Have you ever wondered,
"What is heaven like?"
Many people have the wrong idea about heaven.
Recently I woke up thinking a lot about heaven.
A Bible verse popped into my mind.
“Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.
Think about things that are
pure and lovely, and
dwell on the fine, good things in others.
Think about all you can praise God for
and be glad about.”
Philippians 4:8
As I thought about that verse,
I realized that
the contents of
Philippians 4:8
probably describe what we will think about in heaven.
I think about heaven a lot.
I am looking forward to going to heaven and seeing Jesus.
Dying Suddenly
I have had many loved ones die,
several have died suddenly.
One suddenly drop dead of an aneurysm.
Another loved one die suddenly as he knelt before his bed praying. He was found tipped over on the floor in a praying position. He had a special medic alert bracelet that he could have pressed for help, but he died so quickly that he had no time to press it.
Many people do not like to think about the possibility of dying suddenly and standing before the Lord. Many people are not ready to meet their maker.
Are you excited about
the thought of
getting to see your
face to face?
Are you excited about going to your heavenly home?
Many people
have a
wrong idea
what it is like to live in heaven.
Many people think
going to heaven
living in their own personal palace of pleasure.
They think they will finally truly be their own boss.
They think they will finally get to make all their own rules.
They think heaven is a wild,
sinful party place
where they will hang with all their party friends.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
If you want to know what heaven is like,
look at how God wants you to live on earth.
Heaven's rules
are basically the rules laid out
in the Bible
for life on earth.
If you don't want to live under Biblical rules on earth,
you wouldn't be happy
living under the
Biblical rules of heaven..............
and moreover, you won't ever get to try.
Heaven is made for those
who want to be with God –
living under his rules.
Heaven is for people who love God
love being with God.
Heaven is for those
who realize their sinfulness
and want a
to help them to become more like Jesus on this earth.
To sum it up -
Heaven is for God's friends
not for those
who want little or nothing to do with him.
Heaven is full of
all that is good
but it is also full of
God's rules and God's ways
of doing things.
Heaven is all God – all the time.
God can change your heart if you will let him.
is the opposite of
anything about God
and that means the opposite of anything good.
Hell was made for
the devil and the fallen angels.
Think about the good things
in heaven
such as the following four things:
Think about hell.
There is nothing good in hell.
All good God-concepts are absent from hell.
1. In hell, people have a body but it is never free of pain.
body will be in pain for eternity.
2. There are no friends to visit and talk to.
3. There are no companions of
any kind to enjoy.
4. There are no meaningful activities.
5. There is no fun.
On this earth - YOU have the choice of choosing God's ways or choosing rebellion against God's ways.
God tells the truth in the Bible because he loves us.
Many people have the
wrong idea about
a person gets to heaven.
Many believe that you get to heaven
by being GOOD enough.
That is a
preposterous idea
that has no basis in the Bible.
There are many verses that show
that idea
to be totally wrong,
but I will give just one.
Ephesians 2:9:
“Salvation is not a reward
for the good we have done,
so none of us can take any credit for it.”
The Bible tells us that no one is good enough.
That is why
Jesus came to die for us.
Jesus endured
a horrible death
it was the only way to save us from hell.
There would
be no reason for Jesus to die for us
all we had to do
was do some good deeds in order to
get to heaven.
Jesus knew the reality of hell,
and he didn't want any of us to go there.
Hell was designed for Satan and the fallen angels that followed Satan
when he rebelled against God.
The Bible says to turn to God
and be saved
WHILE there is time.
Isaiah 55:6 says,
“Seek the Lord while he may be found.”
That means seek him now
you don't know when you will suddenly die
and see the Lord face to face.
Then it is too late to repent.
The choice you lived with on earth
will be
your choice for all eternity.
A salvation commitment to God must be a real heart-felt one
and not just a passing prayer prayed long ago – that has
produced nothing in your life.
If you would like to pray a prayer for salvation click:
When you are truly
following God,
you will see yourself changing the way you think and act.
It is a process that takes a life-time and is never complete.
Ephesians 4:23 TLB tells Christians,
“Your attitudes and thoughts must all be
constantly changing
for the better.”
Ephesians 4:23-24 AMP tells Christians,
“And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind
[having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].
And put on the new nature
(the regenerate self)
created in God's image,
[Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness..”
If people close to you aren't seeing you change for the better as the years go by, then I beg you to take some time and get serious about your spiritual condition.
Please consider reading the little book of
1 John
found at the end
of the Bible after 2 Peter.
It is only 5 chapters.
I suggest that we all read 1 John this week.
It is only 5 chapters, and
it will help us evaluate our spiritual condition.
There is nothing
– nothing -
more important to do this year,
than to evaluate your spiritual condition
make a fresh commitment to God to
follow him and to make him Lord
of every day of your life.
"What is heaven like?" That is an important question.
Pondering "What is heaven like" will help us evaluate our life and focus our mind on what is truly important in life.
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