Trusting God

Trusting God grows

as we:

Read God's Word,

Meditate on godly concepts,


Mature in the Lord.


The following

fictional story

illustrates our need

to intentionally take God seriously.


Are You Serious?

Karl had a long day at work. He was ready to unwind.

He headed straight for his recliner. He eased down onto his beloved chair. He nestled back while raising the footrest. Then he slowly brought his head back so that it rested gently on the soft headrest.

Karl reached for his trusty remote and turned the television on. Then a sinking feeling hit him.

“I’m thirsty.”

Too tired to move, he pushed the thought from his mind and concentrated on his favorite show.

Suddenly, he heard,

“This news update just in!

The water supply has been found to be contaminated.

It is imperative

that you

boil your tap water


use bottled water.

More details at 11:00 on News Team 11.”

“What!” Karl barked at the television.

“I washed my hands when I came home,

and the water looked fine.

That news report is . . .


Karl was so irritated that he found the energy to get that drink that he had wanted.

He angrily got up and headed for the kitchen.

“There’s nothing wrong with this water!”

Karl declared to his cat

who was lounging on a kitchen chair.

With that statement,

Karl turned on the faucet,

filled a glass with water, and drank it straight down.

“ This water is just fine!

They think they are soooo smart!

What do they know anyway! ”

~ ~ ~

The water looked fine.

Karl judged the water with his eyes.

But there were things about the water

that cannot be judged with the human eye.

It is easy to see how foolish Karl was in this situation.

But many times we act just as foolishly

during our daily walk with God.


God personally speaks to us about

harmful situations, but

many times we have

the same attitude that Karl had:

“I don’t see anything
wrong with it!”

Reflection Question:

Do you take God’s Words seriously?

Devotion Copyright © 1997 Beth McLendon of

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Growing our Trust

I will trust God.

Consider reading that sentence 4 times.

The first time emphasize the first word.

The second time emphasize the second word.

The third time emphasize the third word.

The fourth time emphasize the fourth word.

will trust God.

I will trust God.

I will trust God.

I will trust God.

Consider doing that several times today.

Let those powerful words sink in.

"Trusting God" Scriptures
to Contemplate


God wants us to listen to him

so we can be blessed.

"If ye be willing and obedient,

ye shall eat the good of the land."

Isaiah 1:19 KJV


"Anyone willing to be corrected

is on the pathway to life.

Anyone refusing has lost his chance."

Proverbs 10:17 TLB

"Despise God's Word and find yourself in trouble.

Obey it and succeed."

Proverbs 13:13 TLB

Bible devotions are one way to focus us

on godly concepts

and challenge us to come up higher

in trusting God.

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