Two Questions
There are two main questions
in a person's life.
These 2 important questions
are ones that
basically everyone
asks themselves
consciously or unconsciously.
? ?
Your answers to these 2 questions
will reveal
the trajectory of your life.
? ?
Finding and accepting the right answers
to these questions
is vitally important
to our life
to our relationship with God.
The most important question
is -
"Is God worth it?"
Meaning -
Is God worth me doing
what it takes
to follow him closely?
For that question to be answered,
other related questions must be answered:
Is God worth the time it takes to read his word,
pray, and serve him?
Is it worth it
for me to say "No" to myself
I can please God?
Is God worth it even if I have to lay down what
I want to do in order to obey him?
Is pleasing God important to me?
Is it "worth it?"
Sadly, many Christians decide
(consciously or unconsciously)
that God is not worth it.
That is why we have a huge abundance of
in our world.
For them, following the Bible is not worth it -
living for Jesus is not worth it.
The amount of
worth and value
you place
directly related
how much you
try to obey and please God.
"How worth it you think God is"
how much
you are going to try to obey him.
Over and Over in His Word,
God tells us that...
He IS Worth it!
Wise People
Consider visiting our
if you need to get "Fired Up" to serve God.
Second Question
Does God Care? Does God Care about Me?
Most people know that
the Bible tells us that
God loves people.
many people have a hard time really believing that
God loves them.
It is not necessary
that you feel that God loves you
in order to go to heaven.
Click here to understand HOW to go to heaven.
when you don't feel that God loves you,
you miss
a lot of the joy that God wants to give you
and you miss
a lot of the contentment that God wants to give you.
Accepting the fact
- and enjoying the fact -
that God loves you
makes a big difference
in your relationship to God.
We can't feel close to God
if we think
he does not love us.
When you feel that
you are
valuable and precious to God,
it lifts you up emotionally,
it gives you a peace internally,
it enables you to have
a much deeper and satisfying relationship with God.
Walking with God requires trusting God.
We can't fully trust God
if we don't believe that he deeply cares about us.
God compares a good relationship with him
to a happily married couple.
Jesus is the bridegroom, and we are to be the bride.
Imagine the most wonderful bridegroom ever
- and the most devoted bride ever -
and that is God's picture of a great relationship.
Many people make
very poor choices in their life
because they don't feel valuable and lovable.
That is one stumbling block
(among many)
that can be created when you do not feel God's love.
Some people
who are rebellious and angry against God,
as the root of their problem
a belief that God doesn't care about them
or that
God couldn't care about them
because they are
Rebellious people
sometimes stumble over thoughts such as:
If God
doesn't care about me
why should
I care about him
change my life for him?
Having a solid understanding
of God's love
makes our relationship with God
more firm and stable.
I encourage you to consider our pages:
Music for Feeling loved by God
More Understanding about God's Love
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Guiding Teens toward Blessings
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Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
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Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
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Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
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The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms