Touch not God's anointed

touch not ?

This page will explain the true definition of

" Touch not God's anointed "

found in these verses

Psalm 105:15

And  1 Chronicles 16:22.

Does that verse mean

we must never "call out" 


preacher or teacher or prophet


he or she

is saying or doing something


or perhaps

morally questionable?


Quick Answer:


Please join me for this page of  - Explanation.

Further down the page,

I will provide


of the

true interpretation of this verse.


But quickly I will say....

The Bible makes it clear...

to "touch not God's anointed"

means to


physical harm and/or death.

Further down I show Scripture making that clear.
Click HERE to jump down there.






who call themselves

Preachers  or  Teachers  or  Prophets

want to twist the meaning of this



It protects them from accountability.


Before you paint a room, you put down drip cloths (drop cloths) so you do not make a mess on your floor or your pieces of furniture. 

Many prophets, preachers, and teachers have put out a drop cloth of "Touch not God's anointed" in order to protect themselves from any mess that has to do with accountability to Bible truth or to Bible morality. 


Not only do many

Preachers and Teachers and Prophets

make use of this verse

to shut down

any helpful questioning or needed criticism -

they actively

TRY to produce FEAR

in the hearts of anyone

who might be thinking about making comments to them.


The following video


the practice of



These people

say or imply that

God will reign down bad things on people

who say something negative about them.


Note: the next video says "prosperity teachers" do this.

I am not trying to highlight "prosperity teachers."

I am highlighting

any person

representing God

that does this.


Creating Fear 


Prosperity Preachers use this verse and thus produce fear.

But not all of them.

Video Featuring

Benny Hinn - fear creator

Costi Hinn - Benny's nephew who calls him out 

Disclaimer: I am only recommending the videos on this page. I am not saying that I recommend any videos that this Youtube creator has done in the past or will do in the future.

T.D. Jakes

Creating Fear

Disclaimer: I am only recommending the videos on this page. I am not saying that I recommend any videos that this Youtube creator has done in the past or will do in the future.

This kind of manipulation

seeks to

threaten those

who would expose their false and un-Scriptural teachings.

What does the Bible say?

2 Timothy 2:24-26 NKJV

And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.


False Prophet Robin Bullock

Creating Fear

I say Robin is a "false prophet"


the Bible says...


a prophet predicts something

and it does not come true,


that person is a false prophet.

Disclaimer: I am only recommending the videos on this page. I am not saying that I recommend any videos that this Youtube creator has done in the past or will do in the future.

More Examples



Disclaimer: I am only recommending the videos on this page. I am not saying that I recommend any videos that this Youtube creator has done in the past or will do in the future.

The Bible warns us that

people will rise up and teach us wrong things!

Also from among yourselves men will rise up,

speaking perverse things,

to draw away the disciples after themselves.

Acts 20:30 KJV

What should we do

about a person

getting in the pulpit and saying unbiblical things?




from the Bible

Ephesians 5:11 NKJV

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.

Don't look the other way - expose what God nudges you to expose in a Christlike way.

Titus 2:15 NKJV

Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.

Galatians 6:1 TLB

Dear Brothers,  if a Christian is overcome by some sin,  you who are godly should gently and humbly help him back onto the right path.


Should church members


serious errors in a church?

In the next verse,

Jesus is angry

that church members are allowing sin.

Revelation 2:20 NKJV

Jesus said,

"Nevertheless I have a few things against you [church of Thyatira] because you ALLOW that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent."

There are many churches today who are

tolerating and / or  promoting

sexual immorality in their church

in a variety of ways. 


By the way,

I've done a whole page on understanding the Bible verse,

"Judge not"

which I say

is the most frequently twisted Bible verse.


The following video

starts out


but takes a sharp turn into error.


I agree that
we give comments to others,
we should
give respect.

But then...

the video clip begins to


into the same old technique of

warning people



they are critical or questioning a "leader"

they are rebelling against God.

In the alarming video below -

Jim Bakker
that people speaking out are showing they might not even be saved! 

That is horribly manipulation and abusive.

This starts out fine -  then becomes...

Another example


Creating Fear

3 minute video

Take Note: There are Nine Fruit of the Spirit.

The video only has 7 Fruit of the Spirit - See Galatians 5:22-23.

Quotes posted by Jim Bakker about this video

Quotes that concern me, from

Jim Bakker

found in Jim Bakker's Youtube description box.

* * *


The spirit of rebellion is the spirit of witchcraft.

You know why you don’t want to say it?

Because so many people in the church are in rebellion.

Gossiping, gossiping, gossiping. - Pastor Jim Bakker

Beth says - I think Jim Bakker is using the word
in this quote
to be so broad as to include
constructive criticism spoken to leadership
necessary conversations with leadership.

I want to tell you something,

if you’re messing with the church,

you better get ready for judgment. - Pastor Jim Bakker

Why don’t you just leave your church alone,

leave your pastors alone, go find another church.

Don’t gossip about us.

You know you’ve passed from death into life

because you love the brethren,

not hate them, not talk about them. - Pastor Jim Bakker



Let's pray for all the people highlighted on this page.

Let's pray that they will realize their errors

and change their words and ways.


A Great Comment from under the video

"Touch not my anointed

does not mean it is wrong to speak out

against those who are preaching, teaching, or living in sin.

The scriptures say to

reprove, rebuke, and exhort.

Touch not my anointed has to do with physical harm.

David said he would not touch God's anointed Saul,

he was saying he would not physically harm Saul

because David surely publicly rebuked him."


"Touch not" is sometimes used to

legitimize church leadership

that is

abusive or dictatorial.

Below we have a recent example



the Scripture 

"Touch not God's Anointed."


John Lindell

is intentionally

Creating Fear

in any person who would 

"criticize him for how he handled a conflict situation."


This situation happened at a conference at John Lindell's church.

During the conference, Mark Driscoll

 - who was scheduled to speak at the conference later - 

saw what he believed was a moral sin issue happening on stage.


Driscoll got on stage as soon as he could

and gave his opinion

to those in attendance. 

John Lindell became very angry.

I am not going to try to figure out

what was done right or wrong about the situation.

My focus is to highlight

that John Lindell

incorrectly used

the "touch not" Bible verse

to instill fear in anyone

who would criticize his actions or words.

John Lindell

using that verse in this situation was wrong. 

It is a gross misuse of this verse.

In the video,

I am highlighting the part

beginning at

7 minutes 45 seconds and continuing.

The video shows

Lindell and Driscoll together on stage after the conference

seeking peace.


I have never watched any video teaching of

John Lindell or Mark Driscoll.

Disclaimer: I am only recommending the videos on this page. I am not saying that I recommend any videos that this Youtube creator has done in the past or will do in the future.

Comment from under the video...

So embarrassing watching someone say “you better be careful when you criticize someone who has the anointing of God on their life”. Right after he criticized the man he invited to speak at his conference. Breathtaking ignorance.

Proverbs 27:5-6 NLT

An open rebuke
    is better than hidden love!

Wounds from a sincere friend
    are better than many kisses from an enemy.

Promoting Silence for Personal Gain

In each example on this page,

a church "leader" is mentoring people

 - actually even manipulating people - 

to be silent

instead of speak up

when they believe God wants them to speak up.

Using this verse in this way

creates a dangerous mindset in the church.

In Scripture after Scripture

God clearly tells us he wants Christians

to rightly judge issues

that have to do with the church and 

Christian leaders in the church.

See my page - Judge not - the most often twisted verse


King David's example

David interpreted the "touch not" command to be - 

Do not cause

physical harm.


Important Note:

There is no example in the Bible

of anyone

using the

"touch not"


to condemn speaking words of correction or disagreement.

There are examples in the Bible

of people using the

"touch not" verse

to condemn physically killing or physically harming someone.

See Below...



David was anointed by God to be king even while King Saul was king.

Both David and King Saul were anointed by God.

King Saul was continually going after David to kill him.

So we look at David's life and see that

David only interpreted this verse to mean -

Do not physically harm. 

David had chances to kill King Saul but he wouldn't.

For example -  1 Samuel 24:11

1 Samuel 26:9-11 and

1 Samuel 26:23


that "touch not" verse did not stop David from criticizing King Saul.

David rebukes King Saul but he doesn't physically hurt him.

1 Samuel 24:12-13

1 Samuel 26:17-25

From David's actions,

we know what the definition truly is.

1 Samuel 26:8-11 KJV

Then Abishai said to David, “God has delivered your enemy into your hand this day. Now therefore, please, let me strike him at once with the spear, right to the earth; and I will not have to strike him a second time!”

But David said to Abishai, “Do not destroy him; [Destroy = kill]  for who can stretch out his hand against the Lord’s anointed, and be guiltless?10 David said furthermore, “As the Lord lives, the Lord shall strike him, or his day shall come to die, or he shall go out to battle and perish. 11 The Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand against the Lord’s anointed.

Also see 2 Samuel 1:13-16 

Another example of David interpreting that verse

to mean physical harm.



a short Youtube


that speaks about this topic.

Cut and paste into your browser.


# 2 David's Example for Us

King David was anointed by God as king.


in Acts 2:25-31, we are told that

King David

was classified by God as a prophet.

A Double Anointing...


let's see


David used that "touch not" verse the way

others on this page have.


David sinned with Bathsheba, 

David neglected to repent.

God sent Nathan the prophet to David to expose David's sin.

How did David react?

Did he say, "Touch not God's anointed?"


When Nathan rebuked David for his sin,

David received the rebuke in a mature, humble manner.

When talking to Nathan,

David did not

use any excuse about being God's Anointed -

David modeled for us to receive


in a mature, humble manner.



Paul was God's anointed


he never used the "touch not" verse

even when

he was beaten and thrown in prison.

He never used that verse

in any situation.


he could have because he was physically harmed.

And -

Paul gave glowing words to the


who didn't just accept

everything he said

but they listened to Paul

and then

diligently searched the Scriptures

to see if what Paul said was true. 

See Acts 17:10-11

They checked

Paul's word using Old Testament Scriptures


that did NOT offend Paul.


Paul confronts Peter


was anointed by God.

In fact, 

Matthew 16:18 tells us that

Peter was the rock on which God built his church.

Yet Paul confronts Peter to correct him.

Galatians 2:11

Paul says,

"But when Peter came to Antioch,

I had to

oppose him to his face,

for what he did was very wrong."

Paul said to Peter what needed to be said.

Paul did not ignore the situation.



Paul confronts sin in the church at Corinth

and thereby

criticizes the


Paul told the

Pastor and the whole Corinth church

to get

the sinful man out of the church.

1 Corinthians 5 

And in verses 9 through 11, Paul teaches us how to respond...

When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin.

10 But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that.

11 I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people.



Samuel was anointed as a prophet.'

Saul was anointed of God as king.



1 Samuel 15:13-24

Samuel verbally corrected and rebuked Saul.

Again I remind you - Touch not - refers to physical harm.

Paul's Advice to us

Going back to Paul...

Paul gives us advice on

refuting those who contradict the Bible.

He says a person should be...

"holding firmly the faithful word

which is in accordance with the teaching, so

that he will be able

both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict it."

Titus 1:9

~ ~ ~

Something to think about... 

Proverbs 17:15 NASB


" One who justifies the wicked

and one who condemns the righteous,

Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord."


There are many Scriptures

telling us to

correct, rebuke, expose sin.

Here is an example.

Ephesians 5:11 NKJV

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.

The Greek Word


The Greek word translated "expose"

in Ephesians 5:11,

is the Strong's Greek word number 1651.

It can be translated

convict, correct, rebuke, reprove,


show one his fault,

call into account,

tell one's fault, admonish, chasten,

to expose,


conviction to bring to the light



God wants us to call out sin.

I speak fully on that on our page

Judge Not

God wrote the Old Testament verses about

"touch not God's anointed"

because people were


hurting and harming God's prophets.

It was

not about

keeping silent instead of exposing sin


keeping silent instead of highlighting incorrect teaching.


We are to

Judge SIN

by God's Word

not by our Preferences

"Do not judge according to appearance

but judge with righteous judgment."

John 7:24 NKJV


Closing Thoughts

Silencing people is not a healthy practice.

A healthy practice is....

Everyone can be questioned. 

And when we question someone -

we need to be respectful and godly in our approach. 

Silencing people is not biblical.

Silencing people is a manipulative technique

that Christians should not practice.

And note - silencing is how cults start and operate.

I am not saying or implying

that any of these people are part of a cult.

I am just pointing out that silencing is a bad practice.

I ask you to consider this...

Historically, any political group that tried to silence others -

were the guys with bad intentions

trying to hide their bad intentions.


We as godly Christians need to avoid this bad practice.

Jump to the top of   Touch Not

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