Yes and No

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


A Daily Devotional

Monday through Friday

By Beth McLendon

This Week's Topic:

Yes and No



When you think about it -

A Successful Life

is all about


when to say YES


when to say No.



An Inspirational Quote:

Say Yes!

Y = Yield yourself

E = Examine yourself

S = Surrender yourself

To God

Author unknown


Inspirational Power Music


A Song to Help us

Say to God,


A Power Proclamation

to say

out loud!


I say, "Yes" to courage.

I say, "No" to fear.

I say, "Yes" to kindness.

I say, "No" to selfishness.

I say, "Yes" to the truth of God.

I say, "No" to the lies of the devil.

I say, "Yes" to obedience to God.

I say, "No" to ungodly thoughts and actions.

I say "Yes" to forgiving others.

I say "No" to unforgiveness.


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

For help with forgiveness click: Here


The following is a

Yes and No


taken from my book

Praying for your Child.

It is written for a parent to pray for a child

but while reading it,

all adults

can glean inspiration and motivation for making godly

decisions for their own lives.

My Father,

You give good gifts to us. You see that we are given pleasant brooks and meadows as our share. We rest in the pasture of your love.

You enjoy saying YES to our wants and desires.

You say yes every time it is the right thing to do, but you also model saying no.

My child has such a hard time saying no. Help him to hear your voice more clearly in the times that he needs to say no.

May he possess the understanding and ability to respond to others wisely. May his emotions gently move to rest under your will.

Thank you for your nurturing love.


Copyright © 2004 Praying for your Child published by Personality Insights


Today's topic:

Finding FREEDOM!

Today we are

Dealing with our

past mistakes


unchaining yourself


from the emotions

resulting from

previous unwise decisions.

The following prayer

can help

unburden us, 

uplift us,


give us a new outlook on life.


So many times I have said no when I should have said yes and yes when I should have said no.

My past haunts me - decisions gone bad, relationships that fell apart, opportunities that fear stole from me.

I replay the notes to old songs of my life.

I retrace my steps and beg you for a second chance.

So many things did not turn out like I planned.

Painful realities regularly revisit me. They desire to be my constant companions. But the Bible says that there is hope in you, Lord.

I will see hope in you.

I will believe that in days to come, I will be able to turn back and look at my past and see beauty for ashes.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

Prayer taken from our page:

Prayer for Past Mistakes

See the above page for more inspiration on this topic.

Also see:

More Prayer

More Prayer

Dear Lord of my life,

I will rest in you


find peace and acceptance

about my past.


Today and in days to come,

I will stir up inspiration

to make better decisions.


Help me submit to you


help me to


my walk with you

so that I will say yes when I should say yes

and no when I should say no.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Consider our page:

Prayer for Yielding to God


Let's put on our



so we can

more successfully





Ephesians chapter 6

Full Armor of God


Mighty God,

Thank you for giving me your Armor.

Thank you for explaining to me how POWERFUL it is.

Thank you for telling me to meditate on your Words.

I see good fruit growing in my life from yielding to your guidance.

So today.......

I put on the Helmet of Salvation.

Thank you for your saving power that rescued me from hell and positions me under your everlasting protection and provision.

I put on the Belt of Truth.

Thank you that as I read your truth, I understand your truth better and better.

Thank you that as I read your truth, my faith in you - and in your Word  - grows.

I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

Thank you for giving me the righteousness of Christ.

I will show respect and honor to you by seeking to follow you in every way.

I put on the Shoes of Peace.

Thank you for your divine peace that guides me beside the still waters.

Your peace is comforting and calming. Show me how to receive more of your peace this day.

I pick up the Shield of Faith.

Thank you for my strong Shield of Faith that assures me that I am loved and accepted By You.

My shield gives me confidence that I am POWERFUL  and MIGHTY  In You as I follow your Word.

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit

which is the Word of God.

Thank you for a sword that is POWERFUL.

Thank you for a sword that is MIGHTY.

My sword changes things in the natural world.

My sword destroys the works of the enemy.

I will speak out your Words this day!


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

This prayer is taken from our

Helmet of Salvation


We invite you to our devotional page:


This page originally presented - Sept. 19, 2016

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