of its sin,
of God’s righteousness,
of the coming judgment.
John 16:8 NLT
Joseph Prince answers people who point out
John 16:8 concerning this topic
by saying
that Jesus is talking about the world - not believers.
That is Wrong,
Christians are IN THE WORLD, we just are not OF the world.
For example,
look at the Scripture below:
And look for the words "in the world."
Paul says,
"Do all things without complaining and disputing,
that you may become blameless and harmless,
children of God without fault
in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation,
among whom
you shine as lights in the world."
Philippians 2:14-15 NKJV
> > In Addition < <
Look at God convicting believers
Hebrews 12:5-6 NKJV
(I also encourage you to read verses 7-11.)
And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:
“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6 For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.”
The Hebrew word translated "rebuked" in Hebrews 12:5
is the
same Hebrew word translated "convict" in John 16:8.
examining and investigating Prince,
he sounds so convincing.
The next video,
continues to bring clarity to this topic.
Disclaimer: I do not know anything about the man who made this video. I am only putting my approval on THIS video.
Below are - Scriptures used in the above video -
Hebrews 12:5 - Hebrews 12:7-8 - Revelation 3:19 - Matthew 18:15 - 1 Timothy 5:19-20
2 Timothy 4:2 - 2 Timothy 3:16
As the above video points out,
God even wants
Christians to "convict" other Christians of their sins.
For Example,
2 Timothy 4:2 NKJV
" Preach the word!
Be ready in season and out of season.
Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching."
And many other Scriptures
such as James 5:19-20, Titus 2:15, 2 Timothy 4:1-4, and Galatians 6:1.
Joseph Prince tells us
not to uncover our sins or anyone else’s.
Beth says...
That idea is ridiculous and unbiblical.
Not to mention
you cannot be
a parent, a mentor, a counselor,
or a
judge in a courtroom, etc.
under his definition.
See our page - Does the Bible ever tell us to judge?
A vital question -
Joseph Prince promote the idea that
does not convict Christians of current sins they do?
I cannot read his mind.
I can
look at the results of such teaching....
It produces people who
ignore their sins
conclude that sin is no big deal.
Comment from Person
who went to his church for 2 years,
"Joseph Prince said that
we did not have to
confess our sins,
and that by doing so
it will make us “sin-conscious”
make us doubt our salvation. "
Another comment from a previous member of
his church,
".Joseph Prince’s teachings made me numb to sin. "
Youtube comment
from under one of the videos on this page,
" A "pastor” told me I wasn’t saved
because I said
the Holy Spirit convicts people.
He kept going back to Joseph Prince as his source
to try and prove
only the unsaved are convicted."
Part 3
Joseph Prince falsely says...
Viewing the 10 commandments will make you more likely to sin.
Joseph Prince is in
opposition to the Bible.
This quote is taken from
Joseph Prince’s book “Destined to Reign.”
Chapter 9, page 106
" For generations,
the church has believed that by preaching
the Ten Commandments,
we will produce holiness.
When we see sin on the increase, we start to preach
more of the law.
But the Word of God actually says that
'the strength of sin is the law. '
It also says that
' sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.'
So the power for the church to overcome sin
is actually found in
being under grace and not in reinforcing the law.
Preaching more of the law to counteract sin
is like adding wood to the fire!”
THAT Joseph Prince quote is
That is gobbledygook.
I plan on making a short page about Joseph Prince's
incorrect interpretation and use of the phrase
'the strength of sin is the law. '
Joseph Prince's entire quote is factually
I highlight that Prince said,
"Preaching more of the law to counteract sin
is like adding wood to the fire!”
The Bible says - the opposite.
Psalm 119:11 AMP says,
"Your word
I have
treasured and stored
in my heart,
that I may not sin against You."
God tells us to
in his laws
and think about them
day and night.
Look at - Psalm 1:1-2 AMPC
Note: These verses
speak of the godly man or woman.
( Please take careful notice of verse 2. }
The Scripture says,
"Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful
[and the mockers] gather.
But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord,
and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God)
he habitually meditates
(ponders and studies)
by day and by night."
Romans 7:22 ESV
Paul tells us
"For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being."
In verses 7:21-25, Paul highlights
our personal war that God calls us to fight.
The war is between us -
delighting in the law of God,
which is pulling us toward obedience -
and giving into our flesh which is pulling us toward sin.
This is a war that we are supposed to fight.
Keeping God's LAWS
in our mind
gives us strength that
HELPS us fight the war.
Yet, Joseph Prince says the opposite!
Note That
in Psalm 119
God tells us HOW to cleanse our ways
- which means -
how to purify our actions to become more obedient to God.
Psalm 119:9-11 NKJV
How can a young man cleanse his way?
taking heed according to Your word.
10 With my whole heart I have sought You;
Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!
11 Your word I have hidden in my heart,
that I might not sin against You.
The Bible tells us that
we want to cleanse our ways
which means
- purify our actions to become more obedient to God -
we should
read God's laws (commandments, commands)
think about God's laws,
delight in God's laws, and even memorize God's laws.
We are to "meditate" on God's word.
The Hebrew word translated "meditate" means
think about it, ponder it, go over it in your head, speak it out, study."
It does not mean the kind of "meditate" that is a New Age technique.
James 1:22 says,
"But be ye doers of the word,
and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."
When you think
you don't have to try to
obey God -
you deceive yourself.
More Thoughts on Joseph Prince.
Part 4
Joseph Prince's false teaching on
Sin - consciousness -
Most False Teachers
such as Joseph Prince
teach us to
ignore sin in our life.
When Joseph Prince
we should not be
he means...
we should
ignore our sins.
God vs. Joseph Prince
wants us
to be aware of our sins
we can repent and make different choices.
For God to bring about repentance
in our life,
he must
give us a knowledge of His standards
(through reading his word)
remind us of His standards
(through reading his word)
or simply
stir our heart with conviction of a sin we committed.
If we are not aware of our sins,
we cannot
avoid committing those sins.
God wants us to AVOID committing sins.
The Next Section is a
to the
False Teachings of Prince!
Prince's False Teachings
The command to obey God
through doing something or refusing to do something
is stated or implied
in EVERY book of the Bible.
For example,
When God says,
"Do not tell lies,"
he is telling you to exert effort over your self-control
so you do not lie.
When God says,
"Do not lust,"
he is telling you to exert effort to change your thinking.
teaches the total opposite.
Joseph Prince teaches.....
When lust comes up
in me,
I'm not going to use my willpower to suppress it.
Why fight an enemy that doesn't exist?
It's dead. It's dead already. The very act of
praying or doing anything against it -
is saying that God's word is a lie.
Beth says,
THAT is as Opposite from the Bible as you can get!
Joseph Prince teaches people
to ignore their sins.
GOD says,
We are to "practice" righteousness.
That takes regularly making right choices.
Scriptures will be given further down.
In order to
" practice righteousness, "
must pay attention
to our
sinful actions
make changes.
The little book of
1 John
Practicing Righteousness
Practicing Lawlessness.
1 John 3:2-8
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him [Jesus] purifies himself, just as He is pure. 4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.
Verse 7
7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. 8 He who [practices] sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
Everyone sins sometimes.
The point is -
Practicing Righteousness or Practicing Lawlessness?
As verse 4 says - Sin is Lawlessness.
Joseph Prince says that reading Scriptures about sin
leads to more sin.
GOD says...
Thinking about
his laws, his commands, his statutes
leads to LESS sin.
shared the
Parable of the Two Sons
to teach us
obedience is DOING not just SAYING words.
See Matthew 21:28-31.
The only sin-consciousness that Joseph Prince
what he calls "mixing grace and law."
Chapter 20, page 258-259
"When it came to wrong behavior in Corinth, Paul was cool and collected toward the believers. He was able to handle their wrong behavior because he knew that the grace of God was able to take care of their spree of wrong behavior. That is why he was able to speak positively to them…But when it came to wrong doctrine in Galatia, he rebuked the believers there because they nullified God’s grace by mixing it with the law.”
Look at the red words above -
keep them in mind as you continue to read.
Corinth = The Corinthians church Paul wrote to.
Joseph Prince said...
"Paul was cool and collected when talking to people in Corinth....
That is why he was able to speak positively to them.
Paul was not cool and collected.
And he did not talk positively to them.
Below - see what
Paul said in
1 Corinthians 5:11 –
Reader of this page,
does the verse below sound cool and collected?
“But now I am writing to you that
must not
associate with
who claims to be a brother or sister
but is
sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard
or swindler.
Do not even eat with such people.”
Paul was telling us
to ignore sin in the church.
2 Corinthians 12:20-21
opposes Joseph Prince.
The whole verse is important yet I emphasized the last words of this Scripture reference....
Paul says...
For I fear lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I wish, and that I shall be found by you such as you do not wish; lest there be contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, backbitings, whisperings, conceits, tumults; 21 lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and I shall mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness, fornication, and lewdness which they have practiced.
Joseph Prince has no emotions over sin -
he does not grieve over sin
as Paul does.
A person who went to Prince's NCC church for 4 years said,
" In NCC, sin was irrelevant once a person says the sinner’s prayer. To be “sin-conscious” as JP likes to point out, was that of the Devil and not of the Holy Spirit."
Person continues...
"Once, after I learned about the horrors of hell elsewhere, I tried to look for a sermon on the topic of hell on Joseph Prince’s website but I could not find a single one."
Defining two Important Concepts
The Truth is:
releases us from the eternal penalty of sin.
Justification is done by God
when we repent of our sins and
accept Jesus as Savior and Lord of our life.
("Jesus as our Lord" indicates that we will obey him.)
releases us from the POWER of sin.
It is a process
and we must cooperate.
Sanctification is not done by God alone.
is done by us
choosing to
work with the Holy Spirit
which results in obeying the Words of God.
As we follow the nudging of the Holy Spirit,
we become more and more obedient.
This is a life-long process.
This means that we are choosing to yield to the Holy Spirit.
First Section -
Joseph Prince ignores part of Romans 8:1
which would contradict his teachings.
Second Section -
How do you know if you are saved from hell?
1 John 2:3-6
Third Section -
Comments from people concerning Joseph Prince
And Closing Comments
Prince quotes only - PART - of Romans 8:1.
Joseph Prince "Destined to Win"
Chapter 12, pages 147-148 says,
“‘But Pastor Prince, what happens when I sin?’
Well, does ‘NOW’ cover the moment when you sin?
Of course it does.
‘There is therefore now no condemnation…’ is a ‘now’ verse.
The declaration is true every moment, every day. It is true in the morning. It is true in the night.
And when tomorrow comes, it is still true.
There is presently, continuously, no condemnation for you
because you are in Christ!”
There is now
no condemnation for
Romans 8:1 NKJV
" There is therefore now no condemnation to those
who are in Christ Jesus,
who do not walk
according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. "
Let's Be Clear....
In Romans 8:1 (see above)
Joseph Prince leaves OUT the blue words.
He quotes ONLY part of the verse.
This verse
is not
good news for people
who "believe" there is a God
live their life in agreement with the devil.
How to know
if you are saved from hell?
1 John 2:3-6
explains how to tell
if you are a True Christian.
It says,
" Now by this
we know that we know Him,
we keep His commandments.
4 He who says, “I know Him,”
and does not keep His commandments, is a liar,
and the truth is not in him.
5 But whoever keeps His word,
truly the love of God is perfected in him.
By this
we know that we are in Him [Jesus].
6 He who says he abides in Him [Jesus]
ought himself also to walk just as
He [Jesus] walked.
NKJV Version
Only 2 choices:
You will be
transformed by God
you will be
conformed to the world.
Romans 12:2 AMP
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect
[in His plan and purpose for you].
Proverbs 19:27 CSB
If you stop listening to correction, my son,
you will stray from the words of knowledge.
Then Jesus said to
his disciples,
who want
to follow me
must say
- no -
take up their cross,
and follow me."
Matthew 16:24
Cut and Paste in Browser:
SORRY I can't get it to show on this site!
An Informative Testimony
and then
Comments & Thoughts
Joseph Prince.
Back in 2003 when The Holy Spirit convicted me and I realized that If I died I'd go to hell, was when I asked Jesus to forgive me.
His love was overwhelming and this newness of life consumed me. I started crying profusely and ask God to show me how to really love others and be kind to people.
I turned on the TV the next day after work to watch "Christian television" and saw Creflo Dollar talk about love - and honestly it was like the words of the Bible were just jumping off the pages onto my heart. I said this man has to be a man of God.
After following his teaching close for years I could count on one hand, if that, there was no talk of repentance of sin. It was constant health and wealth sermons where me as a baby Christian loved hearing because after all He is God and wants the best for us.
Same thing was taking place with so many other TBN preachers.
I know that I'm responsible for my actions however due to the lack of true preaching of God's Word there was never anything I heard to address my sexually immoral ways.
I wound up backslidden and leaving the church.
Again I'm responsible for my actions and blame no one else. I wonder how many others are in that position and imagine wow only if they just heard sound doctrine and men of God who are responsible with the text.
When the Lord who is rich in mercy drew me back a light bulb flashed over my head and what do you know, it was about turning from sin the whole time.
I'm so grateful to God for that revelation because that's the only way we're going to have relationship with Him.
Joseph Prince was also someone I listened to in the late 2000's and thought he was full of wisdom and listened to him for a little but now just like I view Creflo it's an excellent example of how televangelist eisogete the scripture. It's really disgusting and disturbing. Regardless of the fact, God will use whoever however to bring you to him. I do pray the likes of these men do get granted mercy from God before it's too late!
Thoughtful Comments from a Joseph Prince video -
We need Jesus because we are sinners and God is so Holy.
We must flee sin, not casually wade in it!
Motivational minister Joseph Prince
leads the deceived to where a wide mouth to hell awaits the unrepentant.
Thoughtful Comment from a Joseph Prince video -
He says that the Lord is raising ministers of righteousness.
Does he know that a
minister of righteousness
gets a lot of trouble from the world
because their lifestyle preaches against sin
and that they call out sin and exhort people to repent?
Why does he not focus on how to deal with that...
Instead it always goes hand in hand with prosperity.
I made a righteous decision to tell my married boss
his affair with his secretary cannot be accepted
and I did not get the promotion.
My colleague got promoted because she told him the affair is not her business.
Why does he not focus on that aspect of being righteous?
This is no preacher! This is an ear soother and hypocrite!!!!
Comment from under a Hyper Grace video:
Hypergrace is such a dangerous thing!
It takes away man taking responsibility for his actions
leaves a form of subtle entitlement!
Taking responsibility for your sinful ways
is the
God requires to start a good work in you!
It is there you realize
you cannot save yourself and you need
the gift of salvation only Christ offers!
No one on this planet preaches hyper grace more than JP!
Beth says,
"If I have gained ANY clout in your eyes,
please reject Joseph Prince
OR at least
continue to do research on him."
I quickly read his entire book
"Destined to Reign"
at a bookstore.
I sat down with a pen and paper to copy the dangerous quotes.
I did not want to even bring that book into my home.
I do not listen to his voice.
For this page,
I put the videos on closed captioning so I would not
have to hear his voice...
I believe he is that spiritually dangerous.
Psalm 119 is a Beautiful Psalm.
It is about
a Wise Person
Loving and Respecting God's commands.
The Old Testament and the New Testament
are filled with Scriptures of God telling us to obey his Scriptures.
Below you will find
the first few verses of
Psalm 119 in the Living Bible Translation.
Consider getting your Bible
and looking it up in your favorite translation....
Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God. 2 Happy are all who search for God and always do his will, 3 rejecting compromise with evil and walking only in his paths.
4 You have given us your laws to obey— 5 oh, how I want to follow them consistently. 6 Then I will not be disgraced, for I will have a clean record.
7 After you have corrected me, I will thank you by living as I should!
8 I will obey! Oh, don’t forsake me and let me slip back into sin again.
9 How can a young man stay pure? By reading your Word and following its rules. 10 I have tried my best to find you—don’t let me wander off from your instructions. 11 I have thought much about your words and stored them in my heart so that they would hold me back from sin.
12 Blessed Lord, teach me your rules. 13 I have recited your laws 14 and rejoiced in them more than in riches. 15 I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect. 16 I will delight in them and not forget them.
17 Bless me with life so that I can continue to obey you. 18 Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word. 19 I am but a pilgrim here on earth: how I need a map—and your commands are my chart and guide. 20 I long for your instructions more than I can tell.
21 You rebuke those cursed proud ones who refuse your commands— 22 don’t let them scorn me for obeying you. 23 For even princes sit and talk against me, but I will continue in your plans.
24 Your laws are both my light and my counselors.
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Thoughts on Joseph Prince was presented August 5, 2024.
Thoughts on Joseph Prince has 4 videos and is a 5 part page.
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