Why Pro Life?

This page has the

Best Answer to the Abortion Debate

Best Non-Spiritual answer


is a video that presents:

The best and most convincing reason

for being


It is less than 4 minutes long.

Questions about Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood tells women that their baby

is just a blob of tissue.

Why do they lie?

If Planned Parenthood truly wanted to help women

make a decision

that they would be happy with now

and in the future,

why do they fight legislation

that says a woman see an ultrasound

before an abortion?

And why would they

oppose legislation that says a woman

must have

an ultrasound

18 hours before an abortion?


why would they oppose legislation

that says that an abortion clinic

must have emergency medical rights

to a hospital within 30 miles of the facility?

(Sometimes an abortion has something go wrong and the woman needs to go to a hospital.)

Also consider our pages:

Help for Healing after abortion

Pro-life news 2019

New Movie: Unplanned

I also highly suggest the movie:

Alison's Choice

for teens or adults.

Check it out on our page:

Helping Teens

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

All our New Year Pages

Newest Page:
Jesus wants to Amaze you - TODAY!!

Explaining Hanukkah


Explaining Salvation
from God

God's Powerful Shield of Faith


Are Aliens Real?


Tips for Walking Supernaturally and victory over offense

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an audio presentation

Opposites attract and then...




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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

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Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

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