We need Hope.
This is written in June 2020 in the U.S.A.
There is an attack on HOPE in our country.
Let's not forget that Hope has another name - JESUS!
The enemy of our soul has launched an attack
to take away
and everything else he can get his hands on.
This has lead many people to fight depression
and some even to experience
suicidal thoughts.
No one is immune
to being touched by depression and hopelessness.
This page has videos and prayer.
Addressing Depression
especially in this time in history.
The biggest decision you have
in depressing times is:
Will I draw closer to God
will I draw away from God?
Let's PRAY
for ourselves and for others.
Dear Lord,
We are calling out to you in our times of difficulties.
We are calling out to you
as we watch
distressing and confusing events.
We lift up our pleas for help
as we combat
the constant barrage of hopelessness
that is coming from the media.
We lift up our pleas for comfort
as we move from day to day in a world that is broken.
We lift up our pleas for stability
in a world that sometimes appears to have abandoned
justice, common sense, decency, compassion, and godliness.
We cry out for your mercy.
Supernaturally lift us up today above it all.
And remind us of things
that we can do to cooperate with you
welcoming and encouraging godly thoughts and emotions.
We need strategies and we need motivation.
Show us how to receive more of your peace.
Give us practical, specific instructions.
We lean on you this day
as we intentionally receive your assurance
that you love us and that you are watching carefully
all that has to do with us.
We pray in the healing name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
A Song of Comfort
Lord, we are reaching out to you...
with our burdens and troubles.
A huge portion of the world is apathetic about you at best
and rebellious about you at worst.
I lift up prayer to you for refreshment
as I live in this anti-Jesus world.
I pray for help
in the name of Jesus, my Hope,
Next we have specifics about
how to...
BEWARE of things that drain your hope
EMBRACE things that Strengthen you and your Hope.
Beware of these
Hope Zappers
Emotional Exhaustion - drains Hope.
Watching the mainstream media - drains Hope.
Listening to complaining - drains Hope.
Moving away from Jesus - drains Hope.
Take note:
Dealing with family members who don't follow Jesus
can drain our Hope -
Just keep that in mind and make sure you are
refreshing yourself.
Fill in the blanks...
And _________ drains Hope.
And _________ drains Hope.
As Christians,
God wants to teach us to rise above
the natural
live in a realm of the
Note: If you are not sure you are right with God, click here: Explaining Christianity
I call out to you to
give me ideas and help so that I can
live in a
Your Hope
encourages me
no matter what the circumstances.
Encourage me,
How do you
renew your strength
when you become emotionally exhausted?
It is helpful to write a list of
Christian songs,
Prayers, etc.
that help to elevate your mood....
Run to that list when Hope begins to dwindle.
Take note:
In 1 Kings 19:4 -
Elijah felt that hope was gone for him.
He felt like giving up.
But God provided some supernatural food for him.
Be ready to receive the supernatural that God is going to give you.
AND take note that you also need to walk toward the supernatural in ways such as ....
*** Putting on the Armor of God...
God tells us in Ephesians chapter 6
that we MUST put ON the Armor of God
in order
to be
This website has lots of prayers
that help you put on the Armor of God
while leaving you feeling POWERFUL and STRONG.
Here are our
Enthusiastic, Powerful...
And it helps to
Learn How
*** Wait on God.
We have a page: Waiting on God
A Sermon of
for such as day as this.
Sermon starts at 28 min 30 sec
One thing to remember
No matter what happens tomorrow -
Jesus is already there.
A Beautiful Song to Draw us to Jesus
I am not endorsing any singer or group just these individual videos. Please do not let any posting of any video lead you to think I am endorsing those who are on the video.
To Increase STRENGTH and ELEVATE your Mood
Read our
Champions for Christ pages
For Down Days:
Also - Prayer for weary times
Please consider looking through our
Prayer Pages and Strengthening Articles
To find something on a page:
On a computer, hold down the control button
while hitting the " F " button -
a box will pop up and
you type the word you are searching for in the box.
Jump to the top of We Need Hope
Guiding Teens toward Blessings
Newest Page:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
went out
February 18.
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which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms