What is wrong with Porn?
What are the bad side effect?
Most people really do not know
the side effects of Porn
until they begin to experience them!
This page will give you
some of
the side effects
of Porn.
The link below is our page to help you get free:
Get Free from Porn - REAL answers to help you
We also have a helpful page of insights called:
We have a prayer on this page.
Porn Consequences
Here is a shocking consequence...
The percentage of young men aged 18 to 40
who struggled with
erectile dysfunction
in the early 2000s
was around two to five percent.
After the advent of video streaming
and the explosion of easy access to porn in 2010,
that number has skyrocketed
to over
30 percent.
From the article...
Mark Gungor
gives us
some truth
concerning the above article.
We have
Lots of videos on this page
to answer
the question:
What is Wrong with Porn?
On the video below
You can SEE what Porn does to the Brain.
And more from
Mark Gungor
More about:
What is Wrong with Porn
August 2019 - Shocking
And our
next video on this subject
on this subject
Note to the Wise
Fifty Shades of Grey
I have watched and like Mark Gungor videos but...
I know nothing about the other men who are speaking on the above videos.
I am not endorsing them personally or their church or organization.
Do not love this world
the things
it offers you,
for when you love the world,
you do not have
the love of the Father in you.
1 John 2:15 NLT
Dear God,
Give me a wake-up call today about the things that I have been viewing and listening to that are not godly.
Remind me that I cannot follow the world and follow you also.
Remind me that you want me to become more and more like Jesus.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
What does Scripture say?
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
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