Wedding Prayers

This page contains


Wedding Prayers

to be prayed by a upcoming bride or groom.

Also consider our Wedding Dinner Prayers

The excitement of married bliss

is highlighted and blended

with requests to God

for his guidance and protection.

Prince Charming

He brings the slipper that fits my foot -

for he is the man whose heart fits with mine.

When God made you....

Below we have

wedding prayers

which are written for a bride

but can be adapted to a groom.

Also see our

Wedding Dinner Prayer


Wedding Vows.

Wedding Prayers to God

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my groom-to-be. He is truly more awesome than words. I've never had anyone in my life that blesses me like he does.

Lord, I feel your peace flowing freely through my life as I get to know him more and more.

You are my God, and I will give you thanks.

Lord, I will give you thanks for bringing ________ into my life. May I be as great a blessing to him as he has been to me.


Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

You are my God, and I will give you thanks.

Psalm 118:28a NIV1984.

Wedding Prayers continued:

Lord of Love,

I desire to give you honor and glory as I prepare for my wedding day.

Only you know our future. Only you know the best paths for us to walk. Only you are wise enough to guide us in our daily life.

As you hear our wedding prayers being lifted up to you, bless us and prepare us for our marriage. May our future together be filled with joy as we express our love to you and to each other.


Copyright ©  2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

Bridal Meditations:

The Prince of Paradise has come.

He brings the slipper that fits my foot - for he is the man whose heart fits with mine.

He draws me to my God-given destiny with loyalty and prayers of love.

He is kindness to my soul and passion to my essence.

His powerful presence draws me into his arms and his magnetic attraction draws me to his delicious lips.

Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –


Thank you


for my


Prayer for our upcoming Wedding

Creator of my heart


Creator of the heart of the man that I love,

Dear Lord,

I give you praise.
you are all loving and all compassionate,
you give good gifts to your children.

Thank you so much for this wonderful man you have brought into my life.

Thank you that you have guided his footsteps toward you and toward me.

Thank you for the wisdom and understanding that you have shared with him.

I celebrate his kindness, his thoughtfulness, and his compassion.

I celebrate his love for you and for me.

My joy is full as I see his yieldedness toward you and toward your will for him.

You have carefully prepared him to be the leader of my home.

Thank you for the abundant love and dedication that he gives to me. May I daily respond to him with that same attitude of endless love and dedication.

Lord, we need your revelation and guidance as we seek to serve you as a team.

Lead us as we prepare ourselves for marriage. Show us how to begin our life together in harmony and peace with you and with each other. Send us your clear words of direction that we may truly be ready to start our life together.

Lord, we seek your guidance and intervention as we prepare to unite two unique perspectives, experiences, and outlooks on life.

May we yield to your words given to us directly and those given through the vessels of your wise servants.

May our deepest desires always be to please you and follow you closely.

May we constantly focus on praising you and being thankful.

May we always see and continually dwell on the good things in one another.

May we receive great understanding on how to love one another, and may our zeal to bless each other create awe in those who observe us.

May our home be filled with the warmth of your peaceful presence and the beauty of holy lives.


Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

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