Who is the Devil?
This page will answer
that question.
This page also shows how Satan has
most of our entertainment industry.
Also see our other pages about the Devil:
And we have a page on Angels - Click Here
The devil was created by God
as an angel
God created Lucifer as a perfect being.
God gave Lucifer free will.
Lucifer obeyed God for a time.
At some point,
Lucifer rebelled against God.
The Devil
The devil was created by God as an angel named Lucifer.
At some point, Lucifer rebelled against God and led many of the angels to rebel against God.
Since then, Lucifer has commanded the fallen angels.
Still to this day, he commands the fallen angels to do his will on the earth.
Lucifer, the devil, is also called Satan.
Satan transformed himself to appear as a snake in the Garden of Eden. There he tempted Eve to sin.
The devil lied to Eve to tempt her to disobey God.
The devil lies to us to tempt us to disobey God.
The devil tells us many lies including, "It is no big deal to sin."
Satan lies to us and tells us that
when we sin,
we will have very few - if any - consequences.
The devil's main goal is
to get us to think wrong.
Reading the Bible
helps us to think right!
Note that:
The devil can only be in one place
at a time.
Satan does not personally come against us as individuals - because he can only be in one place at one time.
Since Satan
is limited to one location,
he commands the other fallen angels
to come against us
by hindering us, deceiving us, and tempting us
in a variety of ways.
These fallen angels are called satanic forces or demonic forces.
Many Christians think that the demons are different from the fallen angels. Some people think they are hybrids that occurred when fallen angels mated with human women.
They get this from Genesis 6:1-4.
In addition,
Ephesians 6:12 gives more names for these evil beings:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities,
against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12 KJV
Satan opposes God,
deceives mankind,
and will one day be in a place of eternal punishment.
Satan wants to take as many people as possible with him to eternal punishment.
Satan lies to us by saying that if you are basically a good person you can go to heaven.
But the truth is that only by following Jesus - as your Savior and Lord - can you enter your place of blessing in heaven.
Matthew 16:24-25 says,
“Then Jesus said to His disciples,
'If anyone wishes to come after Me,
he must deny himself
take up his cross and follow ME.' ”
Before we continue
we encourage you to
consider our page: Explaining Salvation
Note that on this website,
I frequently refer to Satan and his forces as "the enemy."
Satan is the ruler of the enemy forces that come against us. Satan can only be at one place at one time. He sends demons to steal from us, distract us, and destroy us.
The demons want to keep us distant from God.
They want to keep us from God's will and from receiving our covenant blessings.
They want to confuse our mind, upset our emotions, and influence our will.
They want to contaminate and ruin our relationships.
They want to keep us from wisdom and encourage us to procrastinate making good choices.
They want to keep us trapped in selfishness by continually drawing our attention to ourselves instead of to God and to others.
has infiltrated
most of our entertainment industry.
Take note that Satan is - not - interested in entertaining.
Satan is interested
to believe
to live out
his view of right and wrong.
When watching entertainment,
it is important to keep in mind
that the television show,
music video,
has probably been designed
to secretly
move you closer
to Satan's way of thinking.
2 Corinthians 11:14
tells us that
Satan can appear as an angel of light.
New TV show
called Lucifer.
In a new Fox channel television show,
Lucifer (the devil) is appearing as an angel of light.
What would Jesus do?
Jesus would tell you not to watch the show.
Here is an ad for the show that I got from the internet.
Lucifer, bored from his sulking life in hell comes to live in Los Angeles only to help humanity with its miseries through his experience and telepathic abilities to bring people's deepest desires and thoughts out of them.
While meeting with a girl in his nightclub (called Lux), a shootout involving him and the girl leads him to become a LAPD consultant who tries to punish people for their crimes through law and justice.
Satan often presents himself as misunderstood
- or -
as the good guy and God is the bad guy.
AND Satan loves it when people think
he is just a myth and that he doesn't exist.
Satan wants to quietly:
Lower our inhibitions
Distort our perceptions.
Philippians 4:8
tells us how to decide how to pick our entertainment.
It tells us to
only watch things that are
true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.
If we do that,
we will purify and transform
our entertainment choices.
How many things do you see on television and
movies and music videos
that sounds like
Philippians 4:8 ???????
Consider visiting our Christian entertainment page.
Philippians 4:8 says:
"Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me,
or seen in me—
put it into practice.
And the God of peace will be with you."
Do you have the peace of God?
The peace of God is linked to obeying God.
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